Bachelor in therapeutic radiology department

Faculty of Medical Technology - Therapeutic Radiology Department



The Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology is the newest department in the College of Medical Technology, established in 2019 AD in order to graduate qualified cadres with knowledge and training in the use of radioactive techniques and materials in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

The study system in the department was organized according to the educational program at the College of Medical Technology, so that the student passes in the first stage, which extends for two semesters, the courses of the general stage, after which he moves to specialized studies in the department, and it includes the study of (33) scientific courses. The scientific program of the Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology includes, in addition to theoretical concepts and sciences, a practical program that includes training in the areas of using radiological techniques and medical imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and dealing safely and professionally with radiological techniques. After the student passes all the courses, the student spends the internship stage in educational hospitals under the supervision of specialized experts in order to obtain the skills and the level that corresponds to the highest quality standards

Note: You can view the detailed courses on the pdf file


·         Preparing a graduate of a highly qualified specialist who possesses sufficient capabilities and skills based on the latest scientific data and conforms to quality standards.

·         Enable students to acquire the latest knowledge in all areas of specialization and encourage a communication environment between students and faculty members.

·         Preparing leaders and specialists who are able to provide expertise and distinguished competence in innovative learning, scientific research, patient care and community health promotion, through the appointment of highly qualified faculty members who work in an advanced educational environment that would facilitate the provision of the best services to the community.

·         Promoting theoretical and applied medical sciences to keep pace with the needs of the labor market.

Achieving the desired future goals by crowning his scientific career by encouraging enrollment in graduate studies programs in the field of specialization


Graduates of the department can work in the field of using radiological technologies and materials in diagnosis and treatment, which includes diagnostic radiology technology of all kinds, such as regular ionizing and tomography devices, dental panoramas, mammography devices, and non-ionizing devices such as magnetic resonance imaging devices. It also works on ultrasound devices. In order to create medical images of human anatomy to assist radiologists and physicians from other fields in medical diagnosis. In addition to working on therapeutic radiology devices, such as treating cancerous tumors.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Therapeutic and Diagnostic Radiology

Entry Reuirements

First: at the faculty level.

• To take into account the university's policies and instructions regarding admission rates and averages.

• The student must complete all the documents required to enroll in the faculty.

 Second: At the level of the scientific department.

• To meet the needs of the labor market.

• Admission should be competitive, according to the students' desires and the sequence of their averages in the general stage.

• The absorptive capacity of the scientific department

Study Plan

The Bachelor in therapeutic radiology department prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in therapeutic radiology department. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 122 units, which include 28 units of general subjects, and 94 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BI153 Biology 05 General +

It is a natural science that deals with the study of life and living organisms, including their structures, functions, growth, development, distribution, and classification. Modern biology is a broad field consisting of many branches and sub-disciplines, but it includes some unified general concepts that link its various branches and all studies and research follow.

CH152 General Chemistry 05 General +

Course code and titleGeneral Chemistry (CH 152)Course coordinatorProf. Mohamed A. FadelDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours6 Hours / Week (5 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First- SemesterDate of specification approval by Council2016-2017

AL141 Arabic Language 04 General +

Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BS241 Biostatistics 04 General +

Course code and titleST 241 StatisticsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

EN242 English Language 04 General +

Course code and title(EL 242 ) General English and Medical TerminologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

IT224 Information Technology 02 General +

Course code and titleIT224 Information TechnologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours2 hours / week – (2 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

MP243 Medical Physics 04 General +

Course code and titleMP243 PhysicsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AN332 General Anatomy 03 Compulsory BI153 +

BC323 Biochemistry I 02 Compulsory CH152 +

RD337 Radiography Technique I 03 Compulsory MP243 +

RD331 Radiation Physics 03 Compulsory MP243 +

HS335 General Histology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

MB334 General Microbiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

PS336 General Physiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RD425 Radiation Protection 03 Compulsory RD331 +

RD432 Radiolgical Anatomy 03 Compulsory AN332 +

RD431 Radiography Instrumentation I 03 Compulsory RD331 +

RD433 Biochemistry II 03 Compulsory BC323 +

RD436 Radiography technique II 03 Compulsory RD337 +

RD424 Oncology 03 Compulsory AN332 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RD535 Radiography for emergency cases 03 Compulsory RD436 +

RD533 Physics of Ultrasound 03 Compulsory RD331 +

RD532 Radiography Instrumentation II 03 Compulsory RD431 +

RD531 Radiography TechniqueIII 03 Compulsory RD436 +

RD526 Professional Ethics and legislation 03 Compulsory +

RD524 Radio-logical Pathology 03 Compulsory RD424 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL621 Band Aid 02 Elective +

EL622 Infection Control in Health Facilities 03 Elective +

RD626 Management in a radiology department 03 Compulsory +

RD633 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 03 Compulsory RD532 +

RD634 Radiation Isotope Imaging 03 Compulsory RD532 +

RD635 Research Methodology 03 Compulsory BS241 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RD724 Control and Quality in Radiology department 02 Compulsory +

RD731 Radiotherapy Technique I 03 Compulsory RD331 +

RD732 Radionuclide Therapy 03 Compulsory RD634 +

RD733 Computer Tomography 03 Compulsory RD532 +

RD735 Radiography Technique I 03 Compulsory RD531 RD833 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RD833 Especial radiography technique II 03 Compulsory RD735 +

RD836 Graduation project 03 Compulsory RD635 +

RD831 Radiotherapy Technique II 03 Compulsory RD731 +

EL824 Communication Skills 02 Elective +

EL825 Community Health 02 Elective +