Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

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About Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

The Faculty of Education is located within the municipality of Qasr bin Ghashir. It particularly covers the municipality’s need for teachers in various scientific disciplines. It was formed by the decision of the former General People's Committee Secretary No. (1386) of 1996. At the start, a Higher Institute for Teacher Education was established in Qasr bin Ghashir. The Institute aims to prepare graduates from the teachers that primary and secondary school institutions need. However, the General People's Committee (former) issued decision No. (118) of 2004 regarding the inclusion of higher institutes to universities and renaming them as teacher preparation colleges. Then, the Higher Institute for Teacher Education in Qasr Bin Ghashir joined the University of Tripoli to become the Faculty of Teacher Preparation. However, former people’s committee of the University of Tripoli issued decision No. (55) for 2009 to renaming the Faculties of Teacher Preparation to Faculties of Education. This includes the Faculty of Education, Qasr bin Ghashir. Its major aims was to work on preparing teachers scientifically and professionally in all scientific disciplines to meet the needs of Qasr Bin Ghashir Municipal Schools.

Facts about Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Elementary Education

One of the scientific departments at the Faculty of Education / Qasr Bin Ghashir and was established in the academic year 1999/1998, and the number of...

Bachelor - Islamic Studies

The department seeks to prepare academically qualified educational cadres in the field of Islamic studies. In support of the educational process and scientific...

Bachelor - Kindergarten

The study program aims to provide students with the information and expertise necessary to understand the nature of the child and his development in various...


Who works at the Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer has more than 189 academic staff members

staff photo

Dr. وردة إبراهيم عمر سليمان

Warda is a faculty member at the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir. Ms. Warda has been working at the University of Tripoli as a lecturer since 16-12-2020 and has many scientific publications in her field of specialization

Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer in photos

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