Bachelor in dentistry

University of Tripoli - faculty of Dentistry



The College of Oral and Dental Medicine depends on the academic year system, where during each academic year the student studies a set of academic courses according to the credit hours system, and the time allotted for each academic year for lecturing ranges between 28 and 34 hours a week, according to the study plan for the approved academic year. It is approved by the College Council, and does not include the period of registration and the duration of final exams. The courses taught to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Oral and Dental Medicine are classified according to the following:

  •  General medical sciences including: medical physics, medical chemistry, cell biology, biostatistics, medical terminology, physiology, general anatomy, general histology, biochemistry, microbiology, general pathology, pharmacology, general surgery, general internal medicine.
  • Dental sciences, including: descriptive anatomy of teeth, oral tissues, movable prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics, properties of dental materials, oral diseases, oral medicine, diagnosis and radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, conservative treatment and root canal treatment, gum disease and treatment, pediatric dentistry, Preventive and community dentistry, and orthodontics.


The aim of the dental program is to produce a caring, knowledgeable, competent and skillful dentist who is able, on graduation, to accept professional responsibility for the effective and safe care of patients, who appreciates the need and value of lifelong learning, who is able to utilize advances in relevant knowledge and techniques and who understands the role of patients in decision making.


On graduation, the student should have knowledge of:

1. The fundamental principles in chemistry as the groundwork of medical (pharmacology) and dental (dental biomaterials) science.

2. The core courses in physics (properties of matter and heat) and biostatistics.

3. The principles of different types of tissues with fundamentals of gene expression and the study of physiology at the organ and systems level.

4. The structure and function of the molecules, cells, tissues, organs and systems of the human body relevant to the practice of dentistry.

5. The form and function of teeth and associated tissues in health and diseases.

6. The potential and limitations (risks and benefits) of dental technological procedures and the handling of dental materials in restoring the dentition.

7. The basic terminology related to dentistry.

8. The foundation of computer science.

9. The embryology of the face and oral cavity, the normal structure and function of the dental and paradental tissues.

10. The principles of pathogenic mechanisms and manifestations of human diseases, which are important in dentistry.

11. The concepts of normal body metabolism and metabolic basis of diseases.

12. The interdependence between the various systems of the human body.

13. The complex interactions between oral health, nutrition, general health, drugs and diseases that can have an impact on dental care and disease.

14. The science of dental biomaterials, including their limitations and the environmental issues relevant to their use.

15. The scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and antisepsis to prevent cross-infection in clinical practice.

16. Disease processes such as infection, inflammation, disorders of the immune system, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic disturbances and genetic disorders.

17. The design and laboratory procedures used in the production of crowns and bridges.

18. The design and choice of materials used in the production of partial and complete dentures, along with knowledge of laboratory procedures.

19. The pharmacological properties of drugs used in dental practice including their interactions and side effects.

20. The main medical disorders and aspects of general medicine and surgery that may impinge on dental treatment.

21. The pathogenesis of common oral medical disorders and their treatment.

22. The diagnosis of oral cancer and the principles of tumour management.

23. The principles of orthodontic treatment (preventive, interceptive and corrective) and the limitations of orthodontic treatment.

24. Diseases and disorders of the oral cavity and associated structures, their causes and sequelae, so as to inform diagnosis, prevention and management.

25. The principles that underlie dental radiographic techniques.

26. The prevalence of oral disease in the adult and child populations.

27. Basic statistical concepts, methods and appreciate their relevance to dental research and dental practice.

28. The principles and importance of health promotion, health education and prevention in related to dental disease.

29. The importance of psychological and social factors in the delivery and acceptance of dental care by patients.

30. The basic principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

31. The medical emergencies and knowing how to deal with them.

32. Inhalational and intravenous conscious sedation techniques in clinical practice.

33. Basic principles of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of pulpal and periradicular disease.

34. Basic principles in the management of dental emergencies arising from pulpal and periodontal disease, trauma and treatment failures.

35. The endodontic management of healthy, diseased or injured pulp and periradicular tissues in the primary and permanent dentitions.

36. The biocompatible, functional and aesthetic fixed dental prostheses.

37. Principles of evidence based decision making in dental practice.

38. Principles of dental practice management.

39. Dental ethics and medico-legal aspects in dental practice.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Dental Medicine and Surgery

Entry Reuirements

For a student to be admitted to the college, the following is required:

  •   The student must have a high school diploma in the scientific section, with a score of not less than 85%. The college council may, upon admission, increase the percentage stipulated in the crowding of applications in a way that exceeds the absorptive capacity of the college, and it may also arrange admission priorities.
  • To be healthy and free from communicable diseases, and able to follow theoretical and practical lessons.
  • Be of good conduct.
  • To pay the prescribed fees.
  • The icon has been dismissed from any of the corresponding colleges or any of the Libyan universities or abroad for scientific or disciplinary reasons.
  • To pass the entrance examination successfully, in the event that it is decided to conduct an entrance examination by the College Council.
  • Not more than three years have elapsed since he obtained the general secondary certificate.
  • If the applicant is a international  student, he must be an official (legal) resident of the State of Libya for the duration of his studies, and pay tuition fees in accordance with the regulations and systems in force in Libyan universities, without prejudice to the rules of reciprocity stipulated in the international agreements concluded in this regard, provided that Their percentage is more than 40% of the total number of students admitted according to the admission requirements.
  • The student should submit an application for study during the period announced for admission and specified on the start and end date of admission, and the door for admission to the college opens at the beginning of each academic year, and within the absorptive capacity of the college specified by the College Council or its representative.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in dentistry prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in dentistry. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 5 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 127120117 units, which include 64 units of general subjects, and 50 major units, 11 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
Gs 040 02 Compulsory +

GS 020 04 Compulsory +

Gs 010 04 Compulsory +

2nd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MS140 03 Compulsory +

MS130 03 Compulsory +

MS110 General anatomy 03 Compulsory +

• To provide the basic general knowledge concerning the normal anatomical structure of the human body.• To provide a core body of scientific knowledge concerning the normal structure of the human body at the level of the anatomical regions and organs with the study of the normal growth and development relevant to anatomical topics.• To provide appropriate ethical and professional education necessary for dealing with cadavers.• To correlate anatomical facts with their clinical application.

MS 120 General Histology 03 Compulsory +

• To provide students with knowledge concerning the basic histological structure and ultra structure of the eukaryotic cell with correlation to biological cellular activities, and basis of cytogenetics.• To teach the student the normal histological structure of different tissues of human body in addition to some of its systems and how to identify them under the microscope, with functional and clinical correlation whenever possible.

DS120 Dental Anatomy 03 Compulsory +

DS110 Dental Material 04 Compulsory +

The course should provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of the basic materials science and scientific principles pertaining proper manipulation & properties of commonly used dental materials & laboratory equipments used in their handling. Basic knowledge on chemical and physical concepts. Knowledge of the behavior of biomaterials within the mouth. Insight into different sorts of dental materials which could be useful for dental treatments. For every one of those materials, chemical and physical reactions in processing, the most important material-technical indications, procedure of use and indications have to be known. Special emphasis will be placed on the bio materials currently (recently) used in a dental practice. With rapid development in technology, the practicing dentist must have a working knowledge of the fundamental properties of these materials to meet the challenges of modern dentistry. Knowledge of the techniques required to control the materials properties in order to communicate more effectively with dental laboratory technicians.

3rd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DS 220 04 Compulsory +

MS210 General Pathology 03 Compulsory +

• To familiarize students with the basic disease patterns and their underlying mechanisms within the specific organ system. • To provide students with essential knowledge for their clinical rounds and to prepare them for their subsequent clinical careers.

MS 230 Pharmacology 02 Compulsory +

• Help the students for clear understanding the basic knowledge about commonly used groups of drugs, pharmacokinetics, mode of actions, pharmacological actions and their therapeutic applications in various diseases. • Full understanding safe usage through learning their adverse effects including toxicity, contraindications and drug interactions.

MS 220 Microbiology 03 Compulsory +

• To provide students the basic concepts of bacterial, viral and fungal morphology, metabolism, physiology, genetics, and induced diseases, especially endemic in the locality: their transmission, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis and control. It also aimed at helping the students know and understand the effect of different antimicrobial agents on each organism as well. • To provide students with the essential knowledge of the structure and function of the immune system, mechanism of immunity and immune mediated diseases as well as the different methods used to diagnose and control such diseases. • To make students aware of the different nosocomial infections and their mode of transmission and to familiarize students with the different principles of sterilization and infection control.

DS230 Fixed prosthodontics 1 04 Compulsory +

DS 210 04 Compulsory +

DS 240 Oral Histology 03 Compulsory +

To provide students with an appropriate foundation of knowledge covering the tooth development and anomalies, the histological structures of the tooth and oral tissues, temporomandibular joint and maxillary sinus and salivary glands and saliva.

4th Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DS 380 oral pathology 04 Compulsory +

DS 311 conservative dentistry & Endodontics II 02 Compulsory +

DS 321 04 Compulsory +

MS 320 General Surgery 03 Compulsory +

• The course should provide students with basic information in the field of general surgery.• To provide the student with the appropriate knowledge, and skills, which enable him/her to obtain a detailed history from patients with surgical problems, to carry out a proper clinical examination, and to define the appropriate management plan.• To provide the student with the knowledge and skills needed for initial management of various surgical emergencies, and poly-traumatized patient.• To provide the student with an appropriate background covering various general surgical problems at various age groups.• To provide the student with the required knowledge, and skills to detect cancer at early stage and to show the plan of management for various stages of the disease.• To provide the student with the principles of medical ethics, evidence based surgical practice and life-long learning.

MS 310 General medicine 03 Compulsory +

• To provide students with an appropriate background covering the common important internal medicine emergencies and diseases.• To enable the development and application of appropriate professional attitudes, communication and problem solving skills.

DS 331 04 Compulsory +

DS 341 04 Compulsory +

DS 351 03 Compulsory +

DS 361 03 Compulsory +

DS 381 Preventive Dentistry 02 Compulsory +

DS 470 Pedodontics 1 02 Compulsory +

5th Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DS 441 Oral &Maxillofacial Surgery II 04 Compulsory +

• To provide the students with sufficient knowledge and intellectual skills concerning different diseases and lesions affecting the oral and para-oral structures.• To provide students with an appropriate formation of knowledge covering oral & maxillofacial surgery emergencies and common diseases in the oral & maxillofacial region in children and adults.• To enable students to recognize important clinical lesions and be familiar with recent methods of diagnosis and proper management.• To produce a graduate who is competent in performing extraction of teeth under both local and general anaesthesia, prevent and manage related complications, acquire a reasonable knowledge and understanding of the various diseases, injuries, infections occurring in the oral and maxillofacial region and offer solution to such of those common conditions and has an exposure in to the in-patient management of maxillofacial problems.

DS 412 05 Compulsory +

DS 422 04 Compulsory +

DS 432 Fixed prosthodontics 3 04 Compulsory +

DS 491 Community Dentistry 03 Compulsory +

DS 481 04 Compulsory +

DS 471 Pedodontics II 04 Compulsory +

DS 461 Oral medicine, Diagnosis& Radiology II 04 Compulsory +

• Oral diagnosis course aims to teach the student how to obtain and record a comprehensive history, perform an appropriate physical examination, interpret the findings and organize appropriate further investigations pending their referral to the appropriate department(s) for a comprehensive treatment. Various manifestations of facial pain of both dental and non-dental origin, its diagnosis and management are also considered. Formulate and rationalize a preliminary treatment planning for their patients together with handling of medically compromised patients.• Oral medicine bridges the gap between the medical and dental professions. The oral medicine undergraduate course teaches the clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of the common diseases of the oral mucosa includes the salivary glands and the oral manifestations of systemic diseases. Teaching also considered the prevention, diagnosis and management of potentially malignant and malignant lesions and conditions of the oral mucosa.• Oral Radiology is an integral part of oral diagnosis and oral medicine course. This part of the course is designed to provide all the information pertinent to x-rays production, intra-oral radiography and extra-oral radiography of orofacial structures, processing of an x-ray films, radiation hazards and means of protection. The course also covers the radiographic interpretation of different views which includes normal landmarks as well as pathological conditions affecting the teeth, periodontium and oral tissue in order to provide better service to the patients. The course covers also advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans, MRI and digital radiography.

DS 451 04 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DS 230 04 Compulsory +