Bachelor in (Arabic Language)

University of Tripoli - Department of Arabic Language



The Department of Arabic Language is one of the first scientific departments in the University of Tripoli. It was established to teach Arabic language and its literature, and Islamic sciences in its various branches. To contribute to raise the efficiency of those who work in the Arabic language in education, media, and all other activities.

The Department of Arabic Language began working in the mid-sixties of the last century, and it was initially affiliated with the Higher Teachers College, which was later called the College of Education


  • Preparing writers and writers who serve the community and contribute to its linguistic and Literature advancement, who are aware of the issues of the nation and its culture.
  • Providing students with advanced scientific curricula that help them to study linguistic andLiterature phenomena according to the requirements of the times.
  • Providing cultural institutions with specialists in the monetary and media field.
  • Providing consultations that serve the cultural and scientific reality, as the department is a scientific institution with expertise in its field.
  • The department represents a space for dialogue and scientific discussion through the various activities that the department holds and sponsors its activities, including scientific seminars and celebrations that serve the Arabic language and its sciences.
  • Reviving the Arab heritage in Arabic language sciences and literature;
  • To see the light so that intellectuals in different parts of the world can benefit from it, as a contribution from the oath to highlighting our civilizational features and opening horizons for them to perform their humanitarian mission, linking the former to the later.
  • Outcomes

    Skilled specialists in linguistic and sLiterature sciences, who are fluent in linguistic and Literature communication, capable of creating scientific and national foundations in society. and filling the labor market needs in various disciplines. The department proceeds according to advanced scientific studies, meeting the requirements of undergraduate students, opening horizons for students in postgraduate studies, master's and PhD degrees.

    Certificate Rewarded

    Bachelor's degree in (Arabic Language)

    Entry Reuirements

    To have a high school diploma or specialized secondary certificate or its equivalent from the certificates recognized by the competent recognition authority.

    The regular student must study full-time at the college, and not be registered in any other faculty  or institution, and that the non-regular student is subject to the conditions of the relevant department in proportion to his capabilities and absorption capacity.

    His estimate in the specialized secondary certificate should not be less than the percentage determined by the University of Tripoli, which is announced annually immediately after the announcement of the results of the specialized secondary exams in its league and the like.

    International students may be accepted for scholarships at the expense of the community in accordance with the principles and rules decided on the admission of Libyan students. The College may set conditions regarding the admission of non-Libyan students to study at their own expense in accordance with the legislation in force.

    The applicant from non-Libyan Arabs undertakes to pay the fees and tuition expenses in accordance with the regulations, decisions and legislation issued and in force at the university.

    To be fit and free from infectious diseases and able to follow theoretical and practical lessons.

    To pass the personal interview exam successfully in the departments that require it.

    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in (Arabic Language) prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in (Arabic Language). The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 121 units, which include 12 units of general subjects, and 93 major units, 8 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00137 The Geography of Libya 01 University requirement +

    ARA1337 Rhetoric 1 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with an introduction to the emergence of the sciences of rhetoric, eloquence and rhetoric, the art of analogy: (its concept, pillars, types, purposes, oddities, advantages, and defects), truth and metaphor, sections of metaphor, mental metaphor, and metaphor sent.

    ARA1328 Pre-Islamic Literature 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with the following: explaining the concept of literature, the concept of ignorance, introducing the Arabian Peninsula and its most important tribes, its social, religious, and mental life, and the Arab Emirates and its impact on tribes and their poets. And the study of pre-Islamic poetry in terms of its narration, codification, the phenomenon of bees in it, its most important sources, its primacy, the origin of the pre-Islamic poem, its lyricism, its arts, its objective, moral and artistic characteristics, an analytical study of models of it, the study of pre-Islamic prose in terms of the issue of doubt, and its arts: (rhetoric, repulsions, proverbs and judgment, soothsayers' rhymes, and commandments), and an analytical study of models of it.

    ARA1325 The Origins of Arabic writing 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with studying the origin, development, and types of Arabic writing. And the link in terms of its definition, method of writing, positions, movement, and deletion from writing. And the hamza of the pieces in terms of their positions, and the way they are written at the beginning, middle and end of the word. The open and tied Taa and the officer drew them. and solar lam and lunar lam. And the soft thousand and the provisions of its drawing. and delete some characters from writing. And increase some letters in writing. and where words are separated and connected. and punctuation. and course lesson exercises.

    ARA1322 Introduction to Linguistics 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following: a historical trace of linguistic studies among Indians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Europeans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, linguistics in the twentieth century: (concept, subject, origin, branches, and methods), language according to the modernists: (its concept, characteristics, and functions), and a brief overview of modern linguistic theories, levels of linguistic analysis, and linguistic conflict.

    ARA1301 Grammar (1) 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with the study of grammar introductions, in which the student studies the chapter of speech and what it consists of, the grammatical factor, the expression and the structure, denial and knowledge.

    00116 The Arabic Library 02 University requirement +

    This course is concerned with introducing the student to heritage books written in the humanities and related modern works, and it deals with some books that represent keys to the study of issues, flags or books, or represent keys to studying them together, such as the circles of knowledge, the history of Arabic literature by Brockelmann, the history of the Arab heritage of Sezgin, the flags of Zarkali, and the dictionary of authors for Kahale, as well as the definition of language dictionaries, vocabulary books, book dictionaries, manuscript and publication indexes, translations, genealogy, countries, travels, history, geography, literature books, and choices. Poetry, language, grammar, morphology, books of faith, jurisprudence, its origins, books of interpretations, Quranic sciences, books of hadith, and its sciences.

    00138 General Psychology 01 University requirement +

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00205 Morphology (1) 02 Compulsory ARA1322 ARA1325 +

    This course is concerned with studying the definition of morphology and its field, the morphological balance, the spatial heart, the correct and ill of verbs, the abstract and more verbs, the meanings of increase, the attribution of verbs to pronouns, and the affirmation of the verb in noun.

    00201 Grammer (2) 03 Compulsory ARA1301 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the beginner and the news, "was" and her sisters, the letters similar to "not", the verbs of approach, hope and initiation, and "in" and her sisters.

    00202 Islamic Literature 03 Compulsory 0001 ARA1328 +

    This course is concerned with the study of literature in the era of early Islam and Bani Umayyah. In the era of early Islam, it deals with the situation of the Arabs at the advent of Islam, the impact of Islam on the society, language and literature of this era, the position of Islam on poetry, the issue of the weakness of poetry, veteran poets and the impact of Islam on their poetry, the topics of poetry and its artistic trends, and the study of models of poetry of this era. The state of prose at the advent of Islam, its development and prosperity in Islam, rhetoric in this era: (factors of sophistication and prosperity, and types), commandments: (purposes, methods), writing and its development, governance: (its meaning, and characteristics of its style), and the study of models of prose of this era. In the era of Bani Umayyah, it deals with a prelude to the establishment of the Umayyad state, the environments of Umayyad poetry and the factors affecting it, the topics of poetry, its artistic trends, and an analytical study of some poetic models in this era. And the factors of the development and prosperity of prose, and Umayyad rhetoric: (factors of prosperity, types, and features), and artistic writing: (factors of development and types).

    00203 Rhetoric (2) 02 Compulsory ARA1337 +

    This course is concerned with the study of metaphor: (its concept, sections, and place of rhetoric), and metonymy: (its concept, sections, and the difference between it and exposure, and the eloquence of metonymy).

    00204 Phonetics 02 Compulsory ARA1322 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the concept of phonetics, its divisions, its origin, its subject, its importance, the definition of linguistic sound, the difference between it and the letter, the role of sound in building the vocabulary, a brief history of the phonetic lesson among Indians and Arabs, and dealing with the phonetic lesson in the modern era by studying the topics of phonetics (phonics) and phonology (phonology).

    00216 Basics of Scientific Research 02 Compulsory ARA1322 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the purposes and motives of authorship, the researcher and its conditions, research: (types, choosing its topic, modifying and changing it), indexing and collecting information, research sections: (title page, introduction, research structure, conclusion, and appendices), writing the research and its stages, footnotes and margins: (definition, content, usefulness, and how to write it), preparing technical indexes, and producing the research in its final form.

    00237 01 University requirement +

    00238 Islamic Culture 01 University requirement 00138 +

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00303 Semantics (1) 02 Compulsory 00203 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following topics: semantics and its impact on the eloquence of speech, speech between news and creation, news: (its purposes, multiplication, confirmations, and its departure from the apparent requirement), construction: (its sections, and sections of the request construction), the sentence and its parts, and the conditions of the predicate and the predicate (deletion, and remembrance).

    00301 Grammar 3 03 Compulsory 00201 +

    This course is concerned with the study of "no" which negates sex, "think" and her sisters, "know" and "see", the subject, the representative of the subject, work, the transgression of the act and its necessity, conflict in action, absolute effect, effect of it, effect in it, and object with it.

    00318 Research Methodology 02 Compulsory 00216 +

    This course is concerned with studying the concept of the method, its importance, and scientific research methods in language and literature: (critical method, analytical method, historical method, descriptive method...) , its foundations, components, applications, scientific thinking and proof: (thought processes, research procedures, and thinking errors), the literature of intellectual difference, the literature of difference in research, the etiquette of research and debate, understanding and criticism of the text.

    00302 The Abbasid Literature 03 Compulsory 00202 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the establishment of the Abbasid state, the environment of Abbasid literature: (political, social, and mental life), the movement of translation and authorship, the purposes of old and new Abbasid poetry, the characteristics and style of poetry, the flags of poetry and analytical models of their works. And the arts of Abbasid prose: (rhetoric, sermons, commandments, shrines, debates, proverbs, judgment, and signatures), prose flags and analytical models of their works.

    00304 Philology and lexicography 02 Compulsory 00204 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following: definition of philology (Philology), the difference between it and linguistics, philology in the Arab heritage, and in the modern lesson, and language among the ancient Arabs: (its concept, characteristics, and origin), linguistic factions, and the Arabic language: (its history, its characteristics, dialects, invocation, and duality in the modern era), Arabic calligraphy: (its origin, and its types), Arabic dictionaries: (definition, origin, importance, types, and defects), and dictionaries in the modern era.

    00305 Morphology (2) 03 Compulsory 00205 +

    This course is concerned with the study of sources, derivatives, exclamation and preference forms, the correct name, the shortened, the elongated and the incomplete, the Deuteronomy of each section and the plural of Salama, and the cracking groups

    00306 Prosody and rhyme (1) 02 Compulsory 00237 +

    This course is concerned with the following: introducing the science of prosody, its subject, and its author, and identifying the episodic writing and its controls, and the interactions and parts of presentation, and their components, and the changes that occur to them, and knowing the components of the poetic house, and identifying the most prominent poetic necessities, and studying rhyme in terms of its definition, letters, and alphabets for the narrator and the connection, and the study of Bahr Al-Taweel, Bahr Al-Madid, Bahr Al-Basit, Bahr Al-Wafer, and Bahr Al-Kamil.

    00317 Quranic Studies 02 University requirement 00238 +

    This course deals with the study of the topics related to the Holy Qur'an, dealing with the definition of the sciences of the Qur'an, the phenomenon of revelation, the Qur'an and its revelations, its astrology, its collection, drawing, and the seven letters . And the reasons for revelation, Meccan and Madani, and the hermetic and similar, and abrogated and abrogated, and interpretation and commentators, and the translation of the Qur'an and its ruling, and the miracle of the Qur'an, and the openings of the surahs, and photography in the Qur'an, and the story in the Qur'an.

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00401 Grammar (4) 03 Compulsory 00301 +

    This course is concerned with the study of exception, case, discrimination, prepositions, addition, and addition to the speaker J.

    00448 Computer (1) 02 University requirement 00318 +

    00447 English Language (1) 03 University requirement 00301 +

    00402 Andalusian Literature 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following: Introduction: (definition of Andalusia, naming, geography, population, factors contributing to the emergence of Andalusian literature, and the stages of Andalusian literature), Andalusian poetry, its forms and arts: (the section, the poem, the dubit, the muwashshah, and the zajal), poetic contents and purposes: (spinning, satire, praise, pride, asceticism and mysticism, nature, wines, lamentation of cities, distress poetry, etc.), and phenomena: (leave, improvisation, oppositions, Badiyat, generators, and obtuses). Andalusian prose: (rhetoric, letters, travels, maqama, debates, proverbs and judgment, wills, signatures, tales, stories, anecdotes, and others), and the study of a group of translations of Andalusian literature, and some texts in addition to the texts that were presented during the study in the section of poetry and prose, and the presentation of a group of Andalusian literature in literature and criticism.

    00403 Semantics (2) 02 Compulsory 00302 +

    This course is concerned with the completion of the study of the conditions of the predicate and the predicate (advancement, delay), minors: (tools, sections), separation and connection: (separation positions, connecting places, link improvements and defects), brevity, redundancy, and equality.

    00404 Linguistic Schools 02 Compulsory 00304 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the concept of the linguistic school, and its types: (historical school, structural school, Prague functional school, Copenhagen school, Firth social school, distributive behavioral school, transformational generative school, and deliberative school).

    00405 Morphology (3) 02 Compulsory 00305 +

    At this level of the exchange course, the student studies miniaturization, ratios, substitution, opening and tilting, endowment, and inclusion.

    00406 Prosody and rhyme (2) 02 Compulsory 00306 +

    This course is concerned with the completion of the study of rhyme investigations, namely: rhyme movements, types, limits, and defects, and the completion of the study of poetic seas, namely: Al-Hazj, Al-Rajz, Al-Raml, Al-Saree, Al-Mansar, Al-Light, the present tense, the brief, the Al-Mujtath, the convergent, and the remedy, and to identify the most famous weights introduced, and the poetry of activation.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00501 Grammer (5) 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with the study of the work of the infinitive, the implementation of the name of the subject, the implementation of the name of the object, the realization of the similar adjective, the grammatical provisions of each of the exclamation and preference, the verbs of praise and slander, the dependencies: (participle, emphasis, kindness of the statement, kindness of the format, and allowance), the expression of sentences, and the like, and the provisions related to the semi-sentence.

    00549 Computer (2) 02 University requirement 00448 +

    00527 Literary Texts 02 Elective 00404 00405 +

    This course is concerned with the study of a group of different literary texts (poetry and prose) from the eras of Arabic literature, to memorize them and identify their linguistic and artistic characteristics, to raise the students' taste and increase their linguistic wealth.

    00502 Literature of Successive States 03 Compulsory 00402 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following topics: determining the duration of this era, discussing the description of its literature as weak and degraded, neglecting the study of this era and the scarcity of its sources, the influences that dominated this literature: (political, cultural, and social influence), and the most important traditional purposes inherited from the previous ones, with an analytical study of some selected models, the poetry of prophetic praises, and Badi'iyat, with an analytical study of selected verses from Al-Burda's poem by Al-Busairi, the prosperity of Sufi poetry and its trends, the new poetic arts, the study of some poetic forms, and the study of artistic prose. and its directions, with the analysis of prose texts that illustrate the foundations on which each trend is based.

    00503 Science of Figures of peech 02 Compulsory 00403 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following topics: the concept of Budaiya science, its most important pioneers, and the moral creative improvements: (conformity, illusion of contradiction, interview, taking into account the peer, exaggeration, dumping, exaggeration, exaggeration, complement, pun, division, attention, confirmation of praise in a way that resembles slander and its opposite, theological doctrine, and wise style), and verbal improvements: (alliteration, rhyme, response to the deficit on the chest, the necessity of what is not necessary, budget, and legislation).

    00504 Semantics 02 Compulsory 00404 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the following: the definition of semantics, its origin, its relationship with other sciences, the history of the semantic lesson among the Indians, Greeks and Arabs, the definition of semantics and its types, semantic relations, modern semantic theories, semantic development, semantic unity, types of meaning in the Arab heritage and among the modernists, and problems of meaning through the study of the verbal common, antonym, and synonymy.

    00505 Ancient Literary Criticism 02 Compulsory 00302 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the concept of literary criticism, its topics, the culture of the literary critic, criticism in the pre-Islamic era, criticism in the early days of Islam and the Umayyad era, criticism in the third century: (criticism according to Ibn Salam al-Jamhi, criticism according to Al-Jahiz, criticism according to Ibn Qutayba, criticism according to Abdullah bin Al-Mu'taz), criticism in the fourth century: (criticism according to Ibn Tabataba Al-Alawi, criticism according to Abu Bakr Al-Suli, criticism according to Al-Amidi, criticism according to Qudamah bin Jaafar), and criticism in the fifth century: (Criticism according to Ibn Rashiq al-Qayrawani), and criticism in the sixth and seventh centuries: (criticism according to Ibn al-Atheer, and criticism according to Ibn Hazem al-Qartajni).

    00526 The Popular Literature 02 Elective 00404 00405 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the concept of Libyan folk literature, the importance of studying it, its relationship to the classical Arabic language, religious beliefs, myth, the poetic production of Libyan folk literature, and its various trends: (religious, social, political, and national), folk poetry and jihad against the Italians, folk poetry and Libyan history, folk poetry, wisdom and ideals, methods of folk poetry, weights, and terminology, and the prose product of Libyan folk literature, and its types: (expressions, methods, and popular terms, wisdom, proverbs, folk tale, and sheep, and puzzles, humanization of animals and inanimate objects), and the study of poetic and prose models to illustrate the literary manifestations in this heritage.

    00548 English Language (2) 02 University requirement 00447 +

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00626 Criticism Issues 02 Elective 00505 +

    This course is concerned with studying some of the critical issues that preoccupied the old critics, namely: the issue of bees according to Ibn Salam and Al-Jahiz, the issue of meaning: (in terms of truth and error, truth and lies, clarity and ambiguity, the relationship between meaning and the purposes of poetry, meaning and morals), the issue of pronunciation: (in terms of the standards of pronunciation when critics, pronunciation and colloquial through the views of Ibn Rashiq and Ibn al-Atheer), and the issue of building the Arabic poem: (In terms of knowledge, good disposal, unity of the house, and interpretation of the construction of the poem), and the issue of literary thefts: (in terms of theft terms, types of thefts, and critics' opinions on Al-Mutanabbi's thefts).

    00601 Grammer (6) 03 Compulsory 00501 +

    This course is concerned with the study of the call, distress, scar, marbling, jurisdiction, warning and temptation, nouns of verbs and sounds, what is forbidden to exchange, verb nouns and permissible, uses of «lo», «ama», «lola», «loma», «Hala», «ala», «ala», and «not», and the news of the who, the thousand and the lam, the provisions of the number, the uses of «km», «kay», «such», and the story.

    00602 Modern Literature 03 Compulsory 00502 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the modern Arab renaissance and its impact on literature, and identifying modern literary schools: (revival and resurrection, Apollo, and the diaspora), in terms of the concept of naming, its pioneers, their impact on the development of Arabic literature, models of their effects for study and analysis, and the study of the types of modern poetry: (vertical poetry, activation poetry, and prose poem), and the study of the types of modern Arabic prose: (story, short story, novel, theater, and article), in terms of its origin, development, importance, artistic construction, and selected models for study and analysis.

    00603 Stylistics 02 Compulsory 00504 +

    This course is concerned with studying the concept of style among ancient and modern Arab critics, the concept of stylistics, its origin, its relationship to linguistics, literary criticism and rhetoric, stylistic trends and methods, levels of stylistic analysis, and critical stylistic phenomena: (choice - installation - displacement).

    00604 The Libyan Literature 02 Compulsory 00502 +

    This course is concerned with identifying the concept of Libyan literature, its origin, the importance of studying it, identifying the prevailing culture and its impact on it, its different types: (poetry, story, theater, and article), its pioneers, their literary production, its artistic characteristics, and selected models for study and analysis.

    00627 Miracles Quranic and prophetic eloquence 02 Elective 00503 +

    This course is concerned with the study of two aspects: The first - the concept of Quranic miracles, and something of the history of research in it, and the most famous faces, with a focus on the rhetorical face, and the definition of it through literature that deals with research in the style of the Qur'an and the faces of its structures and the format of its letters and words, with sufficient evidence on these investigations. Second: Identifying the Prophet's rhetoric, explaining its characteristics through selected models, and its impact on literature.

    00605 Rhetorical Applications (1) 02 Compulsory 00503 +

    This course is concerned with developing the rhetorical taste of students, and providing them with the ability to realize the beauty points in the texts of the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet's hadith, poetry and prose of various kinds, through the rhetorical analysis of these texts, and the increase of discussions and applications that expand students' horizons and help them to taste rhetorically.

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00704 Linguistic Practices (1) 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with training on the grammatical and morphological rules that have already been studied, through texts from the Holy Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet, the poetry of the Arabs, and their sayings, as well as training on what has been studied in the course of prosody and rhyme when studying poetic texts.

    00705 Rhetorical Applications (2) 02 Compulsory 00605 +

    This course is concerned with developing the rhetorical taste of students, and providing them with the ability to realize the beauty points in the texts of the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet's hadith, poetry and prose of various kinds, through the rhetorical analysis of a group of texts that did not pass in the first level of the course.

    00726 Stylistic Practice 02 Compulsory 00603 +

    00727 Studies in Orientalism 02 Elective +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the concept of orientalism, its history, its field, its motives, its objectives, the means of orientalists in achieving their goals, the most important magazines they issue, the names of the most prominent orientalists and their most important books, their research balances, their position on the Arab heritage in language and literature, and the Arab position on the orientalist movement

    00703 Schools of Grammar 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with studying the origin of grammar, its schools, the origins of each school, its characteristics, its features, its most famous flags, and the movement of grammar renewal in the modern era.

    00702 Modern Literary Criticism 02 Compulsory 00602 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the relationship between criticism and literature, the most prominent critical terms, and Western criticism in the Renaissance, And modern Western criticism: (its development, and its most important flags, And its doctrines: classical, romantic, realism, naturalism, symbolism, and surrealism), Arab criticism and its most important issues, its connection to ancient Arab criticism, and its influence on criticism Modern Western - trends - pioneers - topics - and critical approaches Modern among the Arabs: (the impressionistic or impressionistic approach, the historical method, the psychological approach, the social method, the belief method, the formal approach, and the integrative approach), and literary genres: (lyric poetry, epic, play, tale on the tongue of animals, story, and article).

    00701 Comparative Literature 02 Compulsory 00602 +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the definition of comparative literature, its importance, purpose, subject, schools: (French school, American school, German school, Slavic school, and Arab school), knowledge that the comparative student must be armed with, fields of comparative literature, and its topics: (literary genres, human models, literary doctrines from a comparative view), and applied models.

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00801 Literary Text Analysis 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with explaining the concept of the literary text, the steps of its analysis, the methods of analysis: (the psychological method, the social method, and the structural approach), the nature, types and elements of poetry, and the analysis of selected texts of poetry, rhetoric, maqama, article, story and play.

    00802 Linguistic Practices (2) 02 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with training on the grammatical and morphological rules that have already been studied, through texts from the Holy Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet, the poetry of the Arabs, and their sayings, as well as training on what has been studied in the course of prosody and rhyme when studying poetic texts. The selected texts shall take into account their non-conformity with the texts studied at the first level of the course.

    00803 Graduation Project 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with applying what the student read in the courses of research methods, and the basics of research, by writing a research on a topic related to the Arabic language, and the research is discussed by a committee consisting of faculty members, and granting him the degree he deserves.

    00824 Linguistic Sign 02 Elective +

    This course is concerned with studying the following: the letter in language and idiomatically, composition in the letters of meanings, the sections of letters with different considerations, and issues related to the letters of meanings, such as their deletion, increase, and borrowing, and their role in linking parts of speech, and the uses of some of them, such as: hamza, «um», fulfillment, lam, «even» ...

    00825 Koranic readings 02 Elective +

    This course deals with the definition of Quranic readings, their types, the conditions of frequent readings, the definition of the ten reciters and their most famous salaries, the most famous owners of infrequent readings, the most important works in frequent readings and others, directing Quranic readings and authorship in it, the position of grammarians on Quranic readings, and the impact of different readings on the significance of the text.