Bachelor in Animation

University of Tripoli - Department of Visual Arts



The animation program is one of the programs that emanates from the Department of Visual Arts, and this division was opened, given that animation began to represent a large proportion of the media and dramatic production in the world and the industry of important content that has a strong impact in societies, where the student is exposed to a set of courses, vocabulary and practical hours to know the production of cartoons animated


  • Developing the student's skill of composing a cartoon story that simulates reality.
  • The student's familiarity with the rules and principles of moving the cartoon elements in a good manner.
  • Enable the student to deal with the network of relationships that link the theme of the design and its production conditions represented by the official or project owner with the artistic director or producer.
  • The student's ability to deal with designs (decorations) on a scientific basis in terms of space and mass.


  •  1. Knowledge & understanding
  • A.1 The student studies the stages of animation development
  • A.2 The student learns the methods of executing the movement and constructing the sounds
  • A.3 Knowing the most important functions achieved by scenery, whether in interior design or in the dramatic arts
  • A.4 The student learns the basics of artistic treatment of static and moving designs.2. Mental skills
  • B.1 The student submits a proposal for a cartoon story project that does not exceed 3 minutes
  • B.2 The student builds the cartoon elements (characters) in a coherent manner
  • B.3 The student submits a proposal for designing a house reception room
  • B.4 The student renews the elements of landscape design in general3. Practical & professional skills
  • A.1 The student designs an interior view on paper from previous academic courses in a practical way.
  • C.2 Photographing an interior scene and attempting to alter it in whole or in part.
  • C.3 The student uses some programs that he deems appropriate4- Generic and transferable skills
  • D.1 The skill of using modern programs on the computer, such as Adobe Flash
  • D.2 Using the skills of modern programs such as 3d max while providing the necessary information for use
  • D.3 The student was able to display the artwork in an integrated manner

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Animation

Entry Reuirements

  •  The student should not have been dismissed from the university from which he was transferred for academic or disciplinary reasons. 
  •  The student wishing to transfer must submit the required documents approved by the competent authorities, provided that they contain the courses he has previously studied, and the vocabulary of these courses at least one month before the start of the semester.
  • The authority to accept some or all of the general subjects courses and specialized courses that the student has previously studied is for the college and the concerned department, provided that the courses equivalent to the student do not exceed half of the courses required for graduation in the concerned department.
  • The transfer student is required to study the courses that were not accepted according to the academic program proposed by the concerned department.
  • The student's GPA in his undergraduate studies in the college he is transferring from must not be less than 50%, taking into account the conditions stipulated in Articles Six and Seven.
  • The student's GPA is calculated upon graduation based on the number of units and courses completed in the college.
  • A specialized committee is formed in each department to equalize the academic courses of the transferred students, and it has to broadcast these requests within no more than two weeks from the date of their referral to the concerned department, and the student is not considered an actual transfer unless all the required procedures are completed.
  • Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Animation prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Animation . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 134 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 124 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GS121 02 University requirement +

    GS123 02 University requirement +

    VSA430 Lighting principles 03 Compulsory +

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GS224 02 University requirement GS121 +

    VSA132 Photography 1 03 General +

    VSA322 universal Literature 03 General +

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    VAS220 03 Compulsory +

    VSA228 Psychology of personality 03 General +

    The course introduces the student to the most important scientific foundations for the study of personality so that the student understands the individual differences between personalities, and thus acquaints the student with the scientific foundations and principles of analysis and the psychological study of personality

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    VSA325 Scenario 1 04 Compulsory +

    Teaching students the basic specialized skills for script writing, the methods and methods used to produce a specialized text for cinema and television, including the basic elements of the visual language in the visual medium, relying on literary skills for writing and building the story in a tight manner, starting from the idea to the literary scenario and then the executive scenario that each student must write as an achiever Final

    VSA328 Electronic montage1 03 Compulsory +

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    SD313 Visual effects and illusions 02 General +

    تعليم الطلبة فن الخدع والمؤثرات الصورية من خلال التعرف على انواع المؤثرات الصورية من المؤثرات الميكانيكية والالكترونية والضوئية والمؤثرات الرقمية لذلك التعرف على اهم تقنيات الخدع اي يتم توظيفها في صناعة الفلم السينمائي في تقنية المشاكلة والخفيفة الافتراضية وتقنية محاكاة الحركة وغي