Bachelor in public health

Faculty of Medical Technology - Department of Public Health



The Department of Public Health is one of the most important modern scientific departments in the College of Medical Technology. It was established in 2000-2001 AD to qualify specialized cadres in various fields of public health.The student joins the Department of Public Health after passing the general stage courses, where he receives specialized, supportive and elective sciences within an integrated program that includes (39) scientific courses.During his study period in the department, in addition to theoretical sciences, the student receives practical training and makes several field visits to medical institutions related to the specialty. At the end of the scientific program, the student receives training for a period of six months. After completing all aspects of the academic program, the student obtains a graduation certificate with a Bachelor's degree in Public Health.

Note: You can view the detailed courses on the pdf file


1.       After completing the educational program in the Department of Public Health, the student will be able to learn about local and international public health problems.

2.       The graduate will be able to analyze and read data from an epidemiological perspective and be able to infer and analyze.

3.       The graduate will have the ability to assess the needs of the individual and society and the ability to educate health and manage programs and plans that can be communicated to implement them.

4.       The graduate will be able to write scientific research papers, as well as scientific discussion and oral presentation on all topics related to public health.


A.1. The student acquires the skill of translating from English into Arabic and vice versa, as well as the ability to recall commonly accepted medical terminology.

   A.2. The student acquires the skill of being able to interpret and solve health problems using scientific data, statistical methods, knowledge of classifications and epidemiological standards.

  A.3. The student will be able to describe the epidemiological situation or the nutritional situation and develop appropriate practical solutions.

  A.4. The student will be able to infer from illustrations and graphs and read the health status and health problems raised by the study.


B.1. The graduate acquires the skill of analyzing, reading and criticizing the health, epidemiological and preventive situation and comparing it with other societies.

  B.2. The graduate acquires the ability to be creative and distinguished in presenting appropriate health solutions that are compatible with the nature of society

  B.3. The graduate acquires the ability to identify the health needs of the community using modern scientific methods in global management and policies.

  B.4. The graduate acquires the ability to solve problems related to public health, such as economic, social and psychological problems, and the ability to communicate to solve them and to enhance public health services in the best way.


C.1. Upon completion of the educational program in public health, the student acquires the ability to use the computer and most of its programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, data, graphics and tables.

 C.2. The student will have the ability to use some basic equipment in chemistry and microbiology, such as a microscope, standard laboratory tools, and some emergency tools such as blood pressure gauges, injections, and others.

 C.3. The student shall have the ability to design tables, questionnaires, and surveys, and to conduct studies and scientific research.

C.4. The student shall have the ability to use the Internet programs and electronic applications for scientific use and communication.


D.1. The student acquires language communication skills in Arabic and English.

  D.2. Ability to communicate in writing and orally.

  D.3. The ability to use technological tools and devices and computers to serve the field of work.

  D.4. The ability to manage human and material resources to provide the best health services.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Public Health

Entry Reuirements

First: at the faculty level.

• To take into account the university's policies and instructions regarding admission rates and averages.

• The student must complete all the documents required to enroll in the faculty.


Second: At the level of the scientific department.

• To meet the needs of the labor market.

• Admission should be competitive, according to the students' desires and the sequence of their averages in the general stage.

• The absorptive capacity of the scientific department

Study Plan

The Bachelor in public health prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in public health. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 28 units of general subjects, and 112 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AL141 Arabic Language 04 General +

Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

BI153 Biology 05 General +

It is a natural science that deals with the study of life and living organisms, including their structures, functions, growth, development, distribution, and classification. Modern biology is a broad field consisting of many branches and sub-disciplines, but it includes some unified general concepts that link its various branches and all studies and research follow.

CH152 General Chemistry 05 General +

Course code and titleGeneral Chemistry (CH 152)Course coordinatorProf. Mohamed A. FadelDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours6 Hours / Week (5 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First- SemesterDate of specification approval by Council2016-2017

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BS241 Biostatistics 04 General +

Course code and titleST 241 StatisticsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

MP243 Medical Physics 04 General +

Course code and titleMP243 PhysicsCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

IT224 Information Technology 02 General +

Course code and titleIT224 Information TechnologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours2 hours / week – (2 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

EN242 English Language 04 General +

Course code and title(EL 242 ) General English and Medical TerminologyCourse coordinatorDepartment /Division offering the courseThe general department / Faculty of medical technologyDepartments teaching the courseThe general departmentTotal credit hours4 hours/week-(4 credit)Language of instructionEnglishLevel of course (Year/Semester)2020-2021 / First semesterDate of specification approval by Council2017-2018

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AN332 Anatomy 03 Compulsory BI153 +

1 Course code and title AN332 - Anatomy 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ahmed M. Mesawi 3 Course type Supportive course 4 Prerequisites code BI153- Biology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Third semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2002-2003

PS336 Physiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

By the end of this course, students will be able to: This course enable the students to know the basic physiology of know physiology of the cell and body.

PH333 Medical Parasitology I 03 Compulsory BI153 +

1 Course code and title PH333 – Medical Parasitology I 2 Course coordinator Professor Dr. Badreddine B. Al-Najar 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code BI153- Biology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Third semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2002-2003

MB334 General Microbiology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Define and explain basic principles of microbiology. 2. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the microbial world. 3. Identify real-world problems and show how they apply to microbiology principles and immunity. 4. Students are expected to gain a fundamental understanding of microbes including viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Archaea and eukaryotic microorganisms.

BC331 Biochemistry 03 Compulsory CH152 +

1 Course code and title BC331 - Biochemistry 2 Course coordinator Dr. Nadia N. Essarbout & Dr. Amel A. Essarbout 3 Course type Supportive course 4 Prerequisites code CH152- General Chemistry 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Third semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2002-2003

HS335 Histology 03 Compulsory BI153 +

1 Course code and title HS335 - Histology 2 Course coordinator Dr. Amel A. Essarbout 3 Course type Supportive course 4 Prerequisites code BI153- Biology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Third semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2002-2003

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH436 Medical Parasitology II 03 Compulsory PH333 +

1 Course code and title PH436 – Medical Parasitology II 2 Course coordinator Professor Dr. Badreddine B. Al-Najar 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH333 – Medical Parasitology I 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2002-2003

PH437 Health Nutrition 03 Compulsory BC331 +

1 Course code and title PH437 – Health Nutrition. 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sulieman Ayad El-Tarban 3 Course type Specialized Course 4 Prerequisites code BC331 –Biochemistry 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2003-2004

PH433 Health Laws & Ethics 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH433 – Health Laws and Ethics 2 Course coordinator Dr. Arij .M. Mousa 3 Course type Specialized Course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2010-2011

PH432 Awareness & Health Education 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH432- Awareness and Health Education 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sarra Mohamed Ahmed Aabu maeza 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

PH431 Community Health 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH431 – Community Health 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sarra Mohamed Ahmed Aabu maeza 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2004-2005

PH425 Immunology & Serology 02 Compulsory MB334 +

1 Course code and title PH425 - Immunology & Serology. 2 Course coordinator Dr. Abdurrazag M. Urayet 3 Course type Specialized Course 4 Prerequisites code MB334 – General Microbiology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 2 credit- 2hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2003-2004

PH424 Health System 02 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH424 - Health systems. 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ayoub Al-Ashkham 3 Course type Specialized Course 4 Prerequisites code IT224 – Information Technology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 2 credit- 2hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 2nd Year/ Fourth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH521 Health & Lifestyle 02 Compulsory PH431 +

1 Course code and title PH521 – The Health and Lifestyle 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sarra Mohamed Ahmed Aabu maeza 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH431 – Community Health 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 2 credit- 2hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2013-2014

PH532 Maternal & Child Health care 03 Compulsory PH431 PH432 +

1 Course code and title PH532 – Maternal & Child Health Care 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sana A.B. Masud 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH431 – Community Health PH432 – Health Education & Awareness 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2010-2011

PH533 Medical Bacteriology 03 Compulsory PH425 +

1 Course code and title PH533 – Medical Bacteriology 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ibrahim S. Mokhtar 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH425 –Immunology & Serology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2006-2007

PH534 Mental Health 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH534 – Mental Health 2 Course coordinator Dr. Najia Naji Alwaseea 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction Arabic Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2013-2014

PH535 The International Health Control 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH535 – The International Health Control 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ramadan Mohamed Osman 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

PH536 Toxicology & Drugs 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH536 - Toxicology and Drugs 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ahmed M.Mesawi 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Fifth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2004-2005

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH636 Medical Virology 03 Compulsory PH533 +

1 Course code and title PH636 – Medical Virology 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ibrahim S. Mokhtar 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH533 – Medical Bacteriology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2006-2007

PH631 Environmental Health 03 Compulsory PH431 +

1 Course code and title PH631 – Environmental Health 2 Course coordinator Dr. Nadia Nureddin Essarbout 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH431 – Community Health 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

PH637 Occupational Health and Safety 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH637 – Occupational Health and Safety 2 Course coordinator Dr. Zainab M. Hamida & Dr. Embarka A. Karim 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code Accomplished at least 70 credits 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 3 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2014-2015

PH638 Psychological & Social Support 03 Compulsory PH534 +

1 Course code and title PH638 – Psychological & Social Support 2 Course coordinator Dr. Hoda Saleh Al-Misrati 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH534 – Mental Health 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction Arabic Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

PH635 Management of Health Crises & Disasters 03 Compulsory PH535 +

1 Course code and title PH635 – Management of Health Crises & Disasters 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ramadan Mohamed Osman 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH535 – The International Health Control 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2014-2015

EL623 First Aids 02 Elective +

1 Course code and title EL623 - First Aids 2 Course coordinator Dr. Ahmed M. Mesawi 3 Course type Elective course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 2 credit- 2hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2014-2015

EL624 Health Protection for the Disabled & the Elderly 02 Elective +

1 Course code and title EL624 -Health Protection for the Disabled & the Elderly 2 Course coordinator Dr. Arij .M. Mousa 3 Course type Elective course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department/Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 2 credit- 2hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2015-2016

PH632 Epidemiology 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH632 – Epidemiology 2 Course coordinator Dr. Arij .M. Mousa & Dr. Ramadan M. Osman 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code Accomplished at least 70 credits 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 3hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 3rd Year/ Sixth semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2004-2005

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH735 Public Health Pests Control 03 Compulsory PH436 +

1 Course code and title PH735- Public Health Pests Control 2 Course coordinator Dr. Amel A. Essarbout 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH436 – Medical Parasitology II 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 credit- 5hrs /week 8 Language of instruction English 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year/ Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2010-2011م

PH736 Research Methods & Data Analysis 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH736 – Research Methods & Data Analysis 2 Course coordinator Dr. Arij .M. Mousa 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code Accomplished at least 82 credits 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 3 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year / Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2009-2010

PH734 Infection Control in Health Facilities 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH734 – Infection Control in Health Facilities 2 Course coordinator Dr. Sana A.B. Masud 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code Accomplished at least 75 credits 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 3 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year / Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2015-2016

PH733 Health Policies and Measures 03 Compulsory PH433 +

1 Course code and title PH733 – Health Policies and Measures 2 Course coordinator Dr. Arij .M. Mousa 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH433 – Health Laws and Ethics 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 3 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year / Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2010-2011

PH732 Quality Control and Foods Safety 03 Compulsory +

1 Course code and title PH732 – Quality Control and Foods Safety 2 Course coordinator Dr. Fawzi B. Al-Badri & Dr. Manal O. Abuagela 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year / Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2004-2005

PH731 Food Microbiology 03 Compulsory PH533 PH636 +

1 Course code and title PH731 – Food Microbiology 2 Course coordinator Dr. Othman B. Boaisha 3 Course type Specialized course 4 Prerequisites code PH533 – Medical Bacteriology PH636 – Medical Virology 5 Department /Division offering the course Public Health 6 Departments teaching the course Public Health 7 Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week 8 Language of instruction English Language 9 Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year / Seventh semester 10 Date of specification approval by Council 2007-2008

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL824 Health Media & Communication 02 Elective +

1. Analyze and describe how social, political, and cultural factors affect health communication and healthcare. 2. Articulate the ways in which different models of healthcare affect and reflect health communication. 3. Explore, analyze, and synthesize research and personal experience on narratively making sense of illness 4. Describe the communication of patients, health caregivers, and family caregivers and how the perspectives inform, differ from, and intersect with one another 5. Define the role of communication in maintaining health and coping with illness and death 6. Identify the various approaches for translating research into practice; including community based participatory research, education, edutainment, documentaries, and key steps in planning, implementing, and assessing health promotion campaigns 7. Understand and persuasively articulate how health communication matters to you, to others, and to Libyan society.

PH831 Genetics & Community Health 03 Compulsory BC331 PH521 +

By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. An overview of genetics and genetic information and their roles in health and society. 2. An appreciation of the differences between the public health and the scientific and medical contexts of genetics and genetic information. 3. Knowledge and understanding of ethical, legal and social issues around genetics and genetic information. 4. An ability to anticipate the future relevance of genetics and genetic information to health and society.

PH832 Health & Food Inspection 03 Compulsory +

Course code and title PH832 – Health & Food Inspection Course coordinator Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Habroush Course type Specialized course Prerequisites code Department /Division offering the course Public Health Departments teaching the course Public Health Total credit hours 3 Credits – 5 hrs/week Language of instruction Arabic Language Level of course (Year/Semester) 4th Year/ Eighth semester Date of specification approval by Council 2008-2009

PH833 Health Engineering 03 Compulsory PH631 +

1. Knowing the main topics in health engineering such as Water and Solid waste management. 2. By ending this course the students will be able to recognize the environmental issue and determine suitable method to manage the problems. 3. To have a working knowledge of the public health engineering principles that has been developed for protection against biological and chemical threats. 4. To know control methods and technologies. 5. Explain the role of environmental and behavioral interventions in improving public health

PH836 Research Project 03 Compulsory +

PH837 School Health 03 Compulsory +

By the end of the course, students are able to: 1. Understand the relationship between schools and their mission, and the history, policies, and interventions to promote health and prevent disease in schools. 2. Describe the structure and function of coordinated school health programs and the social, health, and academic benefits of these programs to schools, families, and communities. 3. Analyze how each coordinated school health program component contributes to the social, health, and academic outcomes of students, schools, families, and communities using a combination of current literature and in-school observations. 4. Apply the principles of coordinated school health to a specific public health problem to develop a set of policy and program recommendations for school health programs to address this problem.

PH838 Therapeutic Nutrition 03 Compulsory PH437 +

Supply information about important knowledge’s 1. Introduction to nutrition. 2. Food Quality and quantity. 3. Food as source of nutrients, functions of food, 4. definition of nutrition, nutrients & energy, adequate, optimum & good nutrition, malnutrition. 5. Actions in the body- Ingestion- Digestion- Absorption- Transport- Metabolism- Excretion. 6. Optimal nutritional status. 7. Classifying nutrients- body composition 8. Interrelationship between nutrition & health: - 9. Visible symptoms of goods health 10. Energy- yielding nutrition.

EL825 Health Economics 02 Elective +

1. Describe the institutional structure of health care markets in Libya 2. Analyze how health care outcomes are influenced by changing market forces, 3. Social forces, and government forces. Explain how the provision and use of medical care are influenced by traditional 4. Describe the different types of medical care data and how those measurements are driven by reimbursement and quality measurement needs. 5. Evaluate the impact of health care reform from both the free-market and government-interventionist perspectives.