Master in Microbiology

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Microbiology & Parasitology



This program is implemented through the study of academic courses, the number of which is not less than (24) academic units, and that it does not exceed (30) academic units over 3 semesters, in addition to the completion of a specialized scientific research thesis with a number of (6) academic units. The legal period necessary to obtain a master’s degree that the student spends in the department since joining, registering with, and graduating from it shall not be less than (18) months, and that the period shall not exceed (36) months, in accordance with Articles (124) and (126) mentioned in Regulation No. 501 of 2010 regarding the issuance of a regulation regulating higher education. Note that the minimum compulsory credits are (14) for the mentioned programmes.


The knowledge and field experience of the postgraduate student is updated, by building new knowledge and skills at the bachelor’s degree, which allows him to delve deeper into the field of study in addition to addressing all aspects of the field and studying all theories and research in all studies related to the field, which works to raise the level of his ability And his ability to understand his specialty, which revolves around the infection of animals with parasitic diseases, especially the accurate understanding of pathogens of all kinds, and thus he can distinguish and diagnose them, in addition to the student’s ability to present plans for prevention and control of parasitic diseases that affect animals and humans as well, so that he can contribute to Preserving this livestock Protecting it from the deadly diseases that afflict it, preserving the only vital protein source for human food, and avoiding many direct and severe economic losses to the livestock sector. As well as training on how to protect the Libyan society and environment from the dangers of those indirect pests, which are the transmission of some diseases to humans.


a. Knowledge and understanding:


● Information and modern technologies in the field of microbiology

● Types of microorganisms and their classification


  • The student should be familiar with modern information in the field of microbiology and have the ability to explain, explain and describe.
  • The ability to deal with different scientific sources and absorb their contents.
  • Using different scientific techniques in the field of specialization.
  • The ability to distinguish the differences between microorganisms
  • That the student understands the process of innovation and continuous improvement as a means of development in the field of specialization.
  • B. Mental skills:

  • The ability to identify scientific problems and ways to address them by conducting scientific research.
  • Understanding how different technologies work in the field of specialization. And the ability to identify its strengths and weaknesses.
  • The ability to link the theoretical structure with the practical explanation in the field of microbiology.
  • Provide the student with the characteristics of a researcher in the field of microbiology
  • Developing students' scientific criticism skills
  • C. Practical and professional skills:

  • The ability to identify and diagnose microorganisms
  • The ability to interpret laboratory results.
  • The ability to use electronic programs in the field of microbiology
  • The ability to identify community problems and needs
  • The ability to collect samples and data
  • D. General and transferable skills:

  • Scientific writing and preparing a research plan
  • Data analysis using a computer.
  • Giving lectures and managing panel discussions
  • Gain effective learning skills
  • Providing students with teamwork and discipline skills.
  • Certificate Rewarded

    Master in Microbiology

    Entry Reuirements

    The conditions contained in Regulation No. (501) for the year 2010 regarding the issuance of the Regulation for the Organization of Higher Education, the General Regulation for Postgraduate Studies No. (69) for the year 2009, in addition to the following conditions:

    1. The student must have a bachelor's degree in veterinary medical sciences from one of the veterinary medicine colleges recognized locally and internationally, or its equivalent.

    2. The student must pass the initial admission exam conducted by the Graduate Studies Office at the college.

    3. The student must pass the personal interview exam conducted by the department.

    4. The student must meet the general conditions for admission according to Regulation No. (501) of 2010 regarding the issuance of the Higher Education Regulation. Graduate Studies Regulations No. (69) of 2009.

    Study Plan

    The Master in Microbiology prepares students to qualify for Master in Microbiology. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MVMI 201 Essential Bacteriology 02 Compulsory +

    MVMI206 Principles of Immunology 02 Compulsory +

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MVMI 208 Veterinary Immunology 02 Compulsory +

    MVMI202 Veterinary Bacteriology 02 Compulsory +

    MVMI203 Microbiology Techniques 02 Compulsory +

    MVMI205 Veterinary Virology 02 Compulsory +

    MVMI207 Molecular Determinants of Bacterial Pathogenicity 02 Compulsory +

    MVST100 BIOSTATISTICS 02 General +

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MVRM200 Research Methods 02 General +

    1. The student's knowledge of the general methods of research methodology, including the basic concepts used in quantitative and qualitative research methods2. The student's knowledge of everything that includes the Internet in terms of computer applications to obtain research3. The student's knowledge of research methods in the field of study, quantitative and qualitative elective studies, and methods of writing master's theses

    Elective Subjects

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MVMI 204 Veterinary Mycology 02 Elective +

    MVMI 216 Infection Control Fundamental 02 Elective +

    MVMI 215 Molecular Microbiology 02 Elective +

    MVMI 214 Microbial Biotechnology 02 Elective +


    MVMI 212 Diagnostic immunology 02 Elective +

    MVMI 211 Basic Virology 01 Elective +

    MVMI 210 Diagnostic Microbiology 02 Elective +

    MVMI 209 Molecular aspects in Veterinary Virology 02 Elective +