Bachelor in COMPUTER

Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer - Department of Computer



The Computer Department works to prepare scientifically and educationally qualified students and develop their intellectual skills through theoretical and practical courses, so that when they pass the graduation requirements, they are able to achieve the general objectives of the department.

Upon graduation, the student is awarded a bachelor's degree in computer science. 

The department adopts in teaching courses the Arabic language, and some terms related to computer science. In English.

To obtain a Bachelor of Computer Science, the student must pass at least 126 units. 


  • Preparing scientific cadres specialized in computer science and information technology with a high level of quality that enables them to excel in graduate studies and scientific research and meet the needs of the market and society in this field.
  • Providing students with the basic and advanced computer skills necessary to enrich their intellectual and technical outcome from the fields of computer science and its various applications.
  • Developing students' abilities in dealing with technology in all fields of academic experiences.
  • Providing an educational environment that allows the student to actively participate in various scientific, cultural and social activities, upholding the values of fair competition, and accustoming students to continuous self-learning.
  • Preparing applied and service research and producing scientific research that serves the needs of society.
  • Adopting and encouraging faculty members and students to conduct scientific research.
  • Building bridges of knowledge communication between computer science and other sciences and benefiting from the latest developments of the times.
  • Work on the application of e-learning in its correct form in order to give the best results to students.
  • Continuous development of the department to occupy a prestigious global position that makes it a destination for distinguished students, professors and researchers.


By passing all courses, the student will be able to formulate practical and theoretical concepts to solve problems in computer science and information technology and to recognize the description and analysis of problems, theories and mathematical and statistical concepts. He can also describe the problems well by using the concepts he has studied in Arabic, English and Islamic studies. And developing the skills of explanation, interpretation and delivery of information. And take advantage of the latest developments of the times. And the capabilities of students to conduct scientific research in the field of computer and information technology and benefit from their results

Certificate Rewarded

Upon graduation, the student is awarded a bachelor's degree in computer science.

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have a secondary certificate, the scientific section, from one of the Libyan schools recognized by the competent authorities. 
  • To be able to continue studying in a manner commensurate with the teaching profession.
  • To have the approved percentage for admission to the college.
  • If the applicant is a non-Libyan, he is required to be a regular resident in Libya for the duration of the study, and to pay the fees and expenses of the study in accordance with the regulations and systems in force in the college, without prejudice to the rules of reciprocity stipulated in the agreements signed in this regard.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in COMPUTER prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in COMPUTER. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 22 major units, 2 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical terms such as speech and what consists of it, as well as knowing the sections of the word (noun, verb, letter) and differentiating between them and understanding the expression and construction and knowing the usefulness of expression and knowing the six names, Muthanna, collecting Al-Madkar Al-Salem, the five verbs and collecting the feminine Al-Salem, the noun that does not go out, the present tense verb and its types, distinguishing between knowledge and denial, and understanding the types of knowledge.


The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.


The course aims to communicate the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the capabilities offered by the computer in all fields and clarify the applications and basic operations and numerical systems that help in understanding electronic circuits and circuits and linking the benefits that the computer provides in the scientific and practical life of students


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

MM111 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 1 03 Compulsory +

The department aims, through teaching the foundations of mathematics, to consolidate basic concepts such as (groups, groups of numbers, relationship, Cartesian multiplication, intervals, inequalities and their solution group). Which is considered a basis for the study of subsequent cognitive sciences in various fields such as engineering, computers, and others. And to know the end and calculate the ends of the different functions. As well as distinguishing between derivatives of different orders using (derivation rules - chain rule) accurately. And to discuss the applications of differentiation clearly.

IS100 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and to indicate the need for it, and to know the concept of faith and Islam and their rooting, and to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, and to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their origin, and to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and the prohibition of it, and to identify some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage, to know the illuminations from the Prophet's biography, and the most important features of Islamic ethics and etiquette.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR101 Arabic Language 2 02 General AR100 +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical and spelling terms: such as the nominal sentence, and familiarity with everything related to the transcriber: Kan and her sisters, Wan and her sisters, Think and her sisters, and Kad and her sisters, and what each of them does when entering the sentence, and to know the expression of each word in the sentence, and to know the open Taa positions, and the linked Taa.

EL100 02 General +

This course aims to help students understand and use familiar and everyday expressions, and interact in English.


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.

MM112 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 2 03 Compulsory MM111 +

After the student succeeds in the course, he will be able to know the meaning of integration, its laws and rules in detail, and analyze all issues related to definite integration and Riemann integration easily. He can also clearly link between the subjects of the course and the previously studied subjects, Sport 1. Realizing the importance of this course because many courses depend on it. Know the difference between definite integration and indefinite integration. And that he can solve most of the problems on integration applications correctly


This course aims to introduce the student to the different types of programs and applications and define them.And to explain the difference between the different types of applications. And to enumerate the functions of each application separately.


By presenting the basics of programming course to the student, he will be able to introduce the student to the basics of computer programming. And to enumerate the programming languages and define their types (high-level / low-level) as well as to explain the algorithm. And to link the algorithm, the flowchart, and the program.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS101 02 General IS100 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding Sharia and its consequences, and introducing the sources of Islamic legislation, the "Holy Qur'an", its collection, copies and connotations, and the "Sunnah of the Prophet" its authenticity, divisions and its relationship with the Holy Qur'an, and "consensus" its conditions and authenticity, and "measurement" its conditions, examples and authenticity, and knowing the praiseworthy ijtihad and blameworthy ijtihad and differentiating between them, and introducing the "sent interests", its conditions, authenticity and examples.


Definition of the course of educational science, good education, its concept, origin, historical development, historical value, importance, curricula, and identify the concept of good appearance and its conditions, and also know well its theories and measurement, attention and theories.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.

MM208 LINEAR ALGEBRA 02 Compulsory +


AR213 Arabic Language 3 02 General AR101 +

The course aims to be able to acquire language abilities, by identifying a number of terms, rules and grammatical functions, so he recognizes the actual sentence, the subject, the deputy subject, the transitive verb, the necessary verb, the object, the absolute effect, the object for it, the object in it, the object with it, the exception and its pillars, the situation, discrimination, and the soft alif.


This course aims to enable the student to become familiar with the basics of programming in the Pascal language. And to explain the algorithm and the flow chart and the prepared program. The student prepares a correct and integrated program in the Pascal language with a variety of different sentences. And to link the algorithm, the flow chart, and the program.


The course aims to introduce the student to numerical systems and the conversion between them. The student should enumerate logical gates, their method of operation, and the laws of Boolean algebra and its abbreviations. As well as explaining the construction of gates and the formation of equations from the truth table and Boolean algebra and its basics in life and the extent to which life is affected by electronic devices and binary numbers. The student should know the computer system and its components - carriers - main memory - cache - and the central processing unit. And it explains the representation of integers - the floating point. And to know the set of instructions - the instruction cycle - the execution cycle. The student also knows the processor system - the assembly language.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS217 DATA BASE 04 Compulsory CS112 +

The course aims to introduce the student to databases and enumerate their types, function and terminology. It enumerates the importance of databases and uses the terminology of databases and the relationships between them. And the ability to choose the appropriate database type for a particular application well.

AR216 Arabic Language 4 02 General AR213 +

This course aims through its vocabulary to the student's effort to understand and realize the meaning of subordinates in grammar by studying the topics of participles, conjunctions, emphasis and allowance and related provisions in terms of matching the subordinate to the followed semantically and syntactically, as well as the student's understanding of the topics of grammatical methods and differentiating between them and the way they are expressed and supporting all of this with applied examples in addition to understanding the spelling rules established as punctuation marks and applying them through prose texts that are given during the lecture.


The department aims, through offering a mathematical structures course, to provide students with basic mathematical concepts in the course, to define constants, variables, forms, and logical issues, or to enumerate groups and functions in an extensive way.

CS214 VISUAL BASIC 1 03 Compulsory CS111 +

The aim of teaching this course is for the student to be able to program in the Visual Basic language and its commands and models. And to define the role of the visual BASIC language in designing programs and building applications. And for the student to understand the basics of programming in the visual BASIC language. And to prepare an integrated program in Visual BASIC language.


The course aims to understand the historical development of knowledge, develop their abilities to think scientifically, and enable them to use the scientific method in solving problems, and also aims to understand students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply, also provide them with the ability to understand the results of research and benefit from them and train them on how to choose research topics and how to formulate the problem, questions, objectives and importance and choose the appropriate statistical methods to process pure data and how to use data collection tools in educational research, It humiliates them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.


The course aims to clarify the idea of ​​the main parts of the computer working inside it. Then identify the faults in the device and how to find and fix them. As well as assembling the components of the system unit and formatting the hard drive. Determining support programs, bug fixes and malware protection programs. And downloading the device with the operating system, application programs, and some important programs. Introducing the student to how to define the drivers for the device, how to define and install programs, and ways to protect the device from the threat of viruses.


The course aims to introduce students to the basics of programming in the C language and to use arithmetic expressions and ready-made functionsInput, output, assignment, compound sentences, control sentences, repetition sentences, the concept and how to use it ,Unary Arrays in Programming.

EL101 02 General +

Direct students to develop their communication and grammar skills. Understand sentences and frequency used expression and question questions related (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).