Bachelor in Horticulture

University of Tripoli - Department of Gardening



The Department of Horticulture was established in 1966 as a sub-division under the department of plant production, then it was awarded as a department of horticulture in 1978. This department's students must study 158 credits to obtain a bachelor's degree. The program includes; general, supportive, elective, and specialized courses i.e., plant breeding, tissue culture, floriculture, olericulture, pomology .etc. in addition, most courses comprise  practical activities which support students' scientific knowledge in laboratories, field or excursions. Once student passes the required courses of undergraduate program, he/she would be able to apply agricultural theories and manage to solve field problems in horticultural field. 


-Once a student passes all courses, he/she should be able to:


§  Practice of agricultural sciences and their applications in the field of horticulture.

§  Applying various administrative and technical processes in designing and launching various horticultural projects to encounter community requirements.

§  Employing scientific research skills in agricultural studies, supervision, and guidance in the field of horticulture


§  Efficiently working in research institutions related to horticulture

§  Contribution to improvement, development, and updates programs related to the horticultural field.


Knowledge & understand

·         Recognizes scientific foundations on which horticulture is built and its association with other sciences.

·         Discusses the methods of establishing various horticultural projects and farms

·         Illustrates all possible research areas in the horticultural field

·         Distinguishes between technologies and laboratory devices and their areas of practice

·         Determines the best means to develop and improve different horticultural crops and proliferate their productive efficiency.

Mental skills

·         Elicit scientific differences between different horticultural species and how to distinguish between them.

·         Associates the scientific side with the applied side to achieve high efficiency for various horticultural projects.

·         Deliberates methods of conducting scientific research and their advantages conferring to experimental assumption.

·         Analyzes technical and practical differences that determine appropriate uses for laboratory devices.

·         Proposes the most appropriate ways and means that lead to the development and improvement of dealing with horticultural production

Practical & professional skills

·         Applies the foundations of horticulture and connects them to other related applied sciences.

·         Designs horticultural farms based on the quality and nature of the targeted horticultural crop.

·         Uses scientific methods in writing scientific research papers according to scientific conditions.

·         Employs multiple laboratory and field techniques in conducting various analyzes and measurements

·         Submits some suggestions, plans, and solutions to improve and develop the means of dealing with horticultural product

Generic and transferable skills

· ccommunicate with others within meaningful discussions and dialogues

·         Supervises laboratories and uses various laboratory devices, techniques, and tools

·         works within the research groups with high efficiency that displays his ability to accomplish the required scientific tasks

·         Formulates reports, scientific articles, and scientific conclusions and presents them according to the various computer uses

·         Adheres to time limits which is required to be accomplished within the framework of his specialization

Certificate Rewarded

· Bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences specialist in Horticulture


Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Horticulture prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Horticulture . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 157 units, which include 58 units of general subjects, and 57 major units, 14 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO1014 ZOOLOGY 04 General +

This course explains to the student the relationship between general zoology and various related sciences such as (histology, embryology, physiology, etc.), explains the different cell structures and functions (cell membrane, nucleus, nucleic acids, cytoplasmic organelles), and enables the student to identify the structure of the all systems in the body, the functions of the various organs of the body, and the physiological and mechanical processes related to those functions. It also explains the different types of animal tissues, their structures, their locations, and their function within each organ.

AE1004 04 General +

PH1123 03 General +

MA1113 03 General +

in Math1, the student learns the concepts, terminology, principles, and laws of this course, and how to use functions and their properties in the study of applied models. It also enables the student to link endings, connections, and derivation, and it becomes clear to the student the uses of calculus applications in life sciences. The student will also be able to discuss the different methods of calculating integration and its applications and explain the first-order finite difference models

EL1012 02 General +

CH1014 04 General +

BO1014 Botany 04 General +

This course is one of the main general courses for all scientific divisions in the agricultural faculty. It includes many contents: A brief history of botany, importance of plants, branches of botany, characteristics of living organisms, differences between plants and animals, feeding patterns in plants, scientific nomenclature, divided into the plant kingdom, the plant cell and its discovery - cell theory, cellular structure (pre-cellular form, prokaryotes and eukaryotes), Components of the eukaryotic plant cell. Cell wall, cytoplasm, Nucleus, partial structure, RNAs, DNA, non-protoplasmic components, Cellular membranes and the movement of materials through them, Indirect cell division, the meiosis of the cell, Plant tissues include meristematic tissues, the histological system, The primary relative system and the vascular relative system, the vegetative system: the stem, its types, its branches and its transformations, Leaf structure, shapes, types, and mutations, Flower arrangement, inflorescences, pollination and fertilization, Definition of the fruit, its divisions, definition of the seed, its composition and germination, Roots: their characteristics, functions, regions, and types, and, the internal structure of the wall, stem, and leaves.

AR1012 02 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR1022 02 General AR1012 +

SW3043 03 University requirement +

This course aims to explain the concept of soil fertility and its productivity. The role of soil in supplying plants with various nutrients is discussed during this course. This course explains the physical and chemical properties of soil, soil fertility, and their relationship to increasing agricultural production. The course deals with the nutrients necessary for plant growth, knowing their sources, functions, and symptoms of their deficiency on plant growth. Different types of fertilizers and methods of adding them to the soil are also identified, and fertilizer recommendations are developed for many different agricultural crops and trees. The mechanism used in assessing soil fertility is explained by conducting some laboratory and field tests.

EL1022 02 General EL1012 +

CH1023 03 General CH1014 +

BO1024 04 General BO1014 +

This course deals with the introduction of botany botany and other sciences related. Different feeding methods, reproduction methods and how these organisms reproduce in the life cycle, , and the classification of living organisms since their classification. Phrases of organisms associated with aspects

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH1021 01 General +

HO1004 principles of horticulture 04 Compulsory +

A basic course in the Department of Horticulture, and it is considered a general study subject for all departments of the college. The course contains a number of topics: an introduction to horticulture and its definition, the relationship of horticulture to other sciences and its place in agricultural production, and then a study of the division of horticultural crops, the growth and development of horticultural plants, and environmental conditions and their impact It focuses on the growth and development of horticultural crops, in addition to studying some basic physiological processes, plant growth regulators and their uses, propagators of vegetative propagation - its definition, propagation by cuttings, and concludes with a study of the remaining methods of vegetative propagation

HO3804 Principles of Breeding horticulture crops 04 Compulsory CS2074 +

Principles of Breeding horticulture crops from compulsory courses in this department. it studies basic subjects: Introduction to plant breeding, methods of reproduction and their importance, the genetic basis of Clans, Inheritance of quantitative traits, Collecting germplasm and areas of origin, Collection of germplasm and the method of its storage in gene banks, Genetic improvement by the selection, Hybrid varieties and synthetic varieties, Male infertility, incompatibility, and qualitative hybrids, Tissue culture and its benefits in plant breeding, and finally, Genetic engineering and genetically modified crops

ST2004 04 General MA1113 +

AE3672 Rural Community 02 Elective +

CS1024 04 Elective BO1024 +

PP2133 03 Elective +

CH2303 03 General +

CH2301 01 General CH2303 +

CH2103 03 General +

CH2101 01 General +

PP3313 Diseases of horticultural crops 03 Compulsory +

Studying the importance of diseases of horticultural crops, a review of principles of plant diseases, horticultural diseases: classification of their causes, disease cycle, methods of diagnosis of horticultural diseases, the role of survival and spread, methods of entry and growth of the pathogen on the host in the occurrence of symptoms and signs produced by pathogens on horticultural crops, the role of Pathogen materials and environmental factors contributing to the occurrence of infection and disease, its effect on the functions of horticultural crops, methods of controlling diseases of horticultural crops.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO3853 Plant propagation 03 Compulsory HO1004 +

This course is essential for breeding and genetic subjects. It includes many contents: Introduction to plant breeding, methods of reproduction and their importance, the genetic basis of Clans, the study of simple adjectives, inheritance of quantitative traits, collecting germplasm and areas of origin, collection of germplasm and the method of its storage in gene banks, genetic improvement by selection, hybrid varieties and synthetic varieties, male infertility, incompatibility, and qualitative hybrids, tissue culture and its benefits in plant breeding, genetic engineering and genetically modified crops.

PP3353 Apiculture 03 Elective +

The course deals with the taxonomy of bee species, the internal and external anatomy of honey bee, morphological specialization and division of labor between members of the colony, the internal and external tasks of the worker, reproduction and the life cycle of honey bee, behavior, communication between members of the colony, swarming, migration, thermoregulation of the colony, and nutrition in Honey bee, diseases, pests, and predators of honey bee

HO3403 Vegetable cultivars 03 Compulsory HO2403 +

Vegetable cultivars is from the compulsory courses in this department. it studies basic subjects: definition the main terms, the methods to divide the varieties of vegetables, Characteristics of good varieties and methods of distinguishing between varieties, methods used in quality assessment, study the specifications of varieties according to the purpose of cultivation, and finally, study of some vegetable crops as models.

HO3213 Landscape Design 03 Compulsory HO2203 +

• Landscape Design is from the compulsory courses in this department. It studies basic subjects: the development of gardens through different ages, different styles of gardens, natural and non-natural factors affecting the design - garden distribution, types of gardens - its objectives - its design - the factors for its success.

HO2403 Vegetable crops production 03 Compulsory HO1004 +

This course is essential in the vegetable study section. The student will recognize number of elements: Nutritional - economic importance of vegetable crops, types of vegetable farms - methods of preserving vegetables, conditions necessary for the success of vegetable cultivation, division of vegetable crops - agricultural cycle and its importance, weather factors and their effect on vegetables - Salinity, effect of soil, soil types, relationship of soil and water to plants, fertilization -- Nutrients and their effect on vegetables Fertilization methods - Irrigation - methods of propagation - sex - and vegetative - methods of harvesting and handling, and finally, study number of vegetable crops

CS2124 04 Elective +

AEN1024 03 Elective +

HO2203 Floriculture 03 Compulsory HO1004 +

This course is essential for the floriculture courses. It includes many contents: studying the growth of the ornamental plants / the main divisions of ornamental plants/ introducing the types of summer and winter green spaces and their environmental needs/ cultivation of flats by vegetative methods and preserving and caring for flats in terms of irrigation, fertilization, mowing the flat, ventilation and control of weeds, diseases and insects in the flats, groundcovers/ plant hedges/ cultivation and propagation of annual and perennial herbaceous plants and care for them/ cultivation, propagation and care of bulbs/ aromatic herbs/ spiny and succulent plants / aquatic and semi-aquatic plants/ palm and semi-palm/ identify the types of shrubs, their cultivation, the agricultural services they need, and the importance of their different forms in gardens/ how to plan gardens/ preserving plants grown in private and public gardens in terms of caring for them.

CS 2074 04 Compulsory 1014 BO +

FT2214 04 General CH1023 +

FT1512 02 Elective +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PP3073 03 University requirement +

SW1001 General Microbiology (Practical) 01 General +

The practical microbiology course is concerned with introducing the student to the laboratory devices and equipment used in the microbiology laboratory, and how to use a light microscope to observe microorganisms. During this course, the student will test sterilization methods in microbiological procedures, and how to isolate and grow bacteria and fungi on growth media. The student also learns how to diagnose the general morphological features of different microorganisms

PP2024 04 University requirement +

SW1003 03 General +

The general microbiology course describes the diversity of microorganisms, the structure, and function of bacterial cells, and also describes microbial growth and metabolism. Methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms by physical and chemical means are also addressed. This course also describes the basic genetic systems of bacteria, bacteriophages, and plasmids. During this course, the student will learn the role of microorganisms in food production and preservation, and their ability to cause food-borne infections. This course also aims to teach students how to use beneficial microorganisms in agricultural, industrial, and environmental applications.

HO3603 Deciduous fruit tree 2 03 Compulsory HO2603 +

A compulsory course in the Department of Horticulture, and it studies a number of topics: the economic importance of the grape tree, the nutritional importance of the fruits of the grape tree, grape-growing regions and the most important countries in production, botanical and horticultural division, suitable environmental conditions for grape cultivation, calculating thermal units and cold hours, water and its properties and irrigation methods The different types of soil (preparation and preparation) for grape cultivation, description of the grape tree, its propagation, pruning, grafting and establishing orchards, different breeding methods and fortifying grapes.

HO3233 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 03 Compulsory HO2203 +

A compulsory course in the Department of Horticulture, and it studies a number of topics: a historical overview of the use of medicinal and aromatic plants throughout the ages, the economic value of medicinal and aromatic plants, factors affecting the production of medicinal and aromatic plants, preparing medicinal and aromatic plants for marketing - corruption of medicinal plants, division of medicinal plants, Active ingredients in medicinal plants, essential oils - methods of extraction, natural characteristics of essential oils - preservation and storage of essential oils, chemistry of essential oils - methods of adulteration of essential oils, alkaloids - benefits - division, glycosides and their benefits - division and methods of action, vitamins - importance - divisions

AP1001 01 Elective +

Introduction to practical animal production course explains the different breeds of farm animals (poultry, sheep, cows), and methods of breeding and production of farm animals. It also explains the process of hatching of eggs and methods of fertilization of farm animals. It explains to the student the methods of conducting the correct slaughtering and freezing of animal carcasses. reviews methods of preventing diseases for various farm animals

AP1003 03 Elective +

Introduction to animal production explains the relationship between the principles and foundations of the main sciences of animal production, namely physiology, nutrition and genetics. It also enables the student to identify the physiological systems associated with hormones and reproductive efficiency. And enable him to distinguish between methods of genetic improvement in farm animals. As will enable him to identify the nutrients that make up the feed and their functions, and how the animal benefits from them

HO2413 Under Cover Vegetable Production 03 Compulsory HO2203 HO2403 O2403 +

• Under Cover Vegetable Production is from the compulsory courses in this department. it studies basic subjects: establishing of greenhouses and its economics, economics, site selection, types of greenhouses, covers types and their characteristics, controlling environmental factors inside the greenhouse, planting, preparing and sterilizing greenhouse soil, examples of production methods of vegetable crops (production of tomato and cucumber). Planting in the greenhouse, soilless cultivation and hydroponic cultivation, and finally, organic Agriculture.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW1014 04 University requirement +

The principles of Soil science course explains the basic concepts of soil science. This course introduces the different soil components, and the different soil formation factors and processes. This course deals with the morphological properties of the soil profile and its surrounding environment, as well as the physical, chemical, biological, and colloidal soil properties and their relationship to soil and plants. Students in this course will know all the different branches of soil sciences

BO3004 Plant Physiology 04 University requirement CH1014 +

RF1023 03 Elective +

AEN1013 03 Elective +

HO2304 Plant tissue culture 04 Compulsory +

Tissue culture is from the compulsory courses. In general, it concerns of the propagation techniques of in vitro. Its elements are: general introduction, the historical development, the techniques and applications - advantages and problems - tissue culture laboratories, propagation methods and influencing factors - Growth regulators and their effects, tissue culture techniques: apical meristem culture - zygotic embryo culture - thin cell layer technique, isolation, cultivation and fusion of protoplasts and plant improvement, production of haploid and polyploidy plants- Methods for ploidy detection, genetic and phenotypic variations - mutations Induction, callus initiation and cell suspension, production of secondary compounds – bioreactors, micropropagation and its stages - autotrophic propagation, bioadaptation – acclimatization - plant tissue quality - technology integration from laboratory to field, methods of preserving genetic resources , and, The role of tissue culture in genetic engineering.

HO3412 Vegetable seed Production 02 Compulsory HO3804 +

HO3203 Arboriculture 03 Compulsory HO1004 +

This course is from the essential requirements for the floriculture courses. It includes many contents: Definition of woody plants/trees - their division - the agricultural operations that are conducted for them / the anatomical structure of trees/ Trees and environmental conditions/ Shrubs - types - selection – services/ Methods of propagation and cultivation/ Transplantation of tree plants, its method, the best time for it, and the materials used for that/ Air pollution and its relationship to trees/ Fertilizing shrub plants/pruning/feeding/ Soil change around trees and the damage they cause/ Windbreaks and protective belts and their ties to combating desertification/ Nurseries / agricultural environments/ Wood producing plants / Breeding and development of woody trees.

HO230 Molecular Biology 04 Compulsory +

Molecular Biology is a compulsory course in the Department of Horticulture, and it is taught in the sixth semester. Among the most important vocabulary of the course: definition of molecular biology, definition of professional ethics in this field and the limits of biological dealings, molecular biology laboratory and special safety procedures, chromosome structure and chromatin structure, nucleic acids, cells and genome, DNA replication and maintenance, Extraction of nucleic acids, RNA, its types and functions. Gene structure and regulation in low and high organisms, gene expression and gene expression steps (DNA replication, transcription and translation), genetic code, exposure to aspects related to intellectual property in this modern field of science, protein extraction, sensing signals and environmental changes in bacteria and the types of changes that bacteria sense Finally, exposure to research results in this field and their interpretation.

HO2603 Deciduous fruit tree 03 Compulsory HO1004 +

A compulsory course in the Department of Horticulture, and it studies a number of topics: important facts about deciduous fruits, the economic and nutritional importance of different fruit trees, botanical and horticultural division, the study of apples (apples, quince pears), the study of stone fruits (peaches, nectarines) A study of apricots and plums, a study of almonds, calculating thermal units and cold hours, a study of fig trees, a study of pomegranate, pecan and pistachio trees, a general review of all deciduous fruit trees

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE2043 Agricultural cooperation 03 Elective +

PP1014 Entomology 04 General +

The aim of this course is to educate students on the economic importance of insects to humans, science and to the ecosystem. The lectures will focus on various aspects of insect biology including: insect Characteristics, anatomy and physiology, life history, behavior, ecology and the taxonomy of all major insect orders

CS3074 04 Elective +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RF1013 03 Elective +

HO3992 Special problem 02 Compulsory +

A compulsory course in the Horticulture Department. It is one of the courses for students who are about to graduate. In the course, the student studies a number of vocabulary: definition of scientific research - science and its characteristics, scientific thinking - preparation of the researcher and characteristics of the researcher, basics of scientific research - scientific method - conditions of scientific research, methods Used in the research - research tools, scientific experiments - problems facing the researcher during experimental work, definition of probability sample and simple sample, precautions that must be taken into account when designing experiments, library-– Benefiting from references, methods of writing information on information card, scientific publishing methods – periodicals – pamphlets, reports, books, writing scientific research – writing references – numbering methods and other methods for writing references – principles of experiment design – statistical definitions general discussion.

HO3814 Postharvest physiology 04 Compulsory HO2603 +

This course is from the essential requirements for the students in the last year before graduating. It contains many elements: Deterioration of horticultural products after harvesting. Estimation of postharvest loss, Concepts of maturity and ripening, Chemical and physical changes during maturity and ripening, The climacteric phenomenon, theories and classification of fruits, Maturity indices and quality criteria, Identification of recent methods in harvesting, cleaning, waxing, packaging and transport of horticultural produce, Methods of precooling, storage methods (cold storage, CA and MA storage), Physiological disorders and pathological diseases after harvest, and finally, Methods of handling and optimum storage conditions of horticultural crops.

HO2614 Evergreen fruit production 04 Compulsory HO1004 +

A compulsory course in the Department of Horticulture, and it studies a number of topics: citrus trees - origin and spread - scientific division - species and varieties, propagation - origins - their effect on grafts - grafting methods - collecting and preserving shoots - nurseries and seedlings - transferring seedlings - distances in the field - intensive cultivation Planting trees in the field - breeding and pruning. Flowering and fruit growth - ripening factors - dates - methods of collection and marketing, fertilization - quantities of fertilizers and dates of their addition, irrigation-Irrigation effect - Citrus irrigation systems - Irrigation amounts, palm trees - Establishment and spread - Scientific division - Varieties, Palm cultivation in Libya - Climatic factors - Seed propagation, Vegetative propagation - Methods of separating offshoots - Cultivation of offshoots in permanent place, flowering and pollination methods - Growth Fruits - irrigation – fertilization.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE1503 Agricultural Economics 03 Elective +

A specialized course that teaches 3 hours per week. It includes an introduction to agricultural economics and its branches, and an identification of economic and agricultural activity and its main objectives. In addition to explaining applications of the theory of demand and supply, and studying some branches of agricultural economics represented in studying the theories of production possibilities, agricultural production economics, agricultural development, agricultural resources, agricultural cooperation, and agricultural marketing.

AE3682 Agricultural Extension 03 Elective +

The concept of agricultural extension, its origin and development, its philosophy, principles and objectives, and the most important public extension systems in the world. The role of agricultural extension in economic and social development. Communication process and methods of delivering information to farmers. Characteristics of workers in the extension apparatus. Planning, implementation and evaluation of extension programs. The process of farmers adopting modern scientific ideas and methods, the role of extension in achieving sustainable agricultural development and preserving. Natural agricultural resources and their conservation