Bachelor in Script and Directing

Faculty of Arts and Design - Department of Visual Arts



Screenplay and Directing Program, one of the academic programs offered by the Department of Visual Arts (Film and Television). It is considered one of the most important scientific programs that seek to qualify the student, develop his scientific and creative abilities, and enable him to use modern technologies.


  • learning the basics of visual output
  • learning the ability to produce visual works
  • knowing the visual writing techniques
  • Complete the theoretical part


1. Knowledge and understanding

  • Familiarity with the theoretical side and the practical side of the specialization
  • Ability to lead a team
  • Ability to carry out work with minimal capabilities
  • Ability to deal with other disciplines

2. Mental skills

  • Gain the skill of observation and inference
  • Using imagination to enrich artwork
  • The ability to quickly assess situations
  • The ability to predict events and situations

3. Practical & professional skills

  •  Familiarity with as much information as possible about the largest number of specialties
  • Ability to manage, direct and control work
  • The ability to manage dialogue and discussions
  • Ability to use visual language and timekeeping

4. Generic and transferable skills

  •   Ability to use and employ information sources
  • Use of language that is understandable by all levels
  • The ability to live and interact with different segments of society
  • The ability to contain all opinions and benefit from them for the benefit of the work

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Script and Directing

Entry Reuirements

   First: For those who are accepted to study in the college departments to obtain a specialized degree (bachelor) in addition to the general conditions stipulated in the regulations for study, examinations and discipline in universities and higher education institutions, the following is required:

1. He must have obtained a high school diploma with an average of no less than (65%) and sixty-five percent of the total grades in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.

2. Performing entrance exams in accordance with the privacy of the scientific departments.

4. Students of non-Libyan nationalities are accepted at their own expense in accordance with the provisions of the study, examinations and disciplinary regulations, and that the applicant fulfills other admission requirements, that he has been residing in an ordinary residence for the duration of the study, and that he pays the prescribed tuition fees in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in universities. Without prejudice to the rules of reciprocity stipulated in the signed agreements, the student must pass the entrance exam.

   Second: The college may accept outstanding students from graduates of specialized technical institutes with a major in music and theater only, provided that the student’s general average is not less than excellent, and the number of those accepted is determined according to the capabilities of the college departments, and they may not be transferred to any other department in the college.

   Third: At the beginning of each semester, the various academic departments in the college designate specialized committees to conduct admission exams, provided that their members are not less than three members of the faculty. Examinations are written, oral and practical.

  Fourth: The college may, after the approval of the relevant department, accept transfer students from other recognized universities, within the limits of the capabilities available to the departments, according to the following conditions:

1. The student should not be dismissed from the university he was transferred from for academic or disciplinary reasons.

2. The student wishing to transfer must submit the required documents approved by the competent authorities, provided that they contain the courses he has previously studied and the vocabulary of these courses at least one month before the beginning of the semester.

3. The validity of accepting some or all of the general courses and the specialized courses that the student has previously studied is for the college and the concerned department, provided that the courses equivalent to the student do not exceed half of the courses required for graduation in the concerned department.

4. The transfer student is required to study the courses that have not been accepted according to the study program proposed by the concerned department.

5. The student's general average in his undergraduate studies at the college he is transferring from must not be less than 50%, taking into account the conditions set forth in Articles Six and Seven.

6. The student's general average is calculated upon graduation based on the number of units and courses he has completed in the college.

7. In each department, a specialized committee is formed to equalize the academic courses for transfer students, and it must broadcast these requests no later than two weeks from the date of their referral to the relevant department, and the student is not considered an actual transfer until after completing all the required procedures.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Script and Directing prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Script and Directing. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 115 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
VSA322 universal Literature 03 General +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SD 218 Cinematic narrative 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to teach students the principles and foundations of the science of narration in general, and in cinema and television in particular, and the extent of the importance of this lesson and its impact on the structure of the visual achievement, as it is one of the important and vital courses that began to take a large part in the modern narrative works, as it affects the style of storytelling and viewing and its effectiveness In raising the level of the artistic achievement to reach an integrated artistic and aesthetic vision of the cinematic and television image, as the narration is one of the first tasks that the image performs, so this course is concerned with knowing and consolidating all the main joints on which (narrative science) is based and making them available to students to develop their skills and artistic abilities According to the latest modern developments that constantly keep pace with this most important and influential cultural activity among the rest of the arts.

VSA325 Scenario 1 03 Compulsory +

Teaching students the basic specialized skills for script writing, the methods and methods used to produce a specialized text for cinema and television, including the basic elements of the visual language in the visual medium, relying on literary skills for writing and building the story in a tight manner, starting from the idea to the literary scenario and then the executive scenario that each student must write as an achiever Final

VSA328 Electronic montage1 03 Compulsory +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CD303 03 Compulsory +

CD304 Screen Play Writing 03 Compulsory +

CD307 03 Compulsory +

CD312 03 Compulsory +

SD313 Visual effects and illusions 02 General +

تعليم الطلبة فن الخدع والمؤثرات الصورية من خلال التعرف على انواع المؤثرات الصورية من المؤثرات الميكانيكية والالكترونية والضوئية والمؤثرات الرقمية لذلك التعرف على اهم تقنيات الخدع اي يتم توظيفها في صناعة الفلم السينمائي في تقنية المشاكلة والخفيفة الافتراضية وتقنية محاكاة الحركة وغي

SD319 03 Compulsory +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CD308 03 Compulsory +

VSA226 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
19SD3 03 Compulsory +

CD309 03 not defined +

CD402 03 not defined +

VSA326 03 Compulsory +