Master in Geological engineering

Faculty of Engineering - Department of Geological Engineering



Geological Engineering Department (GEOE) was founded as one of the six departments at the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering in 1972, and then joined Faculty of Engineering in 1985. The Department has a rich tradition of leadership in the geosciences, preparing students for professional careers in the engineering geology at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  The faculty staff, participating in most if not all of the consultation work held in the country and its alumni are working in various fields of natural resources such as oil, water and mineral resources as well as in geo-engineering and geotechnics. 

  The Geological Engineering Department consists of six study engineering programs;  

Petrophysics(1) courses and thesis, Petrophysics(2) courses only, Water Resources(1) courses and thesis, Water Resources(2) courses only , Mineral Resources and Geotechnics. Petrophysics program is aimed to direct graduate students to solve geological problems related to oil and gas reservoirs, while water resources directed toward groundwater modeling studies plus surface and groundwater production management. Whereas, mineral resources will be qualified to search, explore, evaluate, and extract economic ore mineral deposits in Libya. The geotechnics program includes studying geological characteristics and hazards of soil and rock foundations used as sites for building, heavy industrial complexes, highways, bridges, and dams.

 Graduate program was launched in 2002 by offering the engineer M.Sc. degree in geological engineering. The graduate program in the Geological Engineering Department is designed to prepare students with sound undergraduate background for in-depth study of techniques in analysis, computation, and design. The versatility and depth in scientific fundamentals acquired by the student enable him to carry out a program of advanced study and research independently. 



1. Expose students to the latest developments in the field of oil and gas investigation.

2. Provide students with the appropriate skills and tools to understand and contribute further to such developments.

 3. Prepare specialized Petrophysical Engineers capable of understanding, formulating, and solving higher-grade problems in different fields of Petrophysical Engineering.

4. Enable students to have a background and the required skills to conduct high-quality scientific research


The mission of the program is to provide Libya with quality engineering geology researchers, and offer an excellent consultation in the fields relevant to the geo-engineering needs of Libya’s society and Mediterranean region.


Certificate Rewarded

Master of Geological Engineering

Entry Reuirements

Must have a Bachelor of Geological Engineering.

To pass the differentiation exam successfully.

Study Plan

The Master in Geological engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Geological engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 130 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GEOE611 Advanced Structural Geology and Tectonics 03 Compulsory +

GEOE612 Environmental Engineering Geology 03 Compulsory +

GEOE613 Advanced Geochemistry 03 Compulsory +

GEOE614 Application of GIS in Earth Science 03 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GEOE615 Advanced Geostatistics 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE609 03 General +

GEOE622 Sequence Stratigraphy and its application 03 Elective +