Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences

University of Tripoli - Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences




The Department of Medical Laboratories is one of the oldest scientific departments in the College of Medical Technology. It was established in 1986 AD, and after thirty years of continuous giving, the departments of medical laboratories and pathology were merged into one department called the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences. The department aims to qualify specialized graduates with distinguished competence and advanced scientific ability It enables them to be able to absorb and apply all modern technologies in the field of laboratory medical diagnosis.

Like the rest of the departments of the College of Medical Technology, the student joins the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences upon passing the general stage, where they receive specialized, supportive and elective sciences within an integrated program that includes (33) (theoretical and practical) courses within a study program that is supervised and managed by a group of faculty members in the department.During their studies in the department, the student receives practical training in the college laboratories and in educational hospitals in order to acquire laboratory skills in the field of clinical chemistry, immunology, and blood banks. The student is also trained in conducting laboratory tests, microscopic examination, analysis of blood samples, and examination of body fluids and tissues.Upon passing the final exams for the eighth semester, the student goes through an internship period in one of the teaching hospitals, to obtain upon his graduation a Bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences.

Note: You can view the detailed courses on the pdf file


·         Preparing a highly qualified graduate specialist in medical laboratories who possesses sufficient capabilities and skills based on the latest scientific data and conforms to quality standards.

·         Enable students to acquire the latest knowledge in all areas of specialization in medical laboratory sciences and encourage a communication environment between students and faculty members.

·         Preparing leaders and specialists who are able to provide expertise and distinguished competence in innovative learning, scientific research, patient care and community health promotion, through the appointment of highly qualified faculty members who work in an advanced educational environment that would facilitate the provision of the best services to the community.

·         Promoting theoretical and applied medical laboratory sciences to keep pace with the needs of the labor market.

·         The department aims to achieve the desired future goals by crowning its scientific career by encouraging enrollment in postgraduate programs in the field of medical laboratory sciences

·         program outputs

·         By the end of the medical laboratory science program, the graduate will be able to:

·         Learn about the cell and the cellular processes necessary for life and the genetic composition of RNA and DNA and its mechanism of action.

·         Concepts of anatomy and physiology.

·         Knowledge of the risks inherent in health facilities and medical laboratories and aspects of safety and prevention.

·         Familiarity with the methods of various chemical analyzes and their conduct.

·         Knowledge of bacterial cell structure, reproduction and growth in bacteria, bacterial inheritance, physiology of microorganisms, physical properties necessary for bacterial growth, bacteria’s relationship with hosts and bacterial diseases, methods of action and effectiveness of antibiotics, chemicals and food bacteria

·         Knowledge of the composition of viruses, methods of viral infection, and diagnosis of viral diseases using modern techniques and methods of combating them.

·         Familiarity with the composition of fungi, their methods of reproduction and growth, methods of infection and the diseases they cause

·         Knowledge of parasites, their types, methods of infection and diseases that result from them, their diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention.

·         Knowledge of the dysfunction of the organs and cells of the body, the diseases that result from them, and how to diagnose and treat them

·         To know the chemical composition of the important vital compounds in the body and methods of estimating them

·         And its role in diagnosing various diseases.

·         Conducting vital laboratory tests for various body fluids, methods of estimating them, and their role in diagnosing various diseases.

·         Using laboratory devices for immunology and cellular diagnosis.

·         Familiarity with the various methods of taking and recording biological samples.



·         Knowledge of blood components, diseases and malignant tumors that affect blood cells and lead to dysfunction of blood cells and its components.

·         Knowledge of the practical applications of methods for preparing tissue samples and sections for microscopic examination.

·         Management of laboratories, their types and departments, and information systems.

·         Familiarity with the methods and methods of scientific research.

·         Applying conceptual awareness of the different sciences that have been studied

·         Applying methods involved in critical thinking and creative problem solving at the request of others or when faced with new and unexpected situations.

·         Studying topics and problems in a field of study using a variety of sources and drawing valid conclusions.

·         Dealing with developments in the field of medical laboratories

·         Detection of epidemics and diseases in the surrounding environment and dealing with them.

·         Dealing with chronic diseases and ways to follow them

·         Take responsibility with the rest of the medical team

·         Continue personal and professional development

·         Work effectively in a group and exercise leadership when required

·         Act responsibly in personal and professional relationships

·         Behave ethically and adhere to high moral values on a personal and social scale

·         Finding constructive solutions to collective issues and positions

·         Communicate effectively orally and in writing with health workers in both Arabic and English.

·         Dealing with vocabulary and medical terminology in the field of laboratories correctly

·         Keeping pace with modern communication and information technology methods

·         Use mathematical and statistical methods to analyze the results

·         He used his senses and movements brilliantly in the procedures required of him

·         Evaluation and continuous development of the Graduate Excellence Program plan.

·         Opening up to the community through holding educational and educational seminars.

·         Encouraging the scientific research environment by expanding the establishment of multidisciplinary research groups and supporting advanced collaborative research projects.

·         Encouragement to enroll in future postgraduate programs in the field of medical laboratories.


The educational program of the department was designed according to the latest methods used in developed countries in order to prepare the students of the department and qualify them to be distinguished medical and technical cadres to work in hospitals, sanatoriums and clinics so that they can be relied upon in preparing and following up anesthesia equipment and resuscitation devices and providing care and medical attention to the patient in operating rooms and intensive care units in all Types, emergency departments and dialysis rooms.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Laboratory Science

Entry Reuirements

First: at the faculty level.

• To take into account the university's policies and instructions regarding admission rates and averages.

• The student must complete all the documents required to enroll in the faculty.

 Second: At the level of the scientific department.

• To meet the needs of the labor market.

• Admission should be competitive, according to the students' desires and the sequence of their averages in the general stage.

• The absorptive capacity of the scientific department

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 129 units, which include 28 units of general subjects, and 57 major units, 5 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AL141 Arabic Language 04 General +

Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

BI153 Biology 05 General +

It is a natural science that deals with the study of life and living organisms, including their structures, functions, growth, development, distribution, and classification. Modern biology is a broad field consisting of many branches and sub-disciplines, but it includes some unified general concepts that link its various branches and all studies and research follow.

CH152 General Chemistry 05 General +

Course code and titleGeneral Chemistry (CH 152)Course coordinatorProf. Mohamed A. FadelDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours6 Hours / Week (5 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First- SemesterDate of specification approval by Council2016-2017

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MP243 Medical Physics 04 General +

Course code and titleMP243 PhysicsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

BS241 Biostatistics 04 General +

Course code and titleST 241 StatisticsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

IT224 Information Technology 02 General +

Course code and titleIT224 Information TechnologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours2 hours / week – (2 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

EN242 English Language 04 General +

Course code and title(EL 242 ) General English and Medical TerminologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AN332 General Anatomy 03 Compulsory BI153 +

PS336 General Physiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

ML331 Analytical Chemistry I 03 Compulsory CH152 +

1. To view the modern and advanced methods in the field of chemistry. 2. To acquire knowledge in specialty sciences. 3. To acquire knowledge in the principles of chemical sciences for analysis. 4. To acquire practical experience in the use of modern instruments, devices and techniques in the field of analysis.

MB334 General Microbiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

At the end of this course, the student will be able:- 1. Understanding microbial morphology, structure, physiology and metabolism relevant to common infectious diseases. 2. Explain the basic microbiological techniques. 3. The students should be familiar with the common infection, and control microbial contamination. 4. To enable the student to practice the principles of staining, culturing, and sterile techniques.

HS335 General Histology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

BC323 Biochemistry I 03 Compulsory CH152 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL436 Safety & Lab. Management 03 Elective +

EL434 Medical Lab. Instrumentation 03 Elective MP243 +

ML431 Analytical Chemistry II 03 Compulsory ML331 +

ML432 Histopathology I 03 Compulsory HS335 +

ML435 Molecular Biology 03 Compulsory +

BC433 Biochemistry II 03 Compulsory BC323 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ML531 Bio-Clinical Chemistry I 03 Compulsory BC433 +

ML532 General Hematology 03 Compulsory PS336 +

ML533 Histopathology II 03 Compulsory ML432 +

ML534 Immunology & Serology I 03 Compulsory MB334 +

ML535 Medical Microbiology 03 Compulsory MB334 +

ML536 Medical Parasitology I 03 Compulsory MB334 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ML633 Immunology & Serology II 03 Compulsory ML534 +

ML636 Medical Virology & Mycology 03 Compulsory ML535 +

ML635 Medical Parasitology II 03 Compulsory ML536 +

ML634 Medical Bactriology 03 Compulsory ML535 +

ML632 Diagnostic Hematology 03 Compulsory ML532 +

ML631 Bio-Clinical Biochemistry 03 Compulsory ML531 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL726 Presentation & Research Skills 02 Elective +

ML731 Blood Bank 03 Compulsory ML633 +

ML732 Diagnostic Bio-Clinical Chemistry 03 Compulsory ML631 +

ML733 Diagnostic Medical Microbiology 03 Compulsory +

ML734 Diagnostic Molecular Biology 03 Compulsory ML435 +

EL725 Infection Control 02 Elective +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ML835 Student Research Project 03 Compulsory +

ML841 Clinical Rotation Bio-Clinical Chemistry 04 Compulsory ML732 +

ML842 Clinical Rotation Blood Bank 04 Compulsory ML731 +

ML843 Clinical Rotation Hematology 04 Compulsory ML632 +

ML844 Clinical Rotation Medical Microbiology 04 Compulsory ML733 +