Bachelor in Chemistry

Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer - Department of Chemistry



The Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education Qasr bin ghashir is one of the scientific departments, where the department teaches chemistry courses in its various branches to students of the Department of chemistry as well as other scientific departments at the College (Department of biology and physics). The Department of chemistry grants a bachelor's degree in chemistry after the student has passed 137 academic units. The specialization of chemistry has 4 main divisions: inorganic chemistry-organic Chemistry-Analytical Chemistry-Physical Chemistry.


The chemistry department at the Faculty of Education / Qasr bin ghashir aims to: graduate specialized teachers in teaching chemistry for the basic and Secondary Education stages-developing scientific research and conducting specialized scientific research in the field of Chemical Sciences-providing scientific, technical and academic consultations in the field of chemical and environmental sciences to the relevant authorities - training chemistry teachers in schools-contributing to the dissemination of scientific and health awareness of the dangers and harms of chemicals in society through public and educational lectures - Contribute to the development of university and school chemistry curricula in line with the method of phased development of curricula combining abstract scientific facts and applied knowledge.


The Department of chemistry grants a bachelor's degree in science and education, specializing in chemistry. This scientific degree is considered eligible for the student to teach chemistry courses in schools for students of the preparatory and secondary stages

Certificate Rewarded

The Department of chemistry grants a bachelor's degree in science and education, specializing in chemistry.

Entry Reuirements

To enroll in The Bachelor of chemistry program, it is required to obtain a high school diploma (scientific specialty only), pass entrance tests and a personal interview at the Department. Students can be accepted to transfer from corresponding faculties after making an equivalence of the courses, provided that 50% of the courses are studied in the Department.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Chemistry prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Chemistry . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 137 units, which include 49 units of general subjects, and 88 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

The course aims to know the basic concepts of the computer and clarify the basic applications and processes that help in office work and other fields, as well as linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical lives of students

AR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical terms such as speech and what consists of it, as well as knowing the sections of the word (noun, verb, letter) and differentiating between them and understanding the expression and construction and knowing the usefulness of expression and knowing the six names, Muthanna, collecting Al-Madkar Al-Salem, the five verbs and collecting the feminine Al-Salem, the noun that does not go out, the present tense verb and its types, distinguishing between knowledge and denial, and understanding the types of knowledge.

CH101 General Chemistry I 04 Compulsory +

The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the foundations and principles of chemistry in its various branches. The student studies the international system of measurements and units, in addition to chemical calculations, atomic structure, and a general introduction to organic chemistry.


The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

PH111 General Physics I 03 Compulsory +

The objective of the course is to introduce students to temperature and thermometers / the concept of temperature, thermal equilibrium and the zero law of thermodynamics, the mercury thermometer and the degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, the electrical resistance thermometer, the gas thermometer and the Kelvin scale, the photometric thermometer

MM101 General Mathematics I 03 Compulsory +

The main objective of studying general mathematics 1 is to build the student’s foundation in mathematics due to the important basics contained in this course, beginning with groups, then periods, then solving inequalities, down to functions and their types, finding the end of the function, and studying continuity in preparation for the derivation. This course is a beginning and an introduction to all other courses.

IS100 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and to indicate the need for it, and to know the concept of faith and Islam and their rooting, and to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, and to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their origin, and to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and the prohibition of it, and to identify some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage, to know the illuminations from the Prophet's biography, and the most important features of Islamic ethics and etiquette.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR101 Arabic Language 2 02 General AR100 +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical and spelling terms: such as the nominal sentence, and familiarity with everything related to the transcriber: Kan and her sisters, Wan and her sisters, Think and her sisters, and Kad and her sisters, and what each of them does when entering the sentence, and to know the expression of each word in the sentence, and to know the open Taa positions, and the linked Taa.


The course aims to complete the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the possibilities offered by the computer in all fields, as well as clarifying the basic applications and operations that help in office work and other fields, and linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical life of students


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.

MM102 General Mathematics II 03 Compulsory MM101 +

Develop understanding of some basic concepts in integration and the ability to solve problems related to it, identify the arithmetic and geometric series and deduce some methods in finding integration and the ability to integrate trigonometric functions and their types. Also, learn about solving exponential and logarithmic functions.

CH102P Practical General Chemistry II 01 Compulsory CH101 +

This course aims to train the student practically to detect acidic radicals and basic radicals in salts and chemical compounds. It also aims to train the student practically to deal with different chemicals and chemical reagents and distinguish between them.

CH102 General Chemistry II 03 Compulsory +

The objective of this course is to study the properties and laws of ideal and real gases such as Boyle's law, Charles's and Gay-Lussac's law, Avogadro's law, Graham's law of diffusion and the general law of gases. It also aims to study the laws of chemical equilibrium and study methods of expressing chemical concentration and properties of solutions.

PH112 General Physics II 03 Compulsory PH111 +

This course aims to teach the laws of static electricity, charges, Coulomb's law, and capacitors, in addition to teaching the physical laws related to moving electricity, including voltage difference, electric current, resistance, energy calculation, power, methods of connection in series and parallel, and Kirschoff's laws

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

Definition of the course of educational science, good education, its concept, origin, historical development, historical value, importance, curricula, and identify the concept of good appearance and its conditions, and also know well its theories and measurement, attention and theories.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.

IS101 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding Sharia and its consequences, and introducing the sources of Islamic legislation, the "Holy Qur'an", its collection, copies and connotations, and the "Sunnah of the Prophet" its authenticity, divisions and its relationship with the Holy Qur'an, and "consensus" its conditions and authenticity, and "measurement" its conditions, examples and authenticity, and knowing the praiseworthy ijtihad and blameworthy ijtihad and differentiating between them, and introducing the "sent interests", its conditions, authenticity and examples.

ST210 Introduction to Statistics 02 General +

This course deals with a preliminary introduction to statistics, as it focuses on the most important elements of statistics, which is descriptive statistics, with the aim of deepening students’ abilities to solve some issues and problems statistically and overcome them by learning the concept of data collection, organization and analysis using various statistical measures. The student also gains the ability to understand the relationship between phenomena. Different in terms of its direction and behavior and the design of a mathematical model that simulates this relationship and who was used to predict future values, and also from the skills to understand the basic concepts in probabilities.

AR213 Arabic Language 3 02 General AR101 +

The course aims to be able to acquire language abilities, by identifying a number of terms, rules and grammatical functions, so he recognizes the actual sentence, the subject, the deputy subject, the transitive verb, the necessary verb, the object, the absolute effect, the object for it, the object in it, the object with it, the exception and its pillars, the situation, discrimination, and the soft alif.

CH211 Analytical Chemistry I 03 Compulsory CH102 +

This course aims to teach the basics and principles of analytical chemistry and its importance and applications. The student studies the rules of volumetric titrations and calculating the molar and molar concentration of different solutions.

CH221 Inorganic Chemistry I 03 Compulsory CH102 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the history and development of the distribution of chemical elements in the modern periodic table, their atomic structure and electronic distribution.

CH231 Organic Chemistry I 03 Compulsory CH102 +

The objective of this course is to introduce the basics and rules of organic chemistry, especially the chemistry of hydrocarbons. The student studies the electronic theory of forming single, double and triple bonds between carbon atoms, as well as the classification of organic compounds and the study of the properties of saturated and unsaturated compounds.

CH241 Physical chemistry I 02 Compulsory CH102 +

- Introduction to thermodynamics - the system and the surroundings - universal and concentrated properties - the zero law of thermodynamics. - Introduction to the first law of thermodynamics - work - energy and its forms. - The first law of thermodynamics - types of processes - expansion and contraction processes - the reverse process - expansion in a vacuum. - Reactions under constant pressure - Reactions under constant volume. - Energy and enthalpy - Heat capacity - Joule experiment - Joule and Thomson - The relationship between Cp, Cv. - Adiabatic processes - the relationship between volume, temperature, pressure, volume, pressure and temperature of an adiabatic system.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH242 Physical Chemistry II 03 Compulsory CH241 +

Chapter One: Phase Equilibrium Introduction, phase equilibrium, phase rule, degrees of freedom or variables, uses of the phase rule, phase equilibrium in a single-component system, phase equilibria for a two-component system, three-component systems. Chapter Two: Solutions Introduction, expression of concentrations of solutions, thermodynamic properties of solutions, ideal solution, deviation from ideal behavior of solutions, relationship between solution composition and vapor composition, boiling points of binary mixture, immiscible liquids, solutions of gases in liquids, solutions of solids in liquids, universal properties of solutions. The third chapter: different physical properties Introduction - surface tension, surface tension and vapor pressure of small droplets - viscosity and viscosity activation energy - adsorption - its types - Lancmed adsorption equation - adsorption applications. Chapter Four: Thermochemistry Thermal measurements. Calculate the heat of reaction under constant pressure in the heat of reaction under constant volume. Standard methods - first law in thermochemistry - second law in thermochemistry. Applications of the first law in thermochemistry. Heat of formation - heat of combustion - heat of neutralization - heat (enthalpy) of phase transition - heat of bond energies - change of reaction heat with temperature.

AR216 Arabic Language 4 02 General AR213 +

This course aims through its vocabulary to the student's effort to understand and realize the meaning of subordinates in grammar by studying the topics of participles, conjunctions, emphasis and allowance and related provisions in terms of matching the subordinate to the followed semantically and syntactically, as well as the student's understanding of the topics of grammatical methods and differentiating between them and the way they are expressed and supporting all of this with applied examples in addition to understanding the spelling rules established as punctuation marks and applying them through prose texts that are given during the lecture.

CH211P Practical Analytical Chemistry I 01 Compulsory CH211 +

Finding the g/L strength and molarity of hydrochloric acid HCl using a standard solution of Na2B4O7.10H2O (borax) Find the g/L solution strength and molarity of acetic acid using a standard solution of sodium hydroxide Finding the g/250Cm3 solution strength and molarity of a sodium hydroxide solution using a standard solution of Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Finding the solution strength 3mg / 100Cm and the molarity of a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate using a standard solution of hydrochloric acid Find the 3g/150Cm solution strength and molarity of a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide using a standard solution of 0.1N HCl

CH212 Analytical Chemistry II 03 Compulsory CH211 +

Concept of oxidation and reduction - Calculation of oxidation number for elements and compounds - Oxidizing agents and reducing agents - Redox reactions - Weight of equations in redox reactions - Single electrode potential - Ideal electrodes - Inert electrodes - Redox titrations - Precipitation reactions - Precipitation stability and constant calculation Ionic dissociation - Calculation of the solubility constant - Le Chatelier's rule - Law of mass action - Metal precipitation - Chlorine ion calibrations by several methods


The course aims to understand the historical development of knowledge, develop their abilities to think scientifically, and enable them to use the scientific method in solving problems, and also aims to understand students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply, also provide them with the ability to understand the results of research and benefit from them and train them on how to choose research topics and how to formulate the problem, questions, objectives and importance and choose the appropriate statistical methods to process pure data and how to use data collection tools in educational research, It humiliates them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.

CH221P Practical Inorganic Chemistry I 01 Compulsory CH221 +

This course aims to train the student to prepare some inorganic gases in the laboratory, to prepare some simple inorganic materials, as well as to identify the alkaline and alkaline earth elements using the dry and wet flame test

CH222 Inorganic Chemistry II 03 Compulsory CH221 +

The course aims to study the chemical, physical and crystalline properties and to study the presence in nature and the interactions of the chemical elements of the third group such as boron and aluminum, as well as the elements of the fourth group such as carbon and silicon and the fifth group such as nitrogen and its compounds

CH231P Practical organic chemistry I 01 Compulsory CH231 +

The course aims to provide the student with the basic skills to deal with organic materials and the tools and devices used to estimate some properties of organic materials such as melting point, recrystallization and sublimation.

CH232 Organic Chemistry II 03 Compulsory CH231 +

This course aims to teach the general properties, interactions and preparation of alcoholic compounds, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, esters, carboxylic acids and their various aliphatic and aromatic salts.

CH241P Practical Physical Chemistry I 01 Compulsory CH241 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH321 Inorganic ChemistryIII 03 Compulsory CH222 +

The course aims to study the properties of the element oxygen and sulfur, the interactions and methods of obtaining each of them in nature and from various compounds, as well as studying the natural and chemical properties of halogens, their interactions, their presence in nature and their various compounds, in addition to studying the properties of rare gases in the zero group.

CH242P Practical Physical Chemistry II 01 Compulsory CH241P +

This course is concerned with teaching practical experiments in physical chemistry, such as the electrical conductivity of electrolytic and non-electrolytic solutions, determination of transport numbers, estimation and calculation of cell potential in practice, oxidation and reduction potential, in addition to estimating the electrical and chemical factors of electrolytic cells.

CH311 Analytical Chemistry III 03 Compulsory CH212 +

Separation techniques and methods of electrochemical analysis - Solvent extraction - Distribution coefficient - Distribution ratio - Extraction ratio - Metal extraction with solvents - Chemical analysis by extraction - Single and multiple extraction (follow-up) - Solvent separation by continuous injection analysis method - Applications on solvent extraction. Chromatographic methods - basics of chromatography - chromatographic techniques - adsorption chromatography - partition chromatography - ion exchange chromatography - column techniques - column chromatographic efficiency - theoretical plates.

CH212P Practical Analytical Chemistry II 01 Compulsory CH211P +

Sodium chloride titration using silver nitrate Potassium permanganate titration using Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate hexa hudrate solution. Potassium chromate titration using Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate hexa hudrate solution. Finding the g/L strength of potassium permanganate solution by titrating it with potassium oxalate solution Calibration of sodium thiosulfate using potassium iodate. Find the percentage of iron in a solution Find the titer and amount of EDTA used in determining the amount of calcium and magnesium Find the total hardness of the water.


The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to build a table of specifications, familiarity with the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

CH222P Practical Inorganic Chemistry II 01 Compulsory CH221P +

The course aims to train students to prepare inorganic double salts such as copper alum, aluminum alum, iron alum and chromium, as well as training students to prepare some inorganic gases and methods for their detection, in addition to training in the gravimetric analysis of some inorganic elements

CH331 Organic Chemistry III 03 Compulsory CH232 +

The objective of this course is to study the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, especially the pentagonal and hexagonal rings, as well as to study the chemistry of conjugated aromatic rings such as naphthalene, anthracene, and phenanthrene, as well as the chemistry of double ketones.

CH232P Practical Organic Chemistry II 01 Compulsory CH231P +

This course aims to train students to study the chemical and physical properties of several chemical families and specific functional groups, such as studying the properties and interactions of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and amines.

CH341 Physical Chemistry III 03 Compulsory CH242 +

Faraday's Laws and Electrochemical Equivalents - Conductivity Measurements - Molar Conductance - Arrhenius Ionic Theory - Transport Preparation and Ion Kinetics - Simplified Applications to Conductance Calculations - Water Ionization Product Ionization Product - Conduction of Hydrogen Ions and Hydroxide Ions - Stokes Law - Reactivity and Reactivity Factor - Ionic Strength – Application of continuity theory – Debye and Huckle theory – Ensuger theory Defining voltages and galvanic cells - types of electrodes - types of cells with or without a liquid connection - electrical force and polar voltages, their recording and measurements - the dependence of the electromotive force on concentration (Nernst equation) - thermodynamic results from the electromotive force of the cells - some applications of electromotive force measurements - constants Equilibrium - pH - overvoltage, polar currents and chemical reactions - Tafel equation - Butler - Vollmer equation

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH331P Practical Organic Chemistry III 01 Compulsory CH232P +

The student will be trained to prepare some aromatic organic compounds, such as para nitroaniline and aspirin, and to distinguish between ortho, para and meta-nitroaniline, with determining the infrared absorption areas for these compounds.

CH322 Inorganic Chemistry IV 03 Compulsory CH321 +

This course aims to study the physical, chemical and magnetic properties of transition elements, as well as studying the rules for naming chemical complexes, preparation methods, stereochemistry and crystal field theory.

CH321P Practical Inorganic Chemistry III 01 Compulsory CH321 +

The course aims to train students to prepare some chemical complexes and study their chemical and physical properties such as aluminum, iron, copper and chromium complexes using multiple ligands and in various stereo forms, as well as training in preparing some inorganic gases and studying and analyzing soil samples

CH341P Practical Physical Chemistry III 01 Compulsory CH341 +

CH332 Organic Chemistry IV 03 Compulsory CH331 +

The course aims to study the spectroscopic analysis of various organic compounds using infrared technology, ultraviolet technology, HNMR magnetic resonance technology, and MS mass spectrometry technology, identifying different functional groups, and identifying the chemical composition of compounds using these techniques.

GS303 TEACHING AIDS 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while taking advantage of the possibilities of the local environment.


The course aims to provide the student with the most important knowledge in the field of school administration in theory and practice by studying the concept of school administration, its origin, development and its relationship with the public, educational, educational and classroom administration, and to identify the importance of school administration and its role in organizing and coordinating technical and administrative work in the school, as well as identifying the tasks and skills of the school principal and his features and the difficulties he faces in performing his work and the tasks of his employees, in addition to studying realistic cases in school administration to link the theoretical side in practice.

CH312 Analytical chemistry IV 02 Compulsory CH311 +

This course aims to teach the foundations and laws of analysis using modern devices such as ultraviolet and infrared spectrum analyzers, atomic absorption spectrometers and other analyzers

CH311P Practical Analytical Chemistry III 01 Compulsory CH311 +

This course aims to train students to estimate the concentration of some elements such as calcium, iron, copper, aluminum and lead using gravimetric methods and estimate these elements in real samples of solutions from groundwater or cooling water in factories

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH343 Physical Chemistry IV 02 Compulsory CH341 +

The first chapter: the rate of reactions and their measurements Laws of rate of speed, constant of speed, kinetics of simple reactions, first-order reactions, second-order reactions, higher-order reactions, rapid reactions and slack method, mechanics of simple reactions, kinetics of complex reactions, opposite reactions, sequential reactions, parallel reactions, chain reactions The second chapter: rate-velocity theories Dependence of reaction rate on temperature, Gypsum functions, enthalpy and entropy for activation, collision theory and Bendemann mechanics, principle of molecular fragmentation function and activated complex theory, comparison of collision theory with activated complex theory, some applications of chemical kinetics, reactions in solutions and the effect of salt Chapter Three: Heterogeneous Interactions Types of adsorption, adsorption isotherms, steps in the mechanics of surface reactions, simple dissociation on surfaces, the role of surfaces on catalysis, photochemical reactions - quantitative efficiency of flash photolysis, acid - base catalysts

CH436 Nuclear Chemistry 02 Compulsory CH311 +

The objective of the nuclear chemistry course is to study the phenomenon of radioactivity of chemical elements and to study the laws that govern this phenomenon and its various types. It also aims to study nuclear emissions such as the emission of alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, electron capture, and the balance of equations for natural and industrial nuclear reactions. , and calculating the energy of nuclear bonding of nuclear particles, nuclear reactor technology, nuclear energy production, fission reactions and nuclear fusion

CH310 Special teaching methodology 02 Compulsory CH321 +

The objective of this course is for students to acquire the most important facts, concepts, and skills related to the most important methods, means, strategies, and methods of teaching science in the basic and secondary education stages. This course is also concerned with identifying the nature and philosophy of science - identifying the general and specific objectives in teaching science, especially chemistry - and identifying the basic teaching competencies of a chemistry teacher - acquiring the skill of planning daily lessons in chemistry - and identifying the most important communication and interaction skills, class management and laboratories chemical.

CH441 Industrial Chemistry 02 Compulsory CH331 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the foundations of industrial chemistry, sources of various raw materials, different types of industries, and the most important physical, procedural, and chemical processes inside factories, in addition to studying the balance of materials and mass in industry and manufacturing processes related to chemical industries, petrochemicals, fertilizers, cement, glass and other common industries.

CH499 Graduation Project I 02 Compulsory CH321 +

This course aims to train students to collect information from multiple scientific sources and references. The student also learns how to choose a research point, design practical experiments, monitor readings and results from experiments, and write them down in an organized scientific manner.

GS402 TEACHING PRACTICE 1 02 General +

Practical education is a prerequisite in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through micro-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation, observation, and direct interaction.

GS401 02 General GS302 +

This course examines in a brief historical overview of mental health and the development of the concept of mental health and its relationship with other sciences, as well as looking for psychological compatibility and the most important magazines of psychological compatibility and its relationship to achievement, and deals with psychological needs and means of defending them, and searches for some neurotic mental illnesses, including anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessiveness, and depression, and deals with general concepts of psychotherapy and methods of psychotherapy, and mental health theories, as well as models of mental problems and disorders.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS403 Practical education 2 02 General GS402 +

Practical education is a basic requirement in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through mini-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation and observation, and direct interaction.

CH499P Graduation Project II 02 Compulsory CH321 +

This course aims to train the student to organize and arrange scientific information in a regular context and in a logical order in chapters, with training the student to write scientific references correctly, as well as training in the use of the computer and its various programs in outputting information in a format commensurate with the scientific level of the project.