Digital Repository for Department of ConservativeDentistry

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Sumaya Aghila (7-2024)
مجلة القلم, 3(7), pp. 532-537.
Amal Ibrahim Salem Kahelaf, Sumaya Aghila (7-2024)
مجلة خليج ليبيا Khalij-Libya Journal (KJDMR), 2(8), pp. 1162111-0.
Mohamed Issa (8-2023)
Libyan Medical Journal, 2(15), pp. 1-6.
Thoraya Milad Elhadi (3-2023)
جامعة طرابلس, 1(6), pp. 106-112.
khaled Ali K. Ehenshiri, Asma Abognah (1-2023)
Khalij Libya journal of dental and medical research, 4(2), pp. 38-50.
Fatma K. Soltan (8-2020)
مجلة خليج ليبيا Khalij-Libya Journal (KJDMR), 4(2), pp. 38-50.