Department of Animal Medicine

Word Of the Head Department of Animal Medicine

Dear Sir or Madam,

Peace be upon you!

On behalf of my colleagues in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli, I welcome you to the department page.

This department is one of the departments of the clinical phase of study at the faculty, and it is an academic; educational and research department. In this department, the student studies infectious and non-infectious diseases in terms of science and techniques related to their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Therefore, the student becomes able to deal with disease cases at all their stages, starting with conducting the necessary examination to reach a diagnosis, prescribing and administering medication, and following up on cases. The student also becomes capable of dealing with, controlling and preventing outbreaks that affect animal populations.

In terms of scientific research, the academic staff contributes effectively to the research activity, according to the available resources. They seek to benefit from the available research cooperation opportunities. The department’s academics have many research papers published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

All the best,

Prof. Emad Bennour


The Department of Internal Medicine is a scientific and research platform that provides the community with a qualified veterinarian and contributes to the sustainable development of the community.


Harnessing the utmost efforts and means possible to carry out the duties assigned to the department.


1. Sustainable development of society by supporting health and food security and improving the environment.

2. Raising health standards in terms of animal health and public health.

3. Improving the quality of life for animals and animal welfare practices.

4. Consolidating the One Health concept.


Professionalism, continuous development and cooperation.


1. Theoretical and practical preparation of students to be qualified veterinarians, by providing them with the necessary information and skills to diagnose, treat and control disease conditions in different animal species, at the individual or herd level. Those experiences include how to receive and examine cases, request the necessary laboratory tests for diagnosis, and apply the appropriate treatment.

2. Community service through:

a. Contributing to the treatment of animals belonging to individuals or institutions in the veterinary teaching hospital.

b. Guidance and counseling to control and prevent many diseases that maybe transmitted between animals, or from animals to humans, i.e. zoonotic diseases.

c. Providing consultations regarding the problems presented to the department relevant to its field of specialization.

3. Conducting scientific research by the department’s academic staff members in the form of experimental or applied studies.

Organizational Structure for Department of Animal Medicine

Facts about Department of Animal Medicine

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff