Digital Repository for Department of Translation

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Hamza Ethelb (1-2020)
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 12(6), pp. 2245-2253.
حمزة الثلب (1-2020)
المركز الديمقراطي العربي, .
Hamza Ethelb, Abdulfattah Omar, Yasser Gomaa (1-2020)
, .
Hamza Ethelb, Abdulfattah Omar, Mohamed Elarabawy Hashem (1-2020)
, 11(11).
Hamza Ethelb (10-2019)
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, 3(4).
Hamza Ethelb (8-2019)
Arab World English Journal (, 3(3), pp. 107-112.