Bachelor in Arabic Language

Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura -



This study program of the Department of Arabic Language aims to achieve academic and research excellence among the corresponding departments in graduating scientific and research cadres specializing in the Arabic language, drawing knowledge from its sources in the mothers of heritage books and keeping pace with linguistic development and the new words, methods, and sciences.

Where the duration of study in the department is four years, during which the student studies fifty-four courses for a total of one hundred and twenty academic units.


Preparing superior outcomes in Arabic sciences that advance the nation.

Encouraging linguistic scientific research to enrich the Arabic library and contribute to solving community problems. Improving the level of academic and administrative performance in the department.

Filling the community's need for specialists in the Arabic language.


a. Knowledge and understanding:

A.1 To acquire the ability to memorize and understand linguistic and rhetorical rules.

A.2 To familiarize himself with the history of Arabic literature and the circumstances in which it developed.

A.3 To be acquainted with the history of linguistic studies and to understand modern linguistic theories.

B- Mental Skills:

B.1 To acquire the skill of parsing.

B.2 To be able to search and review linguistic and literary heritage books.

B.3 To be able to analyze texts linguistically and literary.

c. Practical and professional skills:

C.1 To acquire the skill of teaching and dealing with students.

C. 2 To acquire the skill of using fluent language, spoken and written.

C.3 Expanding the student's culture.

D. General skills:

D.1 To acquire the skill of research, extrapolation, and drawing information from its sources.

D.2 To acquire the skill of criticism and objectivity in making judgments.

D.3 To acquire the skill of teamwork and interaction with others

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Arabic Language

Entry Reuirements

The student must have obtained a high school or Sharia certificate or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authorities.

To have the percentage approved by the competent authorities.

- To be healthy and able to study.

- Be of good conduct.

- To abide by the controls and rules of conduct outlined in the bylaws of the college.

If he is a foreigner, he must be residing in Libya ordinarily.

- To submit the original documents required when studying.

- It is permissible to accept the transfer of a student from one of the other universities when he fulfills the admission requirements mentioned in the college regulations.

Submit original documents approved by the department and the college from which the student is transferred, explaining the courses he studied, their vocabulary, the number of units, and the final result for each course, accompanied by the original admission documents.

He must not be dismissed from the college or university to which he is applying.

- He must not have passed more than half of the academic units prescribed for obtaining a license in the specialization he is transferring to, and the transfer request is submitted within the specified deadline.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Arabic Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Arabic Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 120 units, which include 4 units of general subjects, and 78 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS114 education basics 02 General +

Fundamentals of Education course, code GS114: It is taught to students in the first academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the knowledge, experiences, and skills related to the field of Fundamentals of Education.The course aims to:An analysis of student teachers' knowledge, experience, and skills related to pedagogy.In the field of education, the student teacher applies the knowledge, experience, and skills gained while studying the course in the classroom.A student should be able to distinguish between different types of assets.The value of the study returns to the student:• That the student-teacher has a thorough understanding of the concept of education and the progress he has made through the years.- The student-teacher defines the characteristics of education in general.- That the student-teacher knows the historical foundations of education by studying its historical development and the social, cultural, and philosophical foundations of education.

RA133 02 Compulsory +

Course Scientific Research Methods RA133: It is taught to first-year students from the Department of Arabic Language at a rate of two hours per week. The student receives practical training in preparing scientific research.The course aims to:Providing the student with information helps him prepare a good paper.Students are taught how to find information in its original sources.- Training students to use references and write scientific research and reports.The value of the study returns to the student:The student should know the definition of scientific research.- That the student understands how to prepare a scientific research paper.To understand the parts and components of research.

RA132 Sources and references 02 Compulsory +

Resources and References: This course is taught two hours per week to students in the first academic year at the Department of Arabic Language. The student studies the Arabic scientific output in the field of Arabic language and Islamic studies in this course. Books are studied and the student learns how to research them.The course aims to:Enriching the student's knowledge of the Arab scientific heritage.Provide him with the necessary information to be able to access libraries and search for information from their sources.- Learn about heritage books and how to deal with them.The value of the study returns to the student:- The student should know about the history of Arabic authorship.- To recognize the types of Arabic literature.- The student's familiarity with the ratio of each book to its author and the method of researching it.

RA131 The origins of Arabic writing 02 Compulsory +

The course The Fundamentals of Arabic Writing, code RA131, is taught for two hours a week for students of the Department of Arabic Language in the first academic year. In this course, the student studies and applies the rules of Arabic spelling, in which there are many errors.The course aims to:- Recognizing the placement of some letters in the Arabic language, such as the hamza, the ta’a, and others.The student should be able to write Arabic words.Apply spelling rules.The value of the study returns to the student:It is imperative that the student knows the rules for writing the Hamza at its various locations.The student must know how to write the T at the end of a word.- The student should know the provisions for writing the soft alif of Arabic writingز

RA123 Semantics 02 Compulsory +

The course “Science of Meanings” and its code RA123: Is taught to first-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies the meanings of Arabic styles and the uses of each style in order to avoid mistakes when using them. It is a complementary subject to the subject of Arabic grammar.The course aims to:- The student's familiarity with the types of Arabic styles and their characteristics.A student needs to be able to distinguish between the types of methods and the effects each method has on meaning.- That the student is able to use each method in the appropriate situation for him.In the science of meaning, it is the function of the researcher to find out what is wrong with the performances of the meanings that the speaker is trying to convey to the listener.The value of the study returns to the student:The student should understand the difference between eloquence and rhetoric, news and creation.To know the types of ordering and non-ordering construction.- To understand the meaning and purpose of the news.- To understand the structure of a declarative sentence and the conditions that occur in its elements.

RA121 Pre-Islamic literature 02 Compulsory +

The Pre-Islamic Literature course, code RA121: Is taught to first-year students of the Arabic Language Department for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the history of literature in the pre-Islamic era.The course aims to:Studying the history of literature in the pre-Islamic era.- Identify the most influential figures in literature in this era.- Examine the most significant characteristics of pre-Islamic literature by studying some literary texts.The value of the study returns to the student:- To familiarize the student with the history of literature in the pre-Islamic era and aspects of life in it.To explain to students the purposes and issues of pre-Islamic poetry.The student must understand the characteristics of poetry in pre-Islamic times.

RA116 Prosody and rhyme 1 02 Compulsory +

Prosody course, code RA116: It is taught to first-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies prosody and rhyme and their various topics.The course aims to:- Knowing the principles and rules of prosody science.Gaining an understanding of the weight of poetry and its breakers by applying the rules of performance.Students should be proficient in the ratio of poetry to the sea.The value of the study returns to the student:A student should be familiar with the history of the emergence of this science.- That the student understands the meanings of the terms related to the science of prosody and rhyme.A teacher should ensure that the student knows the activations of each sea and the slips that occur in it, along with their uses.

RA113 Linguistics 02 Compulsory +

Language course and code RA113: This course is offered to students in the first academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the concept of language.The course aims to:- Recognizing the concept of language as a means of communication, its origin, and its linguistic system.- Recognizing the nature of the relationship between language and aspects of human activity.Examine the sources of protest among ancient Arab linguists.The value of the study returns to the student:A student must understand the concepts of language, linguistics, and their equivalent terms, as well as their translation.- The student will be familiar with the efforts of ancient Arab linguists in the field of linguistics.The student should know the development of linguistic studies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

RA112 morphology 1 02 Compulsory +

The course (morphology 1), code (RA112), is taught to students of the first academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at the rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies critical topics in the science of morphology, beginning with the emergence of morphology and its importance, its most significant books, and its most prominent figures, as well as studying the division of the word, knowing the morphological scale and the reason for choosing it, and the verb in terms of time, health, illness, detachment and addiction, and its emphasis in the noun, as well as knowing the weights of verbs in terms of their different divisions, knowing the abstract, understanding the letters of addition, and understanding the solid, the derivative, and the derivative divisions. The course aims to:• Correcting the student's tongue, protecting it from error, developing taste and linguistic sense, and endearing the student to the Arabic languageA student should have a solid understanding of the most significant aspects of morphology, its significance, and what happens to a word as it changes over time.• The student's ability to write words and the changes that occur in the structure of the word, such as addition, deletion, adverb, or substitution.• The ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.• The student should be fluent in forming Arabic words.The value that accrues to the student from studying the course is due to:• The student should know and understand the origins of Arabic conjugation, its mossignificantnt compositions, the divisions of the verb, and its structures.Students should be familiar with the morphological scale, how to weigh words, and what happens in words of introduction and delay.• Knowledge of nouns, their weights, and places of addition.Know the types of derivations for solid and movable nouns.

RA111 Grammar 1 04 Compulsory +

Grammar 1 course, code 111RA, is taught to students in the first academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for four hours per week. In this course, the student studies various topics in grammar, starting with the origins of grammar, its importance, and its most significant signs. Moreover, the student studies the structure of speech and what it consists of, as well as the construction of speech, the indefinite, the knowledge, the noun, the relative, and the identifier with the defining article. The course aims to:• Understanding the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger. May God bless him and grant him peace.The ability to distinguish error from right, correct the student's tongue, and protect it from error.• Learning Arabic, teaching Arabic, making the student love the Arabic language, motivating him to learn it, and developing the student's taste and linguistic sense.• The ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.The value for the student from studying the course is due to the:• The student knows, understands, and realizes the importance of grammar and what is related to it.• The student's knowledge and understanding of speech and what it is composed of, and the difference between speech, speech, and saying• Knowledge and understanding of the word sections, knowledge of the signs of each section, and knowledge of the original and secondary signs of syntax.Understanding indefinite knowledge, and knowing knowledge's origin and realization.dge.

RA102 Creed 02 Compulsory +

Course Creed RA102: It is taught to first-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, students study the origins of Islamic sects and understand legislative texts related to creed.The course aims to:- Knowledge of the origins of Islamic sects and sects.Knowing the response to some similarities in belief.Correct understanding of faith.- Understanding the Sharia texts related to belief.The value of the study returns to the student:- How to properly understand the faith.- That the student has the ability to remember issues in the field of faith.- That the student has the ability to multiply opinions in matters of contractual disagreement.- That the student has information so that he can interpret and clarify ambiguous texts.

RA101 Holy Qur’an 1 02 Compulsory +

The course The Holy Qur’an (1) and its code is RA101: It is taught to first-year students from the Arabic Language Department for two hours per week. The student acquires the ability to recite the Holy Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.The course aims to:- The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.Save the required parts.- The quality of recitation according to the provisions of intonation.- Knowledge of Quranic drawing.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student memorizes the last three parts of the Holy Quran.- That the student learns the correct pronunciation when reading the Holy Quran.- To master the basic rules of recitation of the Noble Qur’an.- To familiarize the student with the Quranic drawing.

GS113 Educational Psychology 02 General +

Educational Psychology course, code GS213: It is taught to students of the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies knowledge and experiences in the field of educational psychology.The course aims to:- Familiarity with the student with the knowledge and skills related to the field of educational psychology and the field of research in it, and learning theories.- The student's application of the knowledge, experience, and skills gained from studying the course.- To know the individual differences and types of intelligence.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student knows the terms of this science: perception - thinking - intelligence - learning - feedback.- The student should know Senker's theories - clairvoyance theory - Piaget's theory - Thorndike's theory.- That the student knows the types of intelligence and individual differences.

GS115 02 General +

The computer course and its code GA311: It is taught to students of the first academic year from the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. The student studying in this course syllabus form A- Basic information subject: English 1 Units: 2hThe course aims to:1- Giving students basic rules of English.2- Help them for improving Language Skills.3- Encourage them to use English in their daily life.4- To improve their understanding of the world.5- Enabling them to cultivate vocabularies of their field of interest.1- Reading texts for interpretation.2- Understanding English-related terms.3- Know how English grammar works. 4- Practicing English conversations.

2nd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RA213 Science of Phonetics 02 Compulsory +

The course (Science of Phonetics) and its code is RA213. It is taught to students in the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies: Knowledge of Arabic sciences. The basis of linguistic studies is phonology in its various branches, and it is the science that is concerned with studying how sound occurs. The human being, its exit from its outlet, the medium through which it is transmitted, and the perception of that transmission by the recipient. The course aims to:• To familiarize the student with terminology in phonetics• The student will be introduced to general phonology and the physiology of sounds• To familiarize the student with the efforts of Arab linguists in the field of audio lessonsStudents will learn about sound and its functions, as well as the mechanical means of phonology.• The student should be able to identify the articulation apparatus and the distribution of sounds in it.The value of the student from his studies is duto:e:• Ability to use phonetic writing and the International Phonetic Alphabet.• The ability to prepare working papers, articles, and research on phonetics.• The ability to design teaching aids.

RA214 Linguistics 02 Compulsory +

Linguistics course RA214: It is taught to students in the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, students study theories and linguistic schools.The course aims to:- Learn about ancient and modern theories and linguistic schools.Familiarity with the views of orientalists on linguistic issues and responding to them.Students can learn the stages that any language goes through.The value of the study returns to the student:The student should be familiar with the characteristics of the Arabic language and Semitic languages.- The student understands the student scholars' point of view with respect to the phenomenon of syntax in the Arabic language.- To understand derivation, analogy, and types of each.

RA216 Prosody 2 02 Compulsory +

Prosody 2 courses, code RA214: It is taught to students of the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies prosody and rhyme and their various topics.The course aims to:- Learn about ancient and modern theories and linguistic schools.Familiarity with the views of orientalists on linguistic issues and responding to them.- That the student can know the stages that a language goes through.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student knows the characteristics of the Arabic language and the Semitic languages.- That the student realizes the opinions of scholars about the phenomenon of syntax in the Arabic language.- To understand derivation, analogy, and types of each.

RA221 Literature of Early Islam and the Umayyad Dynasty 02 Compulsory +

The course (Literature of Early Islam and the Umayyad Dynasty), code (RA221), is taught to students in the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies topics including defining the term “Islamic literature”, studying the political, social, and mental conditions after the advent of Islam, Islam's attitude towards poetry and poets, knowledge of the poets who lived in the Jahiliyyah and realized Islam, the study of the most prominent poets of Islam, the most prominent poetic purposes, the study of the sources of Islamic poetry, the construction of the Arabic poem in Islamic poetry, the characteristics of Islamic poetry, the study of the types and characteristics of Arab Islamic prose, and the study of The art of rhetoric in early Islam. The course aims to:• Studying the history of literature in the era of early Islam• Identify the most prominent figures in literature in this era.Study some literary texts to learn about the most important characteristics of literature.The value that accrues to students from studying:• The student's knowledge of the history of literature in the Islamic era and aspects of life in it.• The student's knowledge of the purposes of Islamic and Umayyad poetry and their issues.• The student's knowledge of the characteristics of poetry in the Islamic and Umayyad eras.

RA223 Rhetoric 02 Compulsory +

The course Rhetoric (RA223) is taught to second-year students of the Arabic Language Department, for two hours per week. In the course, the student studies the definition of the science of rhetoric and its history, the study of similes in general, the study of the meanings of words in terms of truth and metaphor, metaphor, semantics and development, metaphor and its sections, applying the studied knowledge to selected texts. The course aims at:• The student should know how to convey meaning in various ways in the Arabic language.• To familiarize the student with the science of rhetoric that enables him to avoid the moral complexity of what he writes. In addition, this is done to enable him understand Arabicic structures and the rhetorical images they contain, and the types of metaphors they contain.• That the student can apply what he studied from these topics to selected literary texts.The value of the student's return from his studies:• Enhancing the student's capacity for literary criticism.• Developing the student's ability to write creatively based on understanding and perceiving what he writes.By studying this science, the student can understand the beauty of the text.

RA215 grammar schools 02 Compulsory +

Grammar Schools, code RA215: This course is taught to students of the Department of Arabic Language during their second academic year twice a week. In this course, the student studies the history of the emergence of grammar, morphology, and grammatical doctrines, and studies the translations of the most famous grammarians.The course aims to:- Knowledge of the history of the emergence of Arabic grammar.Knowing the history of the establishment of the visual school and identifying its most prominent figures.Know the history of the establishment of the Kufic school and identify its most prominent figures.The value of the study returns to the student:- Recognize the history of the emergence of Arabic grammar.- That the student understands the meanings of the terms of the grammatical school - the visual school - the Kufic school.- That the student knows something about the history of grammar and morphology.

RA212 02 Compulsory +

Morphology course 2, its code is RA212, is taught to second-year students of the Arabic Language Department, for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies various topics in morphology starting with tertiary and non-tertiary infinitives, as well as studying the meme infinitive, the infinitive, the bitter and the Saha, the derivatives and their types, the division of the noun into the shortened, the incomplete, and the extended, and to know the plural of fracturing and the plural of few and many. The course aims to:• Correcting the student's tongue, protecting it from error, developing taste and linguistic sense, and endearing the student to the Arabic language• The student should be familiar with the most significant lessons and topics of morphology, and its importance, and know what happens to the word in terms of change• The student's ability to write words and the changes that occur in the structure of the word, such as addition, deletion, adverb, or substitution.• The student's ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.The value of the student from his studies is due:• That the student knows and understands sources and their types• The student should know and understand the difference between a meme infinitive, a form, and a time.• Know the difference between shortened, extended, and incomplete nouns.• Knowing the number difference between numb and.

RA211 04 Compulsory +

Grammar 2 course, code 211RA, is taught to second-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for four hours per week. In this course, the student studies speech structures as it begins with the beginning, and that the subject has two parts, the definition of the news and its divisions, when it is permissible to begin with the indefinite, when one precedes the other, and when it is permissible to omit One of them, then after that, abrogates the subject and the predicate, and it was and its sisters, and what is not, nor is it the ambiguities of Bliss, and the actions of the approach, and that and its sisters, nor is it to negate the gender, and suppose, and its sisters, and I know and see, and the actor and his deputy. The course aims to:• Understanding the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.• Knowledge of syntax, distinguishing error from right, correcting the student's tongue, and protecting it from error.• Learning Arabic, teaching Arabic, making the student love the Arabic language, motivating him to learn it, and developing the student's taste and linguistic sense.• The ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.The value of the student's returns from his studies to:• That the student knows and understands the subject and the predicate and their rulings and kan and its sisters and the letters similar to balis and the verbs of the approach• And that the student knows and understands that she and her sisters do not deny sex and think that her sisters know better• The student understands and understands the actor and his deputy, as well as preoccupation, the transgression of the verb and its necessity, and the conflict in the work• The student should know and understand the effects, the exception, the condition, and the discrimination.

RA202 Fiqh of Worship (1) 02 Compulsory +

The course Fiqh of Worship (1) and its code is RA202: It is taught to students in the first academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies jurisprudential rulings and their related matters.The course aims to:Introducing the student to the jurisprudential rulings related to acts of worship.Accurate perception of jurisprudence issues.- Inferring the reasons for the differences of jurists on jurisprudential issues.- The ability to weigh between statements in jurisprudential matters.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student understands what is meant by legal jurisprudence.To familiarize himself with the approved books of jurisprudence.- To describe the legal method of correct worship.- That the student understands the method of correcting the acts of worship in which there is a defect or omission.

RA201 Holy Qur'an (2) 02 Compulsory +

This course is called Holy Qur'an (2) and its code is RA102. It is offered on a two-hour per-week basis to students in the second academic year from the Department of Arabic Language. The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the origins of the narration.The course aims to:- The student acquires the ability to recite the Noble Qur’an, taking into account the provisions of intonation and the principles of narration.Save the required parts.- The quality of recitation according to the provisions of intonation.- Knowledge of Quranic drawing.The value of the study returns to the student:- The student should memorize the three parts 25-26-27 of the Holy Quran.- That the student learns the correct pronunciation when reading the Holy Quran.- To master the basic rules of recitation of the Noble Qur’an.- To familiarize the student with the Quranic drawing.

GS214 Curriculum foundations 02 General +

Curriculum foundations course, code GS214: It is taught to second-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the knowledge, experiences, and skills related to the field of curriculum-building foundations.The course aims to:- Familiarity with the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the field of the foundations of building curricula.Familiarity with the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the field of evaluating the curriculum, the student, and the teacher.- The student's application of the knowledge, experience, and skills gained from studying the course.- That the student is able to design some calendar tools.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student remembers the ancient and modern concepts of the curriculum and the defects and advantages of each.- That the student remembers some terms related to the curriculum such as curriculum planning, curriculum evaluation, and curriculum development, and knows the basic components of the curriculum in the light of both the linear and the systemic model.- That the student defines the concept of objectives and their sources of derivation, levels, and classifications and what is meant by content, the methods of organizing it, and the basis for choosing it and choosing its experiences.The intended student should know educationalists, their types, and their importance in the educational process, and know the religious, cognitive, psychological, philosophical, and social bases for building the curriculum.

GS213 Educational Psychology 02 General +

Educational Psychology course, code GS213: It is taught to students in the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies knowledge and experiences in the field of educational psychology.The course aims to:Knowledge and skills of educational psychology and the field of research in it, as well as learning theories, are familiar to the student.- The student's application of the knowledge, experience, and skills gained from studying the course.- To know the individual differences and types of intelligence.The value of the study returns to the student:The student must know the terms of this science: perception, thinking, intelligence, learning, and feedback.This student must be familiar with Senker's theories - the clairvoyance theory - Piaget's theory - Thorndike's theory.- That the student knows the types of intelligence and individual differences.

GS212 General Teaching Methods 02 General +

The course General Teaching Methods and its code GS212: It is taught to students of the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies in this course the knowledge and experiences related to the field of general teaching methods.The course aims to:- Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the field of general teaching methods.- Familiarity of the student with the knowledge, experience, and skills related to the field of teaching aids.- Student application of the knowledge, experience, and skills gained from studying the course in the field of teaching.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student knows the concept of the teaching method and knows the good teaching method.To teach the student the characteristics and specifications of a good teacher.- That the student knows the skills of teaching planning, presentation, evaluation, and the use of teaching aids.

RA203 Quranic Interpretation 02 Compulsory +

Quranic Interpretation Course (1) has a code of RA203 and is taught to students in the Department of Arabic Language during the second academic year, two hours per week. The student studies in this course the interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and what is related to it.The course aims to:- Students meditate on the verses of the Holy Quran when learning them.- Identify the reasons for the revelation of the verses and surahs they study, if any.- Educating students on the ability to interpret the verses of the Holy Quran without distortion.Students need to apply the benefits and rulings they find in the Qur'an to their daily lives. In addition, they need to think about what the Qur'an says in terms of proverbs, stories, and rulings.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student understands what is meant by the overall interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.- To get acquainted with the books on the general interpretation of the Qur’an.To classify the overall meaning of the Quranic verses.- To mention the meanings of individual words in the aforementioned surahs.

3rd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RA322 Andalusian Literature 02 Compulsory +

The Andalusian Literature course, code RA322: is taught to third-year students of the Arabic Language Department for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the history of literature in Andalusia.The course aims to:Studying the history of literature in Andalusia.- Identify the most important figures in literature in Andalusia.- Examine the most important characteristics of literature in it by studying some literary texts.The value of the study returns to the student:Learn about the history of Andalusia and the conditions it went through.- Standing on Andalusian literature, its purposes, and issues.Familiarity with the objective and artistic characteristics of poetry and prose in Andalusia.

RA325 02 Compulsory +

Text Analysis Course: It is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student is trained in literary criticism.The course aims to:- Training students in literary criticism and evaluation of texts.- The student can analyze the literary text.Distinguish between good and bad texts.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student knows the meaning of a good text and its most important components.- That the student understands the meanings of the terms: text analysis, emotion, rhythm...The student should know that literary texts differ in terms of strengths and weakness.

RA324 Ancient literary 02 Compulsory +

Ancient literary criticism course, code RA324: It is taught to students of the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. Based on the most prominent critical works by eminent scholars, it developed, culminated, and refined its concepts and procedures.The course aims to:Knowledge of the origins of literary criticism.Knowing that criticism is a difficult “science” to form and that the ancient Arabs exerted great efforts to establish this science.Realizing that old criticism deals with unfinished issues, even if the answers have changed.The value of the study returns to the student:- To criticize opinions on monetary issues raised in the past.The student should balance the literary texts with a scientific critical approach.- That the student applies critical principles to criticism of rhetoric and writing,

RA323 02 Compulsory +

The course “Ilm al-Badi’” and its code is RA323: It is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies knowledge of ways to improve and decorate speech and this enables the student to explore the manifestations of the beauty of texts and the sources of internal music in them.The course aims to:- That the student is acquainted with the investigations of the science of the beautiful, which lead him to know the ways to improve speech after conforming to the requirements of the situation and his eloquence.- That the student is able to apply what he studied from these topics to selected literary texts.- That the student is able to use these methods in the writings of his creation.- Training students to access heritage books and extract information from them.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student is acquainted with the history of this science and the circumstances of its inception.- That the student is able to know the terminology of the science of Badia.- That the student understands the nature of each good-natured philanthropist from what he has studied and can know its types.

RA321 Abbasid literature 02 Compulsory +

Abbasid literature course, code RA321: It is taught to students of the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies Abbasid history.The course aims to:Studying the history of literature in the Abbasid era.- Identify the most important manifestations of the Renaissance in the Abbasid era.- Identify the most important figures in literature in this era.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student is acquainted with the history of literature in the Abbasid era and aspects of life in it.- The student should explain the purposes and issues of Abbasid poetry.- That the student remembers the characteristics of poetry in the Abbasid era.

RA314 Semantics 02 Compulsory +

Semantics course and its code RA314: It is taught to students of the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies knowledge of semantics.The course aims to:Familiarity with the student of semantics, which is the pinnacle of linguistic studies.- Discovering the places of beauty in texts and the manifestations of miracles in the Qur’an.The student will be able to analyze the semantic text.The value of the study returns to the student:- The student should know modern theories of semantic analysis.- That the student understand the terms of semantics: pronunciation - meaning - synonym - common - antonym - semantic field.To be aware of the history and development of science.

RA313 language exercise 1 02 Compulsory +

The language exercise 1, code RA313, is taught to students every two weeks in the third academic year. In this course, the student studies an applied study on two sources of citation in the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s hadith. The course aims to:• Applying the studied rules of grammar and morphology• Gaining the ability to analyze and explain the texts presented and try to explore their depths• The student's ability to distinguish between the different chapters of the language.The value of the student's return from his studies is:• That the student knows the books that took care of the syntax of the Qur'an• That the student knows the books that take care of the syntax of the hadith• The student should know the books that took care of parsing and directing the readings.

RA311 Grammar 2 04 Compulsory +

Grammar 2 course, code 211RA, is taught to second-year students from the Department of Arabic Language for four hours per week. In this course, the student studies speech structures as it begins with the beginning, and that the subject has two parts, the definition of the news and its divisions when it is permissible to begin with the indefinite, when one precedes the other, and when it is permissible to omit One of them, then after that, abrogates the subject and the predicate, and it was and its sisters, and what is not, nor is it the ambiguities of Bliss, and the actions of the approach, and that and its sisters, nor is it to negate the gender, and suppose, and its sisters, and I know and see, and the actor and his deputy. The course aims to:• Understanding the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger. May God bless him and grant him peace.• Knowledge of syntax, distinguishing error from right, correcting the student's tongue, and protecting it from error.• Learning Arabic, teaching Arabic, making the student love the Arabic language, motivating him to learn it, and developing the student's taste and linguistic sense.• The ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.The value of the student's return from his studies is:• That the student knows and understands the subject and the predicate and their rulings and kan and its sisters and the letters similar to balls and the verbs of the approach• And that the student knows and understands that she and her sisters do not deny sex and think that her sisters know better• The student understands and understands the actor and his deputy, as well as his preoccupation, the transgression of the verb and its necessity, and the conflict in the work.• The student should know and understand the effects, the exception, the condition, and discrimination. n.

RA303 Quranic Interpretation 02 Compulsory +

Quranic Interpretation Course (2) and its code RA303: It is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. The student studies in this course the interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and what is related to it.The course aims to:- Students meditate on the verses of the Holy Quran when learning them.- Identify the reasons for the revelation of the verses and surahs they study, if any.- Educating students on the ability to interpret the verses of the Holy Quran without distortion.- It is imperative that students apply the benefits and rulings they find in their real lives and consider what the Qur'an says in terms of laws, proverbs, and stories.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student understands what is meant by the overall interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.- To get acquainted with the books on the general interpretation of the Qur’an.To classify the overall meaning of the Quranic verses.- To mention the meanings of individual words in the aforementioned surahs.

RA302 02 Compulsory +

The course Jurisprudence of Worship (2) and its code RA302: It is taught to students of the second academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies jurisprudential rulings and what is related to them.The course aims to:Introducing the student to the jurisprudential rulings related to acts of worship.Accurate perception of jurisprudence issues.- Inferring the reasons for the differences of jurists in jurisprudential issues.- The ability to weigh between statements in jurisprudential matters.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student understands what is meant by legal jurisprudence.To familiarize himself with the approved books of jurisprudence.- To describe the legal method of correct worship.- That the student understands the method of correcting the acts of worship in which there is a defect or omission.

GS311 Computer 02 General +

Computer course and its code GA311: It is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies computer technology and its uses.The course aims to:Introduce the student to computer technology and the use of its peripherals.- Highlighting the most significant office or basic application programs that the student needs during his study period.- That the student obtains knowledge, facts, and scientific concepts in the fields of computer and information technology appropriate for the stage of the study.In order to increase productivity, students need to develop skills and abilities in the field of computers and their applications.The value of the study returns to the student:Providing the student with scientific knowledge in the field of computer and information technology related to his life and the needs of his community.Introduce the student to the internal and external components of the computer, and its various peripherals.The student will learn computer applications and data entry skills.Introducing students to various applications of computers and information in public life.

GS312 Special Teaching Methods 02 General +

The course Special Teaching Methods and its code GS312: It is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the characteristics of the Arabic language and its teaching methods.The course aims to:Characteristics of the Arabic language and its functions.Elements of the Arabic language curriculum.Methods of teaching Arabic language courses in general education.- Elements of good teaching performance/objectives, content, means, activities, and evaluation.- Preparing lessons.Micro-teaching.The value of the study returns to the student:- Knowledge of general rules of teaching methods.Know the roles, competencies, and tasks of the teacher.Learn about modern teaching strategies.

GS313 Teaching Aids 02 General +

The course Teaching Aids and its code GS313: Is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies the necessary knowledge of teaching aids.The course aims to:- The course provides the student with the necessary knowledge about educational aids that facilitate the task of education so that he can choose the appropriate ones, manufacture, and innovate them himself.The value of the study returns to the student:- Understand the meaning of teaching aids.- Identify the rules for selecting teaching aids and how to evaluate them.- Being able to create and invent tools.

RA312 Morphology 02 Compulsory +

Morphology 3 course, code RA312, is taught to students in the third academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies important topics in morphology, beginning with diminutive and its weights, what is diminutive and what is not diminutive, ratios and their rulings, declension, substitution, how to replace letters with each other, and knowledge The obligatory, permissible, and abstaining assimilation, and familiarity with starting stopping. The course aims to:• Correcting the student's tongue, protecting it from error, developing taste and linguistic sense, and endearing the student to the Arabic language• The student should be familiar with the most important lessons and topics of morphology, its importance, and know what happens to the word in terms of change.• The student's ability to write words and the changes that occur in the structure of the word, such as addition, deletion, adverb, or substitution.• The student should be fluent in formulating the Arabic word.The value for the student from studying the course is due to the:• The student's knowledge and understanding of miniaturization and its rulings.• The student's knowledge and understanding of lineage and its rulings.• The student's knowledge and comprehension of declarative and substitution and how to replace letters with each other.• The student's knowledge and understanding of diphtheria, initiation, and endowment.

4th Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RA424 Modern Literary Criticism 02 Compulsory +

Modern Literary Criticism Course RA424: It is taught to students in the fourth academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. This course examines modern literary schools, linguistic, psychological, philosophical, and social approaches, and historical overviews of classicism, romanticism, and new realism from a social viewpoint, the distinctive aspects of these schools, the origins of noble criticism (its theories, trends, and figures in the West and the Arabs), and the most important modern critical approaches and figures.The course aims to:Know the concept of modern literary criticism.Based on the nature and function of the literary work.Familiarity with literary genres.The value of the study returns to the student:Mention the stages that modern literary criticism went through.To mention the most significant issues of modern criticism.To count modern monetary approaches.

RA423 02 Compulsory +

The course is the literature of consecutive countries, and its code is RA423: it is taught to fourth-year students of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. Throughout this course, the student examines literature from six centuries in successively different eras (with an emphasis on the brightest stages) using distinguished literary models, such as Ibn Sana' al-Malik, Ibn Union, Ali Hil, and Ibn Nabatah, in order to study the characteristics of literature in this era, its environment, and its artistic level. The course aims to:• Introduce the student to what is meant by successive eras.Despite the remarkable length of this stage, introduce him to the various reasons why literature was studied in these times.Introduce him to the nature and circumstances of this stage's environmentPolitical,l, social, and intellectual.ThThealue of the student from his studies is to• The student should identify the reasons that led to the weakness of literature at this stageStudents must be able to recognize the bright stages of the literature of these periods.To become familiar with the most important writers during these bright stages.

RA422 Comparative Literature 02 Compulsory +

The course is Comparative Literature and its code is RA422. It is taught to fourth-year students of the Department of Arabic Language at a rate of two hours per week. The student studies the principle of comparison between different kinds of literature.The course aims to:- In order to attain the humanity of literature, we need to establish a principle of comparison.- Deepening the student's advanced level of proficiency in languages with comparative literature.- Access to the skill of measuring influence among international literary texts. The value of the study returns to the student:- To recognize the origin and concept of the comparative bear.- To remember the mechanisms of comparison and the channels of transmission of literature between peoples.To recognize literary works that influenced or were influenced by others, and to be able to describe them.

RA421 Modern Literary Criticism 02 Compulsory +

Modern Literary Criticism Course RA424: It is taught to students of the fourth academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. In this course, the student studies an introduction to modern literary schools, linguistic, psychological, philosophical, and social approaches, and a historical overview of classicism, romanticism, and new realism from A social point of view, the salient features in the personality of these schools, the origins of the noble criticism (its theories, trends and figures in the West and the Arabs) and the most important modern critical approaches and figures, applications of poetic models of the Arab critical approaches and figures.The course aims to:Know the concept of modern literary criticism.Standing on the nature of the literary work and its function.Familiarity with literary genres.The value of the study returns to the student:Mention the stages that modern literary criticism went through.To mention the most important issues of modern criticism.To count modern monetary approaches.

RA416 Guiding Readings 02 Compulsory +

The course “Guiding Readings” and its code RA416: It is taught to students of the fourth academic year in the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies the science of directed reading.The course aims to:- Introducing the student to the principles of the science of directing readings, its principles, rules, and benefits.Introducing the student to readings, and that their difference is a difference of diversity, not a difference of opposition.- Eliciting the semantic diversity, and exploring the phonetic, morphological, and grammatical subtleties.The value of the study returns to the student:- Knowing the translations of the ten reciters, their narrators, the methods of their chain of transmission, and knowing who they quoted from.- The ability to raise the biggest similarities raised about the Quranic readings, then respond to them and refute them with argument and evidence.Acquisition of scientific wealth regarding the position of the language in readings, and the relationship between them with regard to sounds, morphology, and grammar.

RA415 Linguistic Applications 02 Compulsory +

The course Linguistic Applications and its code RA415: It is taught to students of the fourth academic year of the Department of Arabic Language for four hours per week. By taking this course, the student has the opportunity to practice dealing with linguistic methods and rules by applying them to various texts, and by using dictionaries and language books directly, and by knowing the linguistic differences and common mistakes in an effort to develop a scientific, literary, and linguistic faculty in the student, for extracting images, rhetorical composition, and meanings of words in prose and poetry texts, and for writing texts, administrative requests, reports, and walks in sound language.The course aims to:- Training the student on all the grammatical and rhetorical rules he studied by applying them to prose and poetic texts of all kinds.- Evaluating the student's writings, protecting them from error, developing taste and linguistic sense, and endearing the student to the Arabic language.The student should be familiar with grammatical rules and the way they are applied to texts in general.- That the student is able to deal with language books and dictionaries in the application of grammar and knowledge of meanings through training in prose and poetic texts.The value of the study returns to the student:- The student's knowledge of the linguistic, grammatical and rhetorical rules in a practical way.- The student's knowledge of how to deal with linguistic dictionaries of all kinds in extracting meanings practically.- The student's knowledge of linguistic differences and some different styles through dealing with texts in general.- The student's knowledge of writing general and administrative applications, reports, and CVs in a practical way.

RA414 stylistics 02 Compulsory +

The course is stylistics and its code is RA414: it is taught to students of the fourth academic year in the Department of Arabic Language for two hours per week. The student studies the science of stylistics and what is related to it.The course aims to:- Acquaintance with the science of stylistics and stylistic approaches in the study of texts.Studying the relationship between stylistics and rhetorical and critical studies.Studying the relationship between stylistics and linguistics.- Training on the mechanisms of stylistic analysis through applications on selected texts.- That the student be able to analyze the text from a stylistic point of view.The value of the study returns to the student:To familiarize the student with various stylistic concepts.To familiarize the student with the rules of linguistic analysis in literary studies.- That the student stands on the relations between rhetorical and critical studies.- That the student recognize the roots of stylistics in the Arab heritage.- The student should apply some stylistic mechanisms to Quranic or poetic texts.

RA413 language exercise 2 02 Compulsory +

Course language exercise 2, code RA413: It is taught to students of the fourth academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at the rate of two hours per week. In this course, the student studies an applied study on the third source of citations in the language. Arabic speech is structured and scattered.The course aims to:- Applying the rules of the studied sciences, grammar, morphology, and propositions.Gaining the ability to analyze and explain the texts presented and try to explore their depths.- The student's ability to distinguish between the different chapters of the language.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student knows the sources of linguistic citations.- That the student understands the spatial and temporal limits of martyrdom.- To memorize some evidence and understand its syntax.

RA411 Grammar 4 04 Compulsory +

Grammar 4 course, code 411RA, is taught to fourth-year students of the Arabic Language Department, four hours per week. In this course, the student studies important topics in grammar, including the call, it's ruling, its letters and types, the rulings of the follower of the caller, the distress and its provisions, the scar and its definition, what may be delegated, and what It is not permissible, and the inflection and specialization, and the warning and the temptation and the names of the verbs and the sounds and the noun of emphasis and what does not depart from the inflection of the verb and its rulings and factors of assertion until the endowment and inclination. The course aims to:• Understanding the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger. May God bless him and grant him peace.• Knowledge of syntax, distinguishing error from right, correcting the student's tongue, and protecting it from error.• Learning Arabic, teaching Arabic, making the student love the Arabic language, motivating him to learn it, and developing the student's taste and linguistic sense.• The ability to describe, analyze and draw judgments.The value for the student from studying the course is due to the:• The student knows and understands the call, the distress, the scar, the melody, the competence, the warning, and the temptation• The student's knowledge and understanding of the nouns of verbs, sounds, and infinitives.• The student's knowledge and understanding of the inflection of the verb, the determinants, and telling of who, alif, and lam.• The student's knowledge and understanding of numbers.

RA405 Practical Education 02 Compulsory +

The course is Practical Education and its code is RA405: It is taught to students in the fourth academic year of the Arabic Language Department for two hours per week. It represents the practical aspect of preparing students of the Arabic Language Department to undertake the teaching profession and school interaction.The course aims to:- Helping the student teacher to identify the components of the school and institutional system and the interaction between these components.- The student teacher and trainee acquire a true understanding of his abilities and professional qualities and work on their development.Linking theory and practice by putting what you have learned in theory into practice.- Examination of the extent to which the student teacher and trainee have mastered the material.Respect for the teaching profession and related services.- Helping the student teacher to gain professional competence by performing his work successfully.The value of the study returns to the student:- Studying and reviewing different methods of teaching language skills.- Developing the student's skills in adjusting to the class and dealing with individual differences.- Developing the student's skill in evaluating education.- Developing the student's skill in teaching planning.

RA404 02 Compulsory +

RA403 Quranic Interpretation 02 Compulsory +

Quranic Interpretation Course (3) and its code RA403: It is taught to students of the fourth academic year of the Department of Arabic Language, at a rate of two hours per week. The student studies in this course the interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and what is related to it.The course aims to:- Students meditate on the verses of the Holy Quran when learning them.- Identify the reasons for the revelation of the verses and surahs they study, if any.- Educating students on the ability to interpret the verses of the Holy Quran without distortion.- That the students apply what they find of benefits and rulings in their real lives and consider what the Qur’an includes in terms of rulings, proverbs and stories.The value of the study returns to the student:- That the student understands what is meant by the overall interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.- To get acquainted with the books of the general interpretation of the Qur’an.To classify the overall meaning of the Quranic verses.- To mention the meanings of individual words in the aforementioned surahs.