Department of Arabic Language

Word Of the Head Department of Arabic Language

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace be upon the master of the prophets and messengers, and upon his family and companions, and after:

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies. I would like to give you a brief overview of this department.

Due to the importance of this language and the need to preserve it, this department was established since the beginning of the journey of this college. It is one of the scientific edifices and knowledge tributaries that seeks to serve students and researchers in accordance with the development programs approved by the Quality and Academic Accreditation Authority.

The department includes a constellation of professors and academics who seek to build the students' intellectual and cultural personality, through building their research personality from a pure scientific perspective, and instilling the love of the Arabic language in their conscience.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all those who have served as the department chair, from my distinguished colleagues, for all that they have done and continue to do for the department and the college as a whole. I would also like to thank the faculty members and assistants, who are all following the saying of al-Tha'alabi: "Whoever loves God loves His Messenger Muhammad, and whoever loves the Arab Messenger loves the Arabs. And whoever loves the Arabs loves the Arabic language, with which the best books were revealed to the best of Arabs and non-Arabs. And whoever loves Arabic pays attention to it, perseveres in it, and devotes his attention to it."


The Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies is committed to improving the skills of Arabic language learners in the field of education, creating a qualified educational environment, and working to open a branch of higher education to contribute to the graduation of professors with higher qualifications (master's and doctorate degrees).


To create a generation of Arabic language and Islamic studies teachers who are aware and capable of contributing to the building of the nation with competence and ability, through the formation of the nation's children scientifically, educationally, and behaviorally, in light of the changes and dangerous fluctuations that the world is facing, which require the preparation of generations capable of dealing with those data in a positive and constructive way.


  • To prepare teachers well in all skills and experiences related to the Arabic language, its literature, and Islamic education, which enable them to teach them in an easy and easy way, while preserving their originality; to fulfill the tasks of teaching these two fields in educational institutions.

  • To make the student proud of his Arabic language as an essential element of the personality of every Arab, and a component of the components of the Arab nation.

  • To provide the student with social and spiritual principles, and with the eternal Arab and Islamic values ​​on which the life of the society is based. To enable the student to connect with the literary, linguistic, and Islamic heritage in its different eras, to represent it and to be equipped with its moral, social, and artistic values ​​in a way that suits our Arab Islamic society.

  • To connect the students with their language, and to enable them to master its language, as it is the language of our religion and our Quran. Correcting the tongues of students by narrowing the gap between the colloquial and the classical language. Developing the student's ability to read, and his understanding of the read in a broad sense, and distinguishing between the essential ideas, and forming his critical judgments on it, and benefiting from it in his practical life.

  • Developing the student's ability to express what he reads in his own style, and identifying the basic elements of the topic.

  • To enable students to acquire Islamic knowledge and jurisprudence issues and everything related to contemporary Islamic culture, to fortify their selves first, and to enable them to raise awareness of others in facing personal and social problems, and to address major contemporary issues.

  • To contribute to reviewing the scientific and cultural activity of the university, by supervising the research of its conferences and publications, and reviewing them from the linguistic side, so that they are published free of errors.

Organizational Structure for Department of Arabic Language

Facts about Department of Arabic Language

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Academic Staff



