Department of Chemistry

Word Of the Head Department of Chemistry

In the name of God and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah . The Department of Chemistry is one of the scientific departments at the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, where it teaches chemistry courses to students of the Chemistry Department, as well as students of the Biology and Physics Departments at the college. The Chemistry Department awards a Bachelor's degree in Science and Education, specializing in Chemistry, which qualifies the holder to teach the chemistry course at the intermediate education stage. May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you


The Chemistry Department looks forward to developing students' skills in the field of chemistry, community service, and scientific research by harnessing all available capabilities.


Our mission is to graduate competent teachers by transmitting science and chemical knowledge across generations with all scientific integrity, care, and developing the spirit of creativity and innovation in chemistry.


The Chemistry Department at the College of Education / Qasr Bin Ghashir aims to: - Graduating teachers specialized in teaching chemistry for the basic and secondary education levels - Developing scientific research and conducting specialized scientific research in the field of chemical sciences - Providing scientific, technical and academic consultations in the field of chemical and environmental sciences to relevant parties - Training chemistry teachers in schools - Contributing to spreading scientific and health awareness of the dangers and harms of chemicals in society through public and educational lectures. - Contributing to the development of university and school chemistry curricula in line with the method of phased curriculum development, combining abstract scientific facts and applied knowledge.
Organizational Structure for Department of Chemistry

Facts about Department of Chemistry

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



