موعد مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية- قسم اللغة الإنجليزية-كلية اللغات للباحثة يسرا الهادي علي حويتة

ستناقش بعون الله تعالى وقدرته يوم الثلاثاء 4-4-2023م. رسالة الماجستير  المقدمة من الباحثة  يسرا الهادي علي حويتة ، وعنوانها: 

Investigating the Application of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in EFL Classrooms for the First Year

Students at Faculty of Arts of Elmerghib University

تحت إشراف: د. فتحي محمد عقل

لجنة المناقشة

1.د. فتحي محمد عقل أستاذ مساعد جامعة طرابلس مشرفاً ومقرراً

2.د. إبتسام إبراهيم الدريدي أستاذ مساعد جامعة طرابلس عضواً داخلياً

3. د. عبدالسلام صالح الطنطاي أستاذ مشارك جامعة الزاوية عضواً خارجياً


This study was designed to investigate the attitudes of first year EFL teachers towards Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. The current study's epistemology is interpretivism, despite the fact that it uses a mixed method approach. There are two tools employed in this study. The first instrument is a questionnaire, which examines participants’ attitudes toward CLT principles and measures how challenging CLT implementation was thought to be by EFL teachers. The second instrument is semi-structured interviews to explore the attitudes of the participants toward CLT as well as the reasons for CLT implementation in terms of the factors that support and oppose CLT implementation in the Libyan context. The investigation was carried out in Alkhums town, the northern part of Libya. The study involved 54 first year EFL teachers from Elmerghib University's English department, including 10 interviewees and 44 questionnaire respondents. The data was analyzed descriptively (M and SD) and qualitatively. The results of the study showed that the teachers generally had positive opinions toward the adoption of CLT. The key elements that contribute to the failure or success of CLT implementation in Alkhums may be classified into four categories: educational factors, teacher factors, student factors, and CLT factors. The study's findings indicate that the educational system and teachers' communicative competence are essential for promoting CLT use in Libyan EFL classrooms.

المكان: قاعة المناقشات بكلية اللغات

رقم القرار 501
