Bachelor in Ceramic Design

Faculty of Arts and Design - Department of Fine and Applied arts



Ceramic and Glass Design is one of the academic programs in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts. It is concerned with the areas of design and production of ceramics and glass according to the latest modern technological methods in designing various ceramic products, as well as developing students’ creative and scientific skills.


Program Goals: -

1- The Ceramics Design Department aims to develop the technical and creative capabilities of the department's graduates, provide them with scientific knowledge, and create a spirit of innovation.

2- Identification of local raw materials through field visits and their relationship to the method of criticism in the field of ceramics, pottery and the ceramic glazes, and comparison between them and imported raw materials.

3-Linking between theoretical and practical study through scientific visits, events, panel discussions, and the use of computers.

4-Developing the personality of the graduate through his acquisition of field experience and his interaction with the academic community and the labor market.

5-Preparing technical cadres and researchers specialized in modern ceramic technology and developing ceramic industries and innovative artistic works to be able to meet the needs of society and the labor market.



Learning outcomes in the cognitive domain (cognitive domain)1- The graduate acquires, through his studies in the Department of Ceramic Design, the skills that make him superior in the field of ceramic industries and artistic works that invade the labor market.2- The graduate compares between local and imported materials, their types, sources, method of processing, and methods of use in the ceramic industry.3- The graduate will get acquainted with the art of ceramics and its history throughout the ages, its modern methods and techniques, and the industries that depend on ceramics and porcelain.4- The graduate will learn about the methods of using modern methods in artistic effects and decorative drawings on the surfaces of pottery and ceramic objects.5- The graduate acquires practical skills that qualify him side by side in modern ceramic techniques.


Mental Skills:-

By the successful completion of the program, the graduate should be able to: 1- Skill in using computers and modern technology in design programs, writing research and using presentations.2- He uses his personal ability in research and conducting practical experiments to prepare research and reports for the development of ceramic industries.3- Using specialized websites on the Internet to view and benefit in his field of specialization. 4- Participates in individual and group field work with high efficiency and communicates with specialists in the field of ceramics and plastic arts.5- Participation in local and international art exhibitions, and holding workshops inside and outside the Ceramics Design Department.

Generic and transferable skills:- 1- The graduate is familiar with the foundations of ceramic technology of all kinds and is capable of creativity and development. 2- The graduate works efficiently within a work team in the work of techniques and the restoration of archaeological pottery to preserve them. 3- The ability to develop ceramic industries and establish small projects to fill the labor market invasions.

Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor's degree in Fine and Applied Arts
  • Entry Reuirements

    • The student must have obtained a high school diploma with a rate of no less than (65%), sixty-five percent of the total marks in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.
    • To be able to pursue studies in his desired major.
    • Foreign students are accepted at their own expense in accordance with the provisions of the study and examination regulations, and that the applicant fulfills other admission requirements, and the student must pass the entrance examination.

    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Ceramic Design prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Ceramic Design . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 9 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 50 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AFA 131 Engineering drawing 02 General +

    The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

    AFA 123 The foundations of design 02 General +

    GS123 E 02 University requirement +

    AFA122 free drawing 02 General +

    The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

    GS122 02 General +

    GS121 02 University requirement +

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    VSA132 Photography 1 03 General +

    GS225 02 General +

    GS 224 A 02 University requirement +

    AFA 224 Print entrance 02 General +

    AFA229 general photography 02 General +

    The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PG210 Raw ceramic materials 03 Compulsory +

    PG311 Artistic ceramic design 03 Elective +

    Familiarizing the students with how to accomplish the complex design of ceramics with the foundations of artistic ceramic design, and to perform ceramic works with different designs and techniques.Studying the technical plastic analysis of each completed artwork

    PG202 Fundamentals of Porcelain Design 03 Compulsory +

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PG204 Ceramic chemistry 03 Compulsory +

    AFA323 History of medieval art 02 General +

    This course is considered one of the general academic courses that the student should study within the study plan of the art education program, and it is part of the courses that cover the historical stages of the development of the arts. Through this course, the student will be able to understand the technical terms related to this course, and the student will be able to distinguish between the arts of this era and other eras in the field of arts and architecture. Influential economic studies in the eras that followed the Middle Ages, such as the Gothic period, and the Romanesque arts, with a study of all types of arts and the architecture of palaces, buildings, and churches built in that historical period.

    PG313 Architectural ceramic design 03 Compulsory +

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AFA 226 Art Terms 02 General +

    PG 324 Stained glass 03 Compulsory +

    PG207 Color technology 03 Compulsory +

    PG322 Architectural ceramics design 2 03 Compulsory +

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PG315 03 Compulsory +

    PG318 Design forms and templates 1 03 Compulsory +

    Introduce the student to the purpose of gypsum molds, their composition, quality and uses

    AFA324 ART history in the Renaissance 02 General +

    The course aims to enable the student to know what is related to each historical stage

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AFA 425 Modern Art History 02 General +

    BG425 Fuel and ovens 03 Compulsory +

    PG409 Refractory technology 03 Compulsory +

    PG417 Ceramic restoration 03 Compulsory +

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PG457 Field Study 03 Compulsory +