Bachelor in religion fundamentals

University of Tripoli -



This study program aims to be a leading and superior scientific beacon in the sciences of Islamic law in general and the sciences of belief, interpretation, and hadith in particular, and to provide Libyan and Islamic society with superior cadres at a high level of competence and responsibility, capable of highlighting the correct image of Islam and correcting ill-conceived concepts. and advance scientific research.

The duration of study in the department is four years, during which the student studies fifty-four courses for a total of one hundred and twenty academic units.


- Graduating groups of scholars, preachers, researchers, and specialists in the sciences of belief, interpretation, and hadith, who are qualified to confront deviant currents and extremist thought.

Preparing teachers specialized in teaching Islamic education to support the Ministry of Education and advocacy fields.

Highlighting the Islamic heritage and employing it in a way that serves Islam and Muslims, and links the nation's past with its present, through moderate and responsible religious discourse.

Spreading moderate Islamic thought as a contribution to building a cohesive society, belonging to its homeland and nation, in which the spirit of brotherhood and tolerance prevails, and all other virtuous Islamic values and morals.


a. Knowledge and understanding:

A.1 To acquire the ability to memorize the Noble Qur’an and knowledge of the sciences of belief

A.2 To be able to understand jurisprudence and legal texts

A.3 To understand the rules of jurisprudence and fundamentalism

A.4 To learn about the history of Islamic Sharia and the phases it has gone through

b- Intellectual skills:

B.1 To acquire the skill of deriving legal rulings from the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah

B.2 To master the research in the mothers of heritage books

B.3 To acquire the ability to understand ancient and contemporary religions, sects, and religious currents, and to distinguish between them

B.4 To distinguish between the legal rulings according to the understanding of the predecessor of the nation and the wrong and extremist rulings

c. Practical and professional skills:

C. To master the skill of teaching and dealing with students.

C.2 To acquire the ability to debate violators.

C.3 To master the skill of preaching and counseling.

C.4 To acquire the ability to give legal opinions orally and in writing

D. General skills:

D.1 To acquire the skill of research and induction and to derive information from its sources

D.2 To acquire the skill of teamwork and interaction with others

D.3 To acquire the ability to use modern technology tools and deal with computers in the fields of science and general culture

D. 4 To gain moral courage in the speech.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Fundamentals of Religion

Entry Reuirements

The student must have obtained a high school or Sharia certificate or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authorities.

To have the percentage approved by the competent authorities.

- To be healthy and able to study.

- Be of good conduct.

- To abide by the controls and rules of conduct outlined in the bylaws of the college.

If he is a foreigner, he must be residing in Libya ordinarily.

- To submit the original documents required when studying.

- It is permissible to accept the transfer of a student from one of the other universities when he fulfills the admission requirements mentioned in the college regulations.

Submit original documents approved by the department and the college from which the student is transferred, explaining the courses he studied, their vocabulary, the number of units, and the final result for each course, accompanied by the original admission documents.

He must not be dismissed from the college or university to which he is applying.

- He must not have passed more than half of the academic units prescribed for obtaining a license in the specialization he is transferring to, and the transfer request is submitted within the specified deadline.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in religion fundamentals prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in religion fundamentals. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 122 units, which include 16 units of general subjects, and 80 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RF125 The term hadith (1) 02 Compulsory +

1. Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the term hadith2. The student's application of knowledge and experiences related to the science of Hadith3. Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the term hadith4. Providing the student with appropriate methods and methods for teaching the term

GS111 01 General +

RF101 02 Compulsory +

1. The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.2. The student's proficiency in Quranic drawing.3. Mastering the rules of intonation4. The student should memorize the prescribed parts of the Holy Quran.

RF105 02 Compulsory +

RF109 02 Compulsory +

1_ Highlighting the importance of the Qur’an, its interpretation and its virtues. 2_ Understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in order to achieve complete guidance and work according to it.3_ Forming the student scientifically to understand the Book of God Almighty on the correct approach. The student explains the types of mistakes of the interpreters.

134 RF Fiqh of worship (1) 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is to provide the student with the appropriate methods and methods for studying the jurisprudence of acts of worship, the application of the knowledge and experiences related to the jurisprudence of acts of worship, and the student's familiarity with the legal rulings and experiences related to the jurisprudence of acts of worship.

133 RF Legislative history 02 Compulsory +

o The student should know the legislative stages and the roles that Islamic jurisprudence went through.o The student should know the schools of jurisprudence, the books of jurisprudence, and what distinguishes them, and the flags of the jurists, and their terminology.o The student should reveal the reasons for the dispute, clarify it, and the etiquette of disagreement and suspicions raised around it.o The student should highlight the jurisprudential effects left by the men of jurisprudence, and enrich them for public life.o The student should clarify the state of jurisprudence in the present era in terms of its application, what has been found in it, the authorities concerned with it, and the development of its methods.

132 RF Biography of the Prophet 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the knowledge, experiences, and skills related to the Prophet’s biography, and how to benefit from the Prophet’s biography and project it on today’s reality, and to encourage the student to study the Prophet’s biography, and provide him with appropriate methods and methods for teaching the Prophet’s biography.Among the most important contents of the course is the study of the religious, political and social situation of the Arabian Peninsula before and after the prophetic mission, the lineage of the prophet and his mission, then his upbringing to his prophecy and his call, then his emigration and his most important conquests.

131 RF Principles of invitation 02 Compulsory +

That the student recognizes the correct methodology in calling to God and the danger of abandoning or neglecting it.That the student realizes that the methodology of calling to God is the right way to form sound building blocks that derive their principles from their correct sources.That the student be equipped with the appropriate scientific skills and be able to train in advocacy work in some of its aspects, such as rhetoric and dialogue, and participate in the calculation work

RF113 The verses of judgments (1) 02 Compulsory +

1- That the student interprets the prescribed verses in an analytical way according to the scientific methodology in interpretation and based on the principles, rules and sciences of interpretation, and knows the verses of rulings in the Qur’an and the topics they deal with.2- To be proficient in deriving rulings from the studied verses.3- The student should familiarize himself with the main books of interpretation and master the research therein.

128 RF grammar and morphology (1) 02 Compulsory +

v Familiarity of the student with the origins of Arabic grammar and its most important sources.v Familiarity of the student with the history of the emergence of grammar and morphology and the reasons that led to their emergence.v That the student understands the rules related to the division of the word and the types of inflection, indefinite and definite and be able to apply them to the linguistic texts he encounters.v The student was able to use the grammatical heritage books and draw scientific material from them.v Identify the meaning of grammatical evidence, the conditions that must be met in it, and the difference between grammatical evidence and examples.v Familiarize the student with the verses of Al-Alfiyyah and understand them, and memorize the grammatical references related to the issues contained in the course.

127 RF Quran Sciences 02 Compulsory +

1. Enabling students to know what is meant by the sciences of the Qur’an, their importance, and their relationship to interpretation.2. Knowing the meaning of the Qur’an, its verses, chapters, their number, arrangement and divisions.3. Identifying the meaning of revelation, its types, and the appearance of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - when revelation descended.4. Knowing the revelations of the Qur’an, the meaning of astrology and the wisdom behind it, and directing the narrations in the last and first of what was revealed.5. Knowing the Makkan and Madani and their benefits, and the ways that lead to knowing that.6. Identifying the causes of revelation, the method of knowing it, its plurality, and the plurality of descending, and applying that to the Qur’anic texts.

RF117 Analytical hadith (1) 02 Compulsory +

That the student is able to study the hadith methodology and the method of deduction. 12. That the student be able to view the appropriate hadithsIntroducing the student to the ancestors of the nation and their interest in the chain of transmission. 34. Introducing the student to what the predecessors and successors enjoyed in terms of practical application and guiding him to follow their example.

RF121 Ahkam Hadiths (1) 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is for the student to be able to approach the study of hadith and the method of deduction, to be able to see the relevant hadiths, and to introduce him to the predecessors of the nation and their interest in the isnad, and what the predecessors and successors enjoyed from hadith scholars to follow in their footsteps.

2nd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RF114 Verses of Judgment (2) 02 Compulsory +

1- That the student interprets the prescribed verses in an analytical way according to the scientific methodology in interpretation and based on the principles, rules, and sciences of performance, and knows the poetry of rulings in the Qur’an and the topics they deal with.2- To be proficient in deriving rulings from the studied verses.3- The student should familiarize himself with the main books of interpretation and master the research therein.

RF110 02 Compulsory +

1_ Highlighting the importance of the Qur’an, its interpretation and its virtues. 2_ Understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in order to achieve complete guidance and work according to it.3_ Formation of the student scientifically to understand the Book of God Almighty on the correct approach. To explain to the student the types of errors of interpreters.

RF106 02 Compulsory +

Clarification of the reality of the heavenly books, the messengers, the last day, and fateIdentify the doctrinal issues related to these pillars and the similarities that arise around them and how to respond scientifically to them.2Consolidate faith in these pillars.34. Knowing the rights of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the rights of his family and companions, may God be pleased with them.

RF102 Holy Quran (2) 02 Compulsory +

1. The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.2. The student's proficiency in Quranic drawing.3. Mastering the rules of intonation4. The student should memorize the prescribed parts of the Holy Quran.

RF118 02 Compulsory +

That the student be able to study the hadith methodology and the method of deduction. 12. That the student be able to view the appropriate hadithsIntroducing the student to the ancestors of the nation and their interest in the chain of transmission. 34. Introducing the student to what the predecessors and successors enjoyed in terms of practical application and guiding him to follow their example.

GS212 02 General +

- Familiarity with the student with the knowledge, experience and skills related to the field of the foundations of building curricula.- Familiarity with the student with the knowledge, experience and skills related to the areas of evaluating the curriculum, the student and the teacher- The student's application of the knowledge, experience and skills gained from studying the course.

GS112 02 General +

122 RF 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is for the student to be able to approach the study of hadith and the method of deduction, and to be able to see the appropriate hadiths, and to introduce him to the predecessors of the nation and their interest in isnad, and what the predecessors and successors enjoyed from hadith scholars to follow in their footsteps.

150 RF rhetoric 02 Compulsory +

1. Introduce the student to the importance of studying rhetoric2. Reviewing the concept of rhetoric in language and terminology3. Statement of the impact of the Holy Quran on language and literature

129 RF Grammar and Morphology (2) 02 Compulsory +

 The student's familiarity with the origins of Arabic grammar and its most important sources. Familiarize the student with the history of the emergence of grammar and morphology and the reasons that led to their emergence. That the student understands the rules related to the division of the word and the types of inflection, indefinite and accusative and be able to apply them to the linguistic texts he encounters. The student was able to use the grammatical heritage books and draw scientific material from them. Recognizing the meaning of grammatical evidence, the conditions that must be met in it, and the difference between grammatical evidence and examples. Introduce the student to the verses of the Alfiya and understand them, and memorize the grammatical references related to the issues contained in the course.

135 RF Fiqh of worship (2) 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is to provide the student with the appropriate methods and methods for studying the jurisprudence of acts of worship, the application of the knowledge and experiences related to the jurisprudence of acts of worship, and the student's familiarity with the legal rulings and experiences related to the jurisprudence of acts of worship.

142 RF Fundamentals of Fiqh (1) 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence.Student application of the knowledge and experiences of the principles of jurisprudence.Encourage the student to study the fundamentals of jurisprudence.Providing students with appropriate methods and methods for teaching the principles of jurisprudence.

126 RF 02 Compulsory +

1. Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience and skills related to the term hadith2. The student's application of the knowledge and experiences related to the science of hadith3. Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience and skills related to the term hadith4. Providing the student with appropriate methods and methods for teaching the term

139 RF The origins of interpretation 02 Compulsory +

That the student knows the concept of interpretation and the concept of interpretation.That the student knows the stages of the tafsir movement through the ages.That the student knows the conditions, controls, and etiquette of the interpreter.To understand the reasons for the different interpretations.To explain to the student the types of errors of interpreters.

140 RF religion comparison 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity with the student's knowledge, experience, and skills related to the comparison of religions.That the student is able to compare different religions.To recognize the importance of studying comparative religions to defend true Islam.

141 RF 02 Compulsory +

3rd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
130 RF 02 Compulsory +

 The student's familiarity with the origins of Arabic grammar and its most important sources. Familiarize the student with the history of the emergence of grammar and morphology and the reasons that led to their emergence. That the student understands the rules related to the nominal sentence and the actual sentence and is able to apply them to the linguistic texts he encounters. The student was able to use the grammatical heritage books and draw scientific material from them. Identify the provisions of datives in the Arabic sentence. To familiarize the student with some styles of Arabic (the style of exclamation, the style of praise and slander). Familiarize the student with the rules for dependencies Introduce the student to the verses of the Alfiya and understand them, and memorize the grammatical references related to the issues contained in the course.

RF111 02 Compulsory +

1_ Highlighting the importance of the Qur’an, its interpretation and its virtues. 2_ Understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in order to achieve complete guidance and work according to it.3_ Forming the student scientifically to understand the Book of God Almighty on the correct approach. The student explains the types of mistakes of the interpreters.

136 RF 02 Compulsory +

RF115 02 Compulsory +

1- That the student interprets the prescribed verses in an analytical way according to the scientific methodology in interpretation and based on the principles, rules and sciences of interpretation, and knows the verses of rulings in the Qur’an and the topics they deal with.2- To be proficient in deriving rulings from the studied verses.3- The student should familiarize himself with the main books of interpretation and master the research therein.

RF107 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience and skills related to Islamic sects.1The student's application of the knowledge and experiences of knowing the destructive teams and how to reveal their ideas, 23. Encouraging the student to follow modern methods in explaining the conditions of the different teams4. Providing students with appropriate methods and methods for teaching Islamic sects.

137 RF 02 Compulsory +

RF103 02 Compulsory +

1. The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.2. The student's proficiency in Quranic drawing.3. Mastering the rules of intonation4. The student should memorize the prescribed parts of the Holy Quran.

RF119 02 Compulsory +

That the student be able to study the hadith methodology and the method of deduction. 12. That the student be able to view the appropriate hadithsIntroducing the student to the ancestors of the nation and their interest in the chain of transmission. 34. Introducing the student to what the predecessors and successors enjoyed in terms of practical application and guiding him to follow their example.

GS313 02 General +

1- Familiarity with the sciences, knowledge and skills related to scientific research.2- Encouraging the student to write scientific research.3- Enabling the student to be able to criticize university research and theses.

GS312 02 General +

GS211 02 General +

A detailed study of the student-teachers knowledge, experience, and skills related to the field of general psychology.- The application of the student teacher to the knowledge, experience, and skills gained from studying the course in the field of education when practicing the teaching profession on the ground

143 RF 02 Compulsory +

144 RF 02 Compulsory +

145 RF 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the curricula of the hadith scholars 1The student's application of the knowledge and experiences of the modernist curricula.23. Encouraging the student to follow modern methods in teaching the curricula of the hadith scholars.

123 RF 02 Compulsory +

4th Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
124 RF 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to various hadiths 1The student's application of the knowledge and experiences related to weighting between the problematic hadiths.2Encouraging students to follow modern methods in teaching various hadiths.34. Providing students with appropriate methods and methods for teaching hadith and its problem.

RF116 02 Compulsory +

1- That the student interprets the prescribed verses in an analytical way according to the scientific methodology in interpretation and based on the principles, rules, and sciences of interpretation, and knows the verses of rulings in the Qur’an and the topics they deal with.2- To be proficient in deriving rulings from the studied verses.3- The student should familiarize himself with the main books of interpretation and master the research therein.

120 RF 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of this course is for the student to be able to approach the study of hadith and the method of deduction, to be able to see the appropriate hadiths, and to introduce him to the predecessors of the nation and their interest in the isnad, and what the predecessors and successors enjoyed from hadith scholars to follow in their footsteps.

RF401 02 Compulsory +

1. The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.2. The student's proficiency in Quranic drawing.3. Mastering the rules of intonation4. The student should memorize the prescribed parts of the Holy Quran.

138 RF 02 Compulsory +

RF112 02 Compulsory +

RF108 02 Compulsory +

146 RF 02 Compulsory +

RF104 02 Compulsory +

GS412 02 Compulsory +

GS411 02 General +

1- Familiarity with the student with knowledge and experience related to special teaching methods2- The student's application of the knowledge and experiences related to methods of teaching Islamic education3- Encouraging students to adopt modern methods of teaching Islamic education4- Providing students with appropriate methods and methods for teaching Islamic education

149 RF 02 Compulsory +

148 RF Orientalism 02 Compulsory +

That the student knows the reality of Orientalism, its goals, and methods.That the student knows the effects of Orientalism in the Islamic world.That the student knows the means to reduce the negative effects of Orientalism.

147 RF 02 Compulsory +

Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the comparison of religions 1That the student is able to compare different religions.23. To recognize the importance of studying comparative religions to defend true Islam.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RE137 02 Compulsory +