Department of Food Hygiene

Word Of the Head Department of Food Hygiene

Dear ladies and gentlemen

First of all,

Allah Almighty says:

“And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from what is in their bellies – between excretion and blood – pure milk, palatable to drinkers”

Verse 66 of Surat An-Nahl translation.

“And the grazing livestock, Allah created for you. In them is warmth and benefits, and from them you eat.”

Verse 5 of Surat An-Nahl translation.

We welcome you to the Food Hygiene Department at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli

The Department of Food hygiene is one of the departments of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Tripoli, which was established in 1975 AD, which in turn grants a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medical sciences. The department also grants a master’s degree in veterinary medical sciences in the field of hygiene of foods of animal origin (health control of food Meat and dairy and their products). The department specializes in teaching the curriculum in the field of food hygiene, both for undergraduate and postgraduate students, so that graduates who obtain these degrees can detect, examine, and determine the suitability and safety of foods from the apparent, chemical, and microbial aspects, and verify their conformity with Libyan and international standard specifications. The department also serves the community by developing plans, programs, and consultations in the field of safety and health, developing food industries, and contribute to plan regulation policies of importing of meat and dairy product to ensure protection of consumers health. Furthermore, the department contributes to protecting the environment and society by developing programs to identify emerging risks in emergency situations through inspection, monitoring, and controlling the spread of diseases and epidemics across the food chain, such as biosecurity programs in the secure disposal of waste of abattoirs, meat, dairy, and all kinds of food factories.

Cheers and Good luck for everybody.

Food hygiene teaching team.

Head of the Food Hygiene Department.

Dr. Miloud Asarat.


Brilliance and leadership in the field of food control and safety of animal origin among Libyan, regional and international universities.


Following a scientific strategy in the field of food hygiene, control, and safety that works to develop the scientific skills of bachelor’s and master’s students and encourage them to learn, serve the community, and solve problems they encounter in their specific specialization, as well as working to prepare distinguished scientific cadres capable of designing, conducting, and analysing practical experiments and competing in the labour market.


  •           Preparing veterinarians with knowledge in the field of health monitoring of foods of animal origin and their products who are able to detect, examine, analyse and issue health certificates for these foods regarding their suitability for human consumption or not.

    2.      Determine the suitability and safety of foods of animal origin from the apparent, chemical, and microbial aspects and verify their conformity with the standard specifications in force globally and locally.

    3.      Enabling students to gain scientific expertise and obtain a specialized academic degree that qualifies them for various jobs, whether in the relevant ministries or companies specialized in the fields of public health or in research centres and universities.

    4.      Establishing and consolidating the meaning of food pollution and the extent of its impact on public health, knowing methods of controlling and preventing such contaminants from reaching food of animal origin, and how to deal with them if they reach food.

    5.      Qualifying students with high skills in the field of food hygiene and safety according to international standards.

    6.      Providing students with the ability to design and conduct scientific experiments in the field of food hygiene and safety.

    7.      Contributing to supporting educational and research plans at the college and university levels in line with the development policy in the field of graduate studies and scientific research.

  • Organizational Structure for Department of Food Hygiene

    Facts about Department of Food Hygiene

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