Bachelor in Physics

Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer - Department of Physics



The program grants graduate students a bachelor's degree, and it is a semester system with (8) semesters; The student’s completion of (143) study units, including these units, requires special requirements for the university and others for the college, in addition to the requirements of the Department of Physics, supporting subjects, and elective subjects. After that, the student is awarded a (Bachelor’s) degree in science and education (major in physics).

During this program, the student studies 16 weeks per semester, in addition to practical education, during which students are directed to schools, where students are trained to practice the teaching process and work directly with school students.


1. Providing students with the concepts, foundations, laws, principles and theories for each branch of physics.

2. Knowledge of educational and psychological principles, concepts, theories, and teaching and learning strategies in teaching physics.

3. Equipping graduates with the necessary skills and expertise to design and implement physical laboratory experiments and collect, interpret and analyze results.

4. Developing students' abilities to know the basic concepts and principles of mathematics, statistics, Arabic, English, and computer principles.

5. Providing students with the methods and methods of scientific research and how to formulate and conduct scientific research


Recognize concepts, foundations and scientific facts in every branch of physics.

 It defines educational and psychological methods and theories, and teaching and learning strategies in teaching physics.

Explains many theories and laws by conducting physical laboratory experiments.

Learn basic concepts in mathematics, statistics, Arabic, English, and computer principles.

 Determines the methods and methods of scientific research to be able to conduct scientific research.

Certificate Rewarded

The Department of Physics grants a Bachelor's degree in Science and Education, majoring in Physics

Entry Reuirements

• The student is required to obtain a secondary certificate in the science department with a general grade of good or above.

• The student must pass an entrance examination (written and oral).

• A student transferring from other scientific departments can be accepted in the same college according to the study regulations and examinations in force in the department.

• A student transferring from other universities can be accepted according to the study and examination regulations in force in the department.

• In the event of a change in the admission requirements, the change applies to new students only and is announced on the college page.

• New students are accepted according to the absorptive capacity that is discussed in the department council at the beginning of each semester and according to the capabilities available in the department in terms of the number of professors, the number of rooms, and the auxiliary technical capabilities.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Physics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Physics . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 9789 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 14351 units, which include 2020 units of general subjects, and 12576 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS100 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and explain the need for it, to know the concept of faith and Islam and their roots, to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their emergence, to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and its prohibition, and to get acquainted with some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage. Knowing the highlights from the Prophet’s biography, and the most important features of Islamic morals and ethics

MM101 04 Compulsory +

The main objective of studying general mathematics 1 is to build the student’s foundation in mathematics due to the important basics contained in this course, beginning with groups, then periods, then solving inequalities, down to functions and their types, finding the end of the function, and studying continuity in preparation for the derivation. This course is a beginning and an introduction to all other courses.

CH101 04 Compulsory +

The objective of this course is to study the following topics: international units of measurement - chemical arithmetic - atomic structure and atomic table.

PH101 Heat and properties of matter 03 Compulsory +

PH103 03 Compulsory +

The program aims to introduce students to units, dimensions, basic units, units of difficulty, order of magnitude, analysis, addition and subtraction of vectors in two and three dimensions - finding the resultant of a group of vectors in the analytical and graphic method - multiplying vectors - scalar multiplication and directional multiplication and describing motion in One dimension: displacement - average instantaneous velocity - average acceleration - instantaneous acceleration - motion with uniform velocity - description of motion with uniform velocity motion with constant acceleration - description of motion with constant acceleration and study of the laws of motion - study of free fall laws and description of motion in two dimensions: Displacement - Velocity - Acceleration in two dimensions - Motion of a body with acceleration in two dimensions and constant acceleration - Projectile motion (a special case of motion of a body in two dimensions) - Circular motion of a particle in a horizontal plane at constant speed - Centrifugal wheel.

GS100 02 General +

The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and methods. It also aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, and learning.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR100 02 General +

To familiarize the student with the development of Arabic writing.To familiarize the student with the types of hamza.To familiarize the student with the tied and open letters.To familiarize the student with the rules for drawing the medium and extreme hamza.

IS101 02 General IS100 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding the Sharia and its implications, and to introduce the sources of Islamic legislation, the “Holy Qur’an” and its compilation, copies and implications, and the “Prophetic Sunnah” its authoritativeness, its divisions and its relationship to the Holy Qur’an, and “consensus” its conditions and authoritativeness and “measurement” Its conditions, examples and arguments, knowing the praiseworthy and reprehensible ijtihad, distinguishing between them, and defining the “Mursal interests” as their conditions, arguments and examples

MM102 03 Compulsory MM101 +

Develop understanding of some basic concepts in integration and the ability to solve problems related to it, identify the arithmetic and geometric series and deduce some methods in finding integration and the ability to integrate trigonometric functions and their types. Also, learn about solving exponential and logarithmic functions.

PH100L 01 Compulsory +

Determination of the volume of a cylinder- Determination of the diameter and area of ​​a wire section using a micrometer- Determination of the radius of curvature of a spherical surface using a spherometer. Measurement of static and kinetic friction. And the determination of the value of the earth's gravitational acceleration (g) using the simple and compound pendulum. Determine the Young's Lusk modulus using the Searle-Hooke's law method. Determination of the stiffness coefficient of a rigid rod using the static method - measurement of the density of regular and irregular solid bodies - determination of surface tension using capillary tubes - determination of liquid viscosity using Stock's method (falling balls) and determination of the specific heat capacity of a well-connected conductor using the mixing method - thermomechanical equivalent

PH102 General Electric 03 Compulsory +

Electric charge, the law of conservation of charge, and the principle of charge quantization. Coulomb's law, calculate the force between two point charges and several point charges in one and two dimensions. Electric Field and Lines of Force Calculating the electric field produced by a point charge as well as resulting from several point charges in one and two dimensions. Find the relationship between force and electric field. Study of a point charge placed in a uniform electric field. Calculating the electric field resulting from a continuous charge such as the longitudinal, surface and volumetric charges. Study of the electric field resulting from a dipole as well as a quadrupoleElectric flux, Calculation of electric flux through a surface and electric flux through a closed surface. Gauss's Law, Derivation of Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Law using Gauss's Law. Conductors and insulators, applications of Gauss's law to conductors and insulators of different shapes of bodies.Electric potential, the concept of potential difference and voltage at a point, calculating the electric potential at a point resulting from a point charge and several point charges. The voltage generated by an electric dipole. The relationship between the electric potential and the electric field, calculating the electric potential potential with the knowledge of the electric field and vice versa for charged objects. Define electron volts and calculate electric potential energy. Capacitance and capacitors / capacitance calculation, parallelepiped capacitor, cylindrical and spherical capacitor Connecting capacitors in series and parallel. Energy stored in a charged capacitor A capacitor contains a dielectric, dielectric, dielectric and Gauss' law.

PH104 Sound and light 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to wave motion / simple harmonic motion - simple pendulum - the relationship between harmonic motion and motion around a circle at a uniform speed and waves and their types / transverse waves - longitudinal waves - mathematical description of wave motion (wave equation) - sine wave - sine wave energy - The principle of superposition - wave phenomena (reflection - refraction - interference) - standing waves and sound waves / standing waves in pneumatic tubes - the speed of sound in fluids and solids - the displacement equation- Equation of change in pressure - intensity of sound - relationship between intensity and change in pressure and speed of sound - intensity level - Doppler phenomenon and basic properties of light / nature of light - properties of waves - electromagnetic rays - foundations of engineering optics - shadow, eclipse and eclipse - reflection - ionosphere layer - mirrors - Refraction of light - total internal reflection - optical fibers - mirage phenomenon

GS101 02 General +

The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of different educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of Islamic education philosophy, its philosophers and pioneers, and also deals with culture (its concept-characteristics-elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

CH102 03 Compulsory CH101 +

By studying this course, the student will become familiar with Boyle-Charles and Gay-Lussac's law, as well as the unified law for gases and Dalton's law of molecular theory, and know ways to express the concentration of solutions and conversion relationships in them.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS200 02 General GS100 +

The course aims to identify the history and development of developmental psychology, the purpose and importance of studying it, the general laws and principles of growth, theories of growth and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, the factors affecting growth, the stages of development, their characteristics and requirements.

PH201 03 Compulsory PH101 +

Thermal contact, zero concept of thermodynamics, temperature measurement Triple point of water, surface pressure, volume and temperature of a pure substance, equation of state for gases Kinetic theory and vanderwals equation, differential changes, expansion and compression. Perfect differentials and some useful mathematical theories, work in quasi-static processes. Adiabatic work and internal energy, the first law of thermodynamics and its differential formula.Heat capacity and methods of measurement, heat capacity of water and heat capacity equations for gases. Conversion of work into heat and vice versa, the heat engine, the Planck Kelvin formula and the Celsius formula of the second law of thermodynamics. Refrigerator, reversibility and irreversibility, concept of entropy, ideal gas entropy, entropy change curve and temperature, Carnot cycle The relationship of entropy with reversibility and irreversibility, the principle of increasing entropy, the relationship of entropy with available energy and free energy, the relationship of randomness with entropy Thermodynamic potentials: coupling of the Helmholtz and Gypsum functions, Maxwell's relations

PH110L 02 Compulsory +

The student knows the determination of the speed of sound using the phenomenon of resonance in air columns.Achieving length law, tension law, and mass law of a vibrating wire using a sonometer.Determination of the focal length of a convex and concave mirror using the optical plate.The refractive index of glass and water using a moving microscope.Determination of the prism tip angle, minimum end angle of deviation, and refractive index.A study of the relationship between the potential difference and the intensity of the current passing through the filament of an electric lampAchieving the law of series and parallel conduction of resistance using the balanced bridgeElectromechanical determination of the thermomechanical equivalentDetermination of the electrochemical equivalent of copperComparison of the emf of two electrical cells and the two internal resistancesDetermine the magnetic field along the axis of a circular current-carrying conductorCalculate the capacitance of a capacitor using the relationship C=KA/d

PH202 03 Compulsory PH103 +

The course aims to introduce the student to the dynamics of motion of a group of bodies: center of mass for two bodies - velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of two bodies - dynamics of movement of the center of mass of two bodies - center of mass of a group of particles - velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of a group of particles - dynamics of the center of mass of a group of particles - calculating the center of mass of solid bodies (rod, cylinder, ball)Momentum: Linear momentum of a particle - Linear momentum of a group of particles - The relationship between momentum and force - The principle of conservation of momentum - Applications of the principle of conservation of momentum - The momentum of fixed-mass objects - The momentum of variable-mass objects (missile propulsion)Collision: definition of collision - impulse and its relationship to momentum - principle of conservation of momentum during collision - linear elastic collision of two bodies - inelastic collision - ejection pendulum.Circular motion: angular displacement - average angular velocity - instantaneous angular velocity - average angular acceleration - instantaneous angular acceleration - central acceleration - tangential acceleration - laws of motion with a constant angular acceleration - the relationship between central acceleration and linear velocity.Vibrational motion: description of vibratory motion - simple harmonic vibratory motion - kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle vibrating in simple harmonic motion - the principle of energy conservation of vibratory motion with some applications (simple pendulum, compound pendulum, mass suspended by a spring).Some applications of the principle of energy (simple pendulum - movement of the spring - movement of a body in an irregular path).

EL100 02 General +

Introductions and Greetings Family Members Countable and uncountable nouns Describing people and places Singular and plural The use of Any/some Articles How much / How many Adjectives Verb to Be Possessive pronouns Subject-verb agreement Forming questions Various themes for conversation practice : hobbies, families,

PH203 03 Compulsory PH102 +

This course introduces students to the magnetic field and the right-hand rule, magnetic flux. Motion of a charge in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic force acting on a current-carrying wire. The double torque of a current-carrying circuit. Hull phenomenon. Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law, Explanation of Faraday's experiments, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. non-electrostatic field. Law

PH204 1 Mathematical Physics 03 Compulsory MM102 +

The course aims to introduce students to matrices and determinants (determinants, matrices and systems, representation of determinants, magnitude of determinants, inverse matrix and orthogonal matrix, applications (vibration patterns of masses connected by springs, solving electrical circuits). Linear equations, linear structures and vector space.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH200L Physics Lab (3) 02 Compulsory PH102 +

Study the current-voltage curve in an alternating current (AC) circuit containing resistance.Determine the value of electrical resistance in an alternating current (AC) circuit and calculate the square root of the mean square current. Study the current and voltage curve in an alternating current (AC) circuit containing a file. Determine the value of inductive resistance in an alternating current (AC) circuit containing a coil and calculate the square root of the mean square current.Study the current-voltage curve in an alternating current (AC) circuit containing a capacitor.Determine the value of capacitive resistance in an alternating current (AC) circuit containing a capacitor and calculate the square root of the mean square current.

PH205 03 Compulsory PH204 +

Series (geometric series, harmonic series, convergence test, comparison test, Cauchy test, d'Alembert Cauchy test, Maclaurin integral test, Cramer test, Gaussian test, absolute convergence, series of functions, Taylor series, exponential series)

PH206 03 Compulsory PH202 +

The course aims to introduce students to the dynamics of rotary motion / kinetic energy of a particle in circular motion - inertia - calculating the inertia of masses on different dimensions - calculating the inertia of solid bodies (rod, cylinder, ball) - the principle of the two parallel axes of inertia - the torque of a body moving in motion Circular - motion dynamics of a rigid body - some applications of a body under circular and translational motion (circular motion of a cylinder, circular and translational motion of a cylinder) and angular torque: definition of angular moment - angular moment of a group of particles - definition of torque - torque of a body in circular motion - conservation principle Angular Momentum - some applications of the principle of conservation of angular momentum and rigid body dynamics.

PH301 optics 03 Compulsory PH104 +

The course aims to introduce students toWave equation in three dimensions: review of the wave equation in one dimension - wave equation in three dimensions - plane wave - cylindrical wave - spherical wave.Light as electromagnetic waves: a review of the laws of electromagnetism (Gaussian law of magnetism - Ampere's law) - presentation of Maxwell's equations and presentation of their solutions - the phenomenon of dispersal - the propagation of light waves in electrical insulators - the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.Light propagation: laws of refraction and reflection - derivation of the Fresnel equation for an incident wave on a surface - total reflection - optical properties of minerals.

AR101 02 General AR100 +

The course aims to introduce the student to the nominative sentence: the subject and the beginning with the indefinite and its justifications, the predicate, its types, its plurality, the introduction of the predicate, its association with the fa’ and was and its sisters, the letters that make the action not and the verbs of the approach

GS201 02 General GS101 +

This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea about the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important criteria and basic principles for the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and dimensions of his personality. It also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important trends Modern teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.

EL101 02 General EL100 +

Giving Directions, requesting, making orders, offering Describe their relationship with people: acquaintances , family members, relatives Days of months (using them in sentences) Saying no or yes to an offer or request in a friendly manner Infinitive : to + verb Joining clauses with "if" Giving advice Preposition with verb +ing More, less, few Comparative adjectives Whose" comparative adjectives Used to (compared with past simple) Past tense : yes or no questions, negative Present perfect tense (questions and negative)

CS100 02 General +

The course aims to introduce students to methods of solving problems "algorithms and flowcharts".logical gatesnumerical systemsComputers in offices and administrationComputer networksFree sourcesWeb page designWebsite managementTechnical updates

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH305 03 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to the basic theories of electronics and their applications, explaining the basic concepts of semiconductor electronics, and clarifying the theory of energy packages, enabling the student to clarify the theory of energy bands and classifying electrically conductive materials, developing the student’s abilities in distinguishing the P-N binary junction, and distinguishing the P-N-P bipolar transistor and the field-effect transistor, Provide students with information about logic circuits

PH304 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the theory of relativity / frame of reference, the frame of reference with inertia, the principle of relativity of Newton (the frame of reference of Galilee), the experiment of Mackelson & Morali, hypotheses of the special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, contraction of lengths, dilation of time (relative time), quantity Relativistic linear motion - relative energy.Atomic structure / Rutherford model - Thomson model - Bohr model - Bohr hypothesis - atomic spectra - scattering of alpha particles (Geiger & Marsden experiment) - scattering equation, directional model of the atom, angular momentum, spin momentum, total angular momentum.

PH303 03 Compulsory PH206 +

The course aims to introduce students to the description of motion under the influence of a central force: reduced mass - kinetic energy in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical units - conservative and non-conservative forces - potential energy for a conservative force - the equation of motion for a particle under the influence of a central force proportional to the reciprocal of the square of the distance - actual potential energy Planetary motion and the Kepler equation.Hamilton and Lagrange equation: Hamilton's principle - general coordinates - Lagrange's equation in the light of general coordinates - compatibility between Lagrange's equations and Newton's equations - Hamilton's equations - motion operators and a determinant of two bosons.

PH302 03 Compulsory PH203 +

This course aims to introduce students to vectors, orthogonal, spherical, and cylindrical coordinate systems, gradient, divergence, and convolution in the three coordinates.

GS202 02 General GS201 +

The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern approaches to the concept of the curriculum, to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum, to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the role of the teacher in it, as well as the foundations upon which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations. The course also aims to introduce the learner to how Developing the curricula system, and the development steps and considerations that must be taken into account when developing the educational curricula system and training it to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, correcting and adapting it to suit the needs of the learners and the needs of their society.

CS101 02 General CS100 +

Identify the intangible computer components (programs) and their typesProgram writing stagesAlgorithmsFlowchartcomputer applications (application software)virus softwareWebsite managementTechnical updates

CH102P 01 Compulsory CH102 +

This course aims to train the student practically to detect acidic radicals and basic radicals in salts and chemical compounds. It also aims to train the student practically to deal with different chemicals and chemical reagents and distinguish between them.

PH300L 02 Compulsory PH301 +

This course aims to introduce students to the determination of the wavelength of sodium light using Newton's rings, the determination of the wavelength of sodium light using a Fresnel binary prism, the realization of the Cauchy relation, and the determination of the Cauchy constant.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ST210 02 General +

Definition of statistics—the collection and presentation of datafrequency distributionsGraphic representation of qualitative dataGraphic representation of quantitative datameasures of central tendency (arithmetic mean)Measures of central tendency (median)Mode - Relationships between averagesDispersion measures (range)Measures of dispersion (interquartile deviation)Measures of Dispersion (Absolute Mean Deviation)Variance and Standard Deviation - Coefficient of VariationCorrelation: Pearson correlation coefficientSpearman's rank coefficientA review of what has been previously studied

PH402 Nuclear physics 03 Compulsory PH304 +

Atomic nuclei - Atomic masses - Definitions of isotopes, isobars, isotones, isomers.The force within the nucleus- the bonding energy.Nuclear models: liquid drop modelNuclear models: shell model.Natural radioactivity: sources of radiation - decay of radioactive elements, law of radioactive decay - average half-life.

PH330L Advanced electronic lab 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to studying the properties of (junction diode - zener diode - tunneling diode) and studying the applications of diodes in:1 - Clamping and displacement circles.2 - Half wave and full wave rectifier circuits.3 - DC power supply with filters and regulators.4 - Tunneled double-junction vibrators.

PH310 Special Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory GS101 +

The program aims to introduce students toThe concept and nature of sciencescience propertiesAims and objectives of science educationFollow the goals and objectives of teaching scienceMethods and methods of teaching scienceFollow the methods and methods of teaching scienceScience teacher preparationCharacteristics and attributes of a science teacherStudy planning and its importanceTypes of lesson plansScience learning outcomes assessmentTeacher performance appraisalOpen-ended science activitiesScientific activities in a problem-solving manner

AR213 02 General AR101 +

Actual sentence: First: the subject.representative of the actor.Transgression of the verb and its necessity.object.absolute effect.effect for it.effect thereof.effect with him.Exception: the meaning of the exception is except.- The exception without exception.Adverb: its definition - the owner of the situation - the progression and progression of the types.Discrimination.The soft thousand.

GS203 02 General GS200 +

Educational psychology: its concept, origin and development, the goals and fields of educational psychology, the importance of educational psychology and its benefits for the teacherAnd its relationship to other branches of psychology, the skill of formulating educational goals and the functions performed by the goals, the formulation of behavioral goals and their components, the classification of behavioral goals, research methods in educational psychology, the descriptive approach, the experimental approach, and the clinical approach.

GS301 02 General GS201 +

The course aims at understanding the historical development of knowledge, developing their abilities in scientific thinking, and enabling them to use the scientific method in solving problems. It also aims at understanding students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply them. Research topics, how to formulate the problem, questions, goals, importance, selection of appropriate statistical methods for processing pure data, how to use data collection tools in educational research, and preparing them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS402 02 General +

Practical education is a basic requirement in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through mini-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation and observation, and direct interaction.

PH407E 02 Elective +

The program aims to introduce students to the basics of laser and absorption workEmission, inverse distribution, pumping, the three- and four-level system, equalities, defects and advantages of lasersCauses of laser beam line width and longitudinal patterns Quality factor of resonator and optical fiber measurements Advantages of using optical fibers Occupational safety and security in laser laboratories

PH406E 02 Elective +

This course aims to introduce the student toThe center of gravity of the human bodyLevers and their applicationsSpeed laws of uniform motionEquations used for bodies in a previous state of motion and some examplesSome basics of mathematics used in biomechanics, such as weight, mass, and Newton's laws of motionMoment of force, force component analysis, and force effectMovement within the framework of the concept of systems and the effect of forceThe resistive force, the driving force, the analysis of the radius of the wheel, and the types of frictionmovement forms

PH404 Solid-state physics 03 Compulsory PH305 +

The course aims to introduce students to the crystal structure (crystalline state-ideal crystal-Paraphyseal and non-Paraphyseal lattice), basic vectors and crystal symmetry - compaction coefficient calculation - sodium chloride crystal structure - diamond crystal structure - Miller levels and coefficients and crystal bonding (interatomic strength) , types of crystal bonds), the binding energy in the crystal, the calculation of the Madelung constant, and methods for studying the crystal structure using X-ray diffraction And neutrons and electrons and Lau's method. And the powder and the method of rotating the crystal and the inverted lattice - Burlillion areas - calculating the factor of geometric composition, arts and lattice mobility - elastic waves - atomic vibration in the lattice (vibration patterns of a linear single-atomic lattice - vibration patterns of a linear lattice of two atoms and thermal properties of insulators (heat capacity: theory Classical, Einstein model, Debye model - thermal conductivity of insulators: temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of insulators).

AR216 02 General AR213 +

actual sentencethe subjectDeputy actorThe transgression of the verb and its necessityobjectabsolute effecteffect for itThe pick is with himeffect thereofthe exceptiondistinction, of courseThe soft thousand

PH401 03 Compulsory PH303 +

This course aims to introduce the student toWave behavior of particles: introduction, the nature of the Dibrolli wave, particle diffractionWave function, normality and orthogonality, explanation of the concept of probabilityProperties of the wave function, Heisenberg's uncertainty principleApplications of the Uncertainty PrincipleQuantitative operators: definition of the operator, algebraic operations on operatorseigenfunctions and eigenvaluesDynamical operators in quantum mechanicsQuantum mechanics and the Schrödinger equation: an introduction, the wave function, the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the time-independent Schrödinger equation, the Schrödinger equation in three dimensions.Probability Current Density, Applications to the Schrödinger Equation: Free States a) Free particle Voltage scale: 1) The total power is greater than the voltage scale.2) The total power is less than the voltage scale.Bound states: a particle in an infinitely deep potential well, a box in one dimension, the eigenvalues ​​of total energy, momentum and probability densityStable voltage barrierA particle in a box in three dimensions.Quantum theory of the hydrogen atom, spherical coordinates, Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom

PH400L 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student toAtomic nuclei - Atomic masses - Definitions of isotopes, isobars, isotones, isomers.The force within the nucleus- the bonding energy.Nuclear models: liquid drop modelNuclear models: shell model.Natural radioactivity: sources of radiation - decay of radioactive elements, law of radioactive decay - average half-life.Radioactivity units-sequences with natural radiation-radioactive stability.Decay with particle emission: alpha particle decay - beta particle decay - beta spectra.beta decay energy - the energy of alpha and beta decay associated with the emission of gamma rays.The interaction of radiation with matter: for electrons - for heavy particles - for neutrons.Cross-reaction of radiation with matter: - For gamma rays and X-rays.Radiation detectors: simple detector - gas detectors - scintillator.Radioactive Detectors: Semiconductors - Fast and Slow Neutrons.Radiation dose: The effect of radiation on living matter.Types of radiation exposure - Radiation protection - Nuclear waste storage.

GS303 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of different communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, its advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while benefiting from the capabilities of the local environment.

GS302 02 General GS301 +

The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to construct a table of specifications, knowledge of the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS401 02 General GS302 +

Determine the definitions and concepts of mental health and the difference and contrast between these concepts.The concept of mental health science and mental health standards- . Manifestations of mental health and the most important characteristics of a mentally healthy individual). Curricula and fields of mental health, whether or not- Theories of mental health and determining the levels of mental health on the health square- .Concepts of adjustment and adjustment and their relationship to mental healthTricks and mechanisms of the psychological systemIslam and mental health.- .Personality (concept - definition - theories and characteristics)Psychological and mental illnesses (anxiety - pathological fears - hysteria - schizophrenia - emotional disorders) The difference between neurosis and paintSchool mental health (the concept - the relationship between mental health and academic achievement - exam anxiety - academic delay, the concept - causes and methods of treatment.

PH403 03 Compulsory PH201 +

This course introduces students to statistical methods and probability Macroscopic and microscopic states of physical systems Maxwell-Boltzmann statisticideal gasVelocities in Maxwell-Boltzmann StatisticsFermi-Dirac statisticsBose-Einstein statisticsApplications of Fermi-Dirac statisticsBose-Einstein statistics applications


The course aims to provide the student with the most important knowledge in the field of school administration in theory and practice by studying the concept of school administration, its origin, development, and its relationship to general, educational, educational, and classroom management, and to identify the importance of school management and its role in organizing and coordinating technical and administrative work in the school, as well as identifying the tasks and skills The principal of the school, his characteristics, and the difficulties he encounters in performing his work and the tasks of those working with him, in addition to studying realistic cases in school administration to link the theoretical aspect with the practical reality.

PH405 04 Compulsory +

It prepares the student to choose a subject in one of the fields of theoretical and applied physical sciences, provided that he develops previous independent study skills, develops scientific writing style and presentation techniques, self-reliance, and acquires the ability to deal with advanced topics through self-study and project supervision from one of the members. The teaching staff of the internal regulations organizing the project.

PH408E 02 Elective +

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to Study the general properties of semiconductors. Semiconductor study models. Charge carrier properties - doping (grafting) semisConductors and the theory of energy packets Charge Carrier Statistics - Carrier concentrations

PH409E 02 Elective +

This course aims to introduce students to renewable energy, its types and usesSolar radiation and solar anglesSolar cells and solar panelssolar systemsalternative energy economicsWind energy systems, types and applicationsSolar thermal systems

PH440L Advanced solid state lab 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the magnetic hysteresis curve1 - Draw the hysteresis curve 2 - Determine the ductility of the curvemagnetic responseThe magnetic response of a homogeneous substanceEnergy gap and saturation currentDetermine the value of the energy gap by measuring the saturation current.X-ray diffraction and crystal structureExperimental diffraction methodsStudy the relationship between the intensity of X-raysand the angle of incidence (Debye-Chersis method).Deby-Scherice

GS403 02 General GS402 +

practicum training program; Provided by teacher preparation institutions; under its supervision over a limited period of time; With the aim of providing an opportunity for student teachers to apply what they have learned of theoretical subjects in practice while they are actually teaching in educational institutions; Which leads to achieving familiarity between them and the human and material elements in these institutions, and providing them with the educational competencies necessary for them.Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects):The student should be able to apply the practical aspect of his academic and educational specialization.Training the student teacher on teaching methods in a scientific way.Training the student teacher on the design and use of various educational aids.