Bachelor in Kindergarten

University of Tripoli - Department of Kindergarten



The study program aims to provide students with the information and expertise necessary to understand the nature of the child and his development in various fields, and to prepare them to assume the tasks of teaching and supervising nurseries and kindergartens in all governmental and private institutions. Specialization courses and general courses, as well as some educational courses that qualify the student to work in the field of teaching).The Kindergarten Department also seeks to promote scientific knowledge and its educational applications in the field of childhood to serve the community and to become a pioneer at the local and international levels to keep abreast of the new developments to achieve advancement and excellence.


1- Introducing the students to the philosophy of kindergarten, its objectives and its importance as a distinct stage in building society. 2- Provide students with knowledge and experiences about the importance of the childhood stage and its ability to build the child's personality and ability to learn. 3- Contribute to the understanding and nature of the theoretical curricula and how to apply them in the future in the field of work. 4- Contribute to presenting all that is new in the field of childhood, which will enable them in the future to choose, design and implement the activities and experiences necessary for kindergarten children, and highlight the importance of modern technical means in the educational process


1- Graduating female kindergarten teachers who possess the knowledge, experience and skills that qualify them to perform their tasks in raising children. 2- Preparing female graduates capable of managing educational institutions that are aware of early childhood. 3- Providing scientific consultations and rehabilitation courses related to early childhood. 4- Educating the different groups of society about the importance of the kindergarten stage

Certificate Rewarded

Upon graduation, the student is awarded a Bachelor of Arts and Education in Kindergarten

Entry Reuirements

1- Introducing the students to the philosophy of kindergarten, its objectives and its importance as a distinct stage in building society. 2- Provide students with knowledge and experiences about the importance of the childhood stage and its ability to build the child's personality and ability to learn. 3- Contribute to the understanding and nature of the theoretical curricula and how to apply them in the future in the field of work. 4- Contribute to presenting all that is new in the field of childhood, which will enable them in the future to choose, design and implement the activities and experiences necessary for kindergarten children, and highlight the importance of modern technical means in the educational process

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Kindergarten prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Kindergarten. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 29 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical terms such as speech and what consists of it, as well as knowing the sections of the word (noun, verb, letter) and differentiating between them and understanding the expression and construction and knowing the usefulness of expression and knowing the six names, Muthanna, collecting Al-Madkar Al-Salem, the five verbs and collecting the feminine Al-Salem, the noun that does not go out, the present tense verb and its types, distinguishing between knowledge and denial, and understanding the types of knowledge.

KG102 02 Compulsory +

The history of civilization course aims to clarify the concept of Islamic civilization and other titles, including conditions and theories for the establishment of civilization, geological factors., geographical factors., economic factors., cultural and human factors, the civilization of the Arabian Peninsula before Islam, the civilization of the northern Arabian Peninsula, the civilization of the Nabataeans. Palmyra civilization, Ghassanid and Mandara civilizations, Southern Arabian Peninsula civilizations, Nabataeans civilization, Palmyra civilization.

KG101 04 Compulsory +

The Introduction to Kindergarten course aims to introduce students to the importance of the kindergarten stage, its effective role in the educational process, and its place in the contemporary educational ladder. He presented the opinions and pioneers of some scholars in raising the child (John Dewey - Froebel - Maria Manchurian - Margaret - McKellan - Pestaluzzi - Jean Jacques Rousseau - Herbert Spencer - Frederick Herbart - John Locke - Abd al-Rahman bin Khaldun - Abu Hamid al-Ghazali). And the definition of the meaning of childhood and the requirements and characteristics of the pre-school child. Characteristics of the growth of the pre-school child (emotional growth - social growth - physical growth - mental growth - motor growth - linguistic growth). Factors influencing growth and general characteristics of growth - the requirements and needs of a pre-school child.

IS100 Islamic studies 1 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and to indicate the need for it, and to know the concept of faith and Islam and their rooting, and to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, and to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their origin, and to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and the prohibition of it, and to identify some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage, to know the illuminations from the Prophet's biography, and the most important features of Islamic ethics and etiquette.


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.


The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.


The course aims to know the basic concepts of the computer and clarify the basic applications and processes that help in office work and other fields, as well as linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical lives of students

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

The course aims to complete the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the possibilities offered by the computer in all fields, as well as clarifying the basic applications and operations that help in office work and other fields, and linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical life of students


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.

KG104 02 Compulsory +

This course presents a historical overview of beauty, the concept of beauty, the concept of beauty linguistically and idiomatically, types of beauty, physical beauty, moral beauty, both physical and moral beauty, the importance of aesthetic education in kindergartens, the functions of aesthetic education in kindergartens, the goals of aesthetic education in kindergartens.

KG103 03 Compulsory +

The Music Education and Songs Center presents an introduction to the origin of music, knowledge of the music of historical eras, musical writing, musical amphitheaters, musical forms, musical strokes, lyrical reading, rhythmic reading

AR101 Arabic Language 2 02 General AR100 +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical and spelling terms: such as the nominal sentence, and familiarity with everything related to the transcriber: Kan and her sisters, Wan and her sisters, Think and her sisters, and Kad and her sisters, and what each of them does when entering the sentence, and to know the expression of each word in the sentence, and to know the open Taa positions, and the linked Taa.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG202 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to childhood, the importance of childhood, the concept of mental health, the role of the family in mental health, psychological and environmental factors affecting mother and child health, factors affecting nutrition, nutritional needs, appropriate foods in early childhood, malnutrition diseases, Ways to prevent malnutrition.

KG201 04 Compulsory KG101 +

The Modern Trends in Child Education course is concerned with studying the educational trends and opinions of Muslim and Western scholars in the education of the kindergarten child by providing the student with educational knowledge and skills that help her in dealing with children, and developing herself, her abilities and skills. , and Andorra) in social learning, and focuses on family upbringing and its impact on the upbringing of the kindergarten child. The course requires the completion of accompanying activities by the students, represented in a research worksheet on one of the course topics, and homework assignments that demonstrate the student's scientific research skills.

KG203 02 Compulsory +

A child’s culture course aims to clarify the concept of culture for kindergarten teachers, in addition to clarifying the difference between culture and civilization, elements of culture, characteristics of culture, functions of culture, the concept of cultural change, social variation and cultural change, factors of cultural change, obstacles to cultural change, theories of interpretation of cultural change, Children's culture, concept of children's culture, elements of children's culture, children's culture and society's culture, society's view of its culture and child's culture, society's view of its culture and child's culture

KG204 02 Compulsory GS201 +

A paragraph of no more than 250 words, explaining the general objective of including this course in the scientific program, the most important contribution the course contains to achieving the objectives of the program, and the value that the students accrue from studying it.

IS101 Islamic studies 2 02 General IS100 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding Sharia and its consequences, and introducing the sources of Islamic legislation, the "Holy Qur'an", its collection, copies and connotations, and the "Sunnah of the Prophet" its authenticity, divisions and its relationship with the Holy Qur'an, and "consensus" its conditions and authenticity, and "measurement" its conditions, examples and authenticity, and knowing the praiseworthy ijtihad and blameworthy ijtihad and differentiating between them, and introducing the "sent interests", its conditions, authenticity and examples.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.

AR213 Arabic Language 3 02 General AR101 +

The course aims to be able to acquire language abilities, by identifying a number of terms, rules and grammatical functions, so he recognizes the actual sentence, the subject, the deputy subject, the transitive verb, the necessary verb, the object, the absolute effect, the object for it, the object in it, the object with it, the exception and its pillars, the situation, discrimination, and the soft alif.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR216 Arabic Language 4 02 General AR213 +

This course aims through its vocabulary to the student's effort to understand and realize the meaning of subordinates in grammar by studying the topics of participles, conjunctions, emphasis and allowance and related provisions in terms of matching the subordinate to the followed semantically and syntactically, as well as the student's understanding of the topics of grammatical methods and differentiating between them and the way they are expressed and supporting all of this with applied examples in addition to understanding the spelling rules established as punctuation marks and applying them through prose texts that are given during the lecture.

KG205 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concept of language development in children and its role in the social and educational communication of the child. The course reviews the definitions of language, individual differences in linguistic development, stages of language development in children, and theories of language acquisition. It also includes knowledge and concepts that qualify students to use various strategies to develop vocabulary in children. The role of the kindergarten is to develop the child's linguistic vocabulary first, and to detect, diagnose and treat language problems second

KG206 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to provide an introductory introduction to environmental psychology, the concept of environmental psychology - its objectives and fields, theories of environmental psychology, environmental awareness, the environment and environmental balance, environmental imbalance, the impact of human activities on the environment, environmental pollution and its types, environmental problems, local, regional environmental problems And globalization, environmental learning and education, environmental education - concept - goals.

KG207 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to identify the library education of the child and the areas of foundations that must be taken into account to lay a sound foundation for the future of writing for the child. It also includes the importance of children’s books, their types, general criteria for evaluating kindergarten children’s books, and the characteristics that must be available in children’s books. The course also reviews the types of libraries and the importance of kindergarten libraries and their parts, and learns about Children's reading tendencies in different stages of life, practicing methods of guiding children's reading.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to build a table of specifications, familiarity with the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

KG301 02 Compulsory +

The psychology of play in children course aims to clarify the concept of play - definition of play, types of play - functions of play, theories that explained play, play and developmental theories, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive theory, educational theories, play and cognitive development, exploring issues surrounding the child, communication skills Early life, play and physical development, fine motor skills and temporal development, play and sensory development, play and social development, play and emotional development, play therapy, play as an introduction to the development of innovative thinking of a kindergarten child, play and innovation, classifications of play, artistic games and activities, innovation and imagination, creative environment The role of community institutions, the role of the school.

KG302 04 Compulsory +

The psychological counseling course for children aims to define psychological counseling for the child, the importance of studying psychological counseling for the child and some theories of psychological counseling for children, including psychoanalysis theory., behavioral counseling theory., person-centered counseling theory., rational counseling theory, methods and strategies of psychological counseling for children first: Methods of psychological counseling for children, indirect counseling, directed direct counseling, individual counseling, group counseling, second: psychological counseling strategies for children, behavioral counseling strategies for children (behavior modification), cognitive behavioral methods and strategies, play counseling, counseling using books and stories, social counseling : (training on social skills), preventive counseling (teaching defensive and preventive behaviors).

KG303 02 Compulsory +

The concept of giftedness and mental superiority. The development of the concept of gifted and talented. Definition of talented and superior. Classification of definitions of giftedness and excellence. Characteristics of the gifted: mental, cognitive, physical, emotional, and personal – social. The personality of the gifted and their inclinations. The economic, social and cultural conditions of the gifted. Problems facing the gifted. Intelligence: Relationship Between intelligence and talent. Meaning of intelligence. Physiological explanations for intelligence. Psychological explanations for intelligence. Measurement of intelligence

KG304 02 Compulsory +

Course Description: Presents a set of topics related to building the mind of the child and comparing it to the following stages, describing aspects of growth, the mental process and its related influencing factors, the view of some philosophies and theories and their clarifications, and how to refer to the most important laws in Piaget's theory and the related references to employ them in Educational programmes

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS303 TEACHING AIDS 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while taking advantage of the possibilities of the local environment.

KG310 02 Compulsory +

The Art and Functional Education course aims at introducing art education and its scientific terminology in the light of its historical development, developing students’ sense and aesthetic taste, instilling the spirit of scientific research and using its skills in discovering knowledge about art education.

KG309 02 Compulsory +

The course of behavioral problems in children aims to classify psychological and behavioral problems in children and identify their causes, aggressive behavior problems - lying problem - stealing problem - speech disorders problems - sleep disorders - sleep disorders - jealousy problem stubbornness disorder in children - bedwetting problem - attention deficit problem Nail biting problems - thumb sucking - introversion and shyness, crisis disorder in children

KG308 03 Compulsory +

- The physical education course for the child aims to identify the concept of physical education theoretically and practically, and to know the characteristics of the motor development of the kindergarten child. It also aims to identify the most important biological and psychological aspects of kindergarten children. - That the learner recognizes the most important programs of physical and motor education for kindergarten children. - The learner should know what small games are and the importance of their educational applications. Description of the practical part. Discover talents by implementing small games within the kindergarten and how to prepare the activities and skills necessary for physical activities within the kindergarten.

KG307 04 Compulsory +

The course combines a vision of the importance of tests and standards in the educational and educational programs for the kindergarten stage, the philosophies stemming from them, an interpretation of their meanings and the characteristics associated with them, the steps to prepare them, the psychometric measurement (honesty and reliability) for their validity, conditions, and the appropriate ones for the kindergarten child, and the most important standards and tests and their use, and the use of associated observation It is used as a scale for estimating and evaluating the specificity of the kindergarten stage and the characteristics associated with it in evaluation and evaluation

KG306 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to present the educational programs aimed at kindergarten children, and what is meant by the concept of the educational program, the program (daily - weekly - monthly), the difference between the contemporary concept and the traditional concept of the curriculum, the philosophical foundations of programs aimed at kindergarten children, analysis of the content of programs aimed at kindergarten children, the fields of programs according to The degree of intervention of both the teacher and the child, classification of programs according to their objectives, classification of cognitive programs, models of programs that are used in kindergartens, design and production of educational materials, principles in the design of educational materials, general standards in the selection and design of educational materials, principles that must be taken into account in the production and design Educational materials, general directions during the production process, evaluation of the production of educational materials, writing a report on the material.

KG305 02 Compulsory +

Kindergarten management course provides a historical overview of the establishment and development of kindergartens, the concept of managing kindergarten institutions, characteristics of kindergarten institutions, the relationship between educational management, educational management, school management and kindergarten management, elements of the administrative process in kindergarten institutions, organization, coordination, evaluation and follow-up, Management patterns in kindergarten institutions, kindergarten work plan, management patterns in kindergarten management institutions, tasks of the kindergarten director, the administrative and organizational duties of the kindergarten principal, the role of kindergarten management in selecting suitable cadres for the kindergarten

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG401 03 Compulsory +

The Communication Skills course provides a historical overview of the emergence of the concept of introduction to the psychology of human communication, the difference between communication and communication, the definition of communication science, the linguistic concept of communication, the psychological concept of communication, the definition of communication as a concept in some sciences (psychology - sociology - education - management) Theories of communication, the classical theory of communication, the human theory of communication, the importance of communication skills, the purpose of communication, types of communication, characteristics of communication, components and elements of the communication process, factors affecting the communication process, communication obstacles, the art of dealing and good communication with others, the most important Communication skills, the concept of communication and classroom interaction in kindergarten, the function of communication in classroom management, the effectiveness of educational communication in classroom management

KG402 04 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concept of learning difficulties and the basic trends in the development of learning difficulties and the criteria used to judge the presence of learning difficulties.

KG403 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concept and basics of scientific research, its importance and objectives, and to train them to prepare a scientific research plan according to serial scientific methodological steps and to compare the types of scientific research methodologies. The course also reviews previous studies, compares and comments on them, and how to benefit from them. Writing scientific research. The course deals with activities, working papers, and models for educational research. Presentation and discussion as requirements for completing the course

KG404 04 Compulsory +

Field applications in kindergarten provides a historical overview of the concept of field training, the importance of field training, preparation of kindergarten teachers, objectives of field education for kindergarten teachers, objectives related to the philosophy of education, objectives related to the teaching process, objectives related to learning outcomes, stages of field teaching (observation). ) Contribute to (work), general directions in field training, special directions in field training, suggested directions regarding the preparation of the plan (educational goals), criteria and conditions for appropriate activity for kindergarten children, formulation of educational objectives, formulation of emotional objectives, formulation of respiration-motor objectives, behavioral objectives Levels of educational objectives, some teaching and learning methods that the teacher can use

KG405 04 Compulsory +

Course Description: Presents a set of topics related to the construction of the mind and its development in the child and compares it to the following stages, describing the aspects of growth, the mental process and its associated influencing factors, the view of some philosophies and theories and their clarifications, and how to refer to the most important laws in Piaget's theory and the related references to their employment in educational programmes

KG406E 02 Elective +

The social psychology course provides a historical overview of the introduction to social psychology and its definition, the concept of social psychology, the emergence of social psychology, the history of social psychology and its relationship to other sciences, the importance of social psychology, its sources and fields, the relationship of social psychology to socialization, social interaction, The concept of social interaction, the characteristics of social interaction, the importance of social interaction, the goals of social interaction, the levels of social interaction, the study of the group in social psychology:

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG407 04 Compulsory +

The graduation project course aims to provide students with a set of information, knowledge, and experiences that qualify them to be highly responsible and ready to write their project research plan, through lectures related to preparing the research plan, how to collect information, conclude results, present them, and identify the necessary needs in addition to conducting experiments and presenting them. Reports, introducing the field of research, the supervising professor, the references used, methods and methods of scientific research, evaluation, and the date of delivery of the research, collecting information through various research and survey methods: books, references, scientific journals, publications and research papers, and the Internet, .... etc., writing scientific reports, Writing and organizing the research (the project) and submitting it to the department in its final form.

KG408 04 Compulsory KG306 +

The course has no specific topics because it is a field course in which the student will apply everything she has learned in the following courses (building and developing curricula, teaching strategies, special teaching methods - designing and developing lessons - field applications) definition of kindergarten management and its facilities and depends on knowing the curricula of the nursery stage, classroom observation and planning For co-teaching - independent teaching - full teaching (connected training)

KG409 02 Compulsory +

The school health course aims to provide students with a set of information, knowledge and experiences about the concept and definition of school health, levels of school health, terminology in the field of school health, health standards and their types, school health objectives, school health services program, school health environment, nutrition and food and its relationship to disease, first aid.

KG410E 02 Elective +

The educational sociology course provides students with a set of information, knowledge and experiences about the concept of educational sociology and its relationship to other sciences, the emergence and development of educational sociology, the objectives of educational sociology - its fields - its fields, some pioneers of educational sociology, Ibn Khaldun, Imam Al-Ghazali, John Dewey, concepts related to education meetings, culture its concept, society its concept, some social processes and its educational applications, formal (school) education, its concept - its foundations - its characteristics, culture and education: the concept of how it overlaps in the work of the school, the teacher and the student, the educational system and society, the role of education in Facing some social problems.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
03 not defined IS100 +