Master in Psychology and Education

Faculty of Arts and Languages - Department of Psychology



Students study various research modules in educational and behavioral sciences to build the personality of his researcher, to study the various phenomena and behaviors of society, and direct them for the better, in accordance with the values of religion and authentic heritage.


  • Providing the student with the scientific and methodological foundations and methods of measurement and statistics in understanding and studying psychological phenomena during the completion of his scientific thesis.
  • Knowledge enrichment of the most important psychological educational issues.
  • Preparing and qualifying elements capable of criticism, analysis and deduction from theories, research and psychological studies.
  • Preparing specialists at a high level of competence and the ability to innovate and innovate.
  • Qualifying researchers who have the ability to prepare studies that contribute to solving some of the problems and issues faced by society.


  • Preparing researchers, psychologists and educators who are knowledgeably and professionally qualified.
  • Seeking to spread culture and psychological and educational knowledge and provide psychological and educational services to the relevant community institutions in order to achieve sustainable development, in accordance with Arab, regional and international standards, and excellence and leadership in the educational and psychological field, academically, research and professionally.
  • Work on the dissemination and development of psychological and educational knowledge, which contributes to building a modern and advanced society.
  • Certificate Rewarded

    Master Degree in Psychology and Education

    Entry Reuirements

    Students must have a first university degree or its equivalent from the faculties of arts, or its corresponding colleges, in the field of education and psychology.

    Students must submit an original copy of the transcript and the contents of all modules studied at the undergraduate level, as well as any other studies in his field of specialization.

    Approval of the employer for full-time employees to study partially or fully.

    Passing remedial or qualifying modules before joining the graduate program if his university degree is not equivalent to what is granted by the Faculty of Arts, Department of Education and Psychology, provided that these modules are not counted among the approved units required to obtain the degree   that the student seeks to obtain, and the period of their study is not counted within the period prescribed for obtaining the degree.

    Students are accepted according to the priority of their grades in the first university degree, with the exception of foreign students who have scholarships in implementation of agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries.

    The concerned department shall evaluate and equalize the modules studied by the student at a recognized university with other modules in the department, provided that their number or number of units does not exceed half the number of  units required to obtain the degree applied for.

    The minimum period spent by the student transferring to the faculty shall be at least half the period prescribed for obtaining the required degree, and this period may be reduced for students whose cases require it by a decision of the Dean of the faculty on the proposal of the competent department, and the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee at the faculty.

    Students must pass an entry exam to ensure his ability to continue studying at this stage.

    Study Plan

    The Master in Psychology and Education prepares students to qualify for Master in Psychology and Education. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 24 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    501 ت. ن. ع Educational statistics 03 Compulsory +

    The goal of this course is to enable the student to understand the theoretical background of statistical methods, how to use and interpret them, and deal with statistical packages in that.

    502 ت. ن. ع Advanced search methods 03 Compulsory +

    This course aims to provide the student with the necessary knowledge of the general foundations of scientific research methods and the sub-applications of those methods in the field of psychology.

    511 ت. ن. ع 03 Compulsory +

    The aim of this course is to provide the student with information and skills related to contemporary research, problems and issues in psychology. It includes reviewing the research that has been done in this field and conducting new research. It has to do with psychology, and trains the student to extract and discuss some problems that can be researched and studied. As well as introducing him to modern trends in psychology and the new concepts and strategies they include that can be applied with the aim of activating research and study in this field and its various applications.

    512 ت. ن. ع Psychological measures and tests 03 Compulsory +

    Familiarizing the student with the meaning of measurement and evaluation in the field of psychological education, its theories, symptoms, and conditions, along with familiarity with psychological phenomena that can be clearly measured, such as intelligence, special abilities, personal traits, aptitudes, and tendencies, in addition to being familiar with the types of tests, methods of preparing them, verifying their validity and stability, preparing their standards, and how to apply them, quote them, and translate them as well.

    521 ت. ن. ع Studies in management 03 Compulsory +

    This course focuses on introducing the student to modern trends in studies related to educational administration, and acquainting himself with the most important contemporary issues and challenges facing educational administration.

    522 ت. ن. ع Educational administration 03 Compulsory +

    This course includes an introduction to the most prominent theories in the field of educational administration in terms of their origins, sources, applied fields, and challenges facing educational administration.

    531 ت. ن. ع Studies in curricula 03 Compulsory +

    The course deals with the concept of the ancient and modern curriculum, the cultural foundations for building the curriculum, and the components and elements of the curriculum.

    541 ت. ن. ع Studies in the principles of education 03 Compulsory +

    The course deals with the concept of education and its importance, educational goals and the sources of their derivation, comparison between multiple educational philosophies, and a focus on the role of different educational media in the educational process.

    Elective Subjects

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    00514 03 Elective +

    00543 Improving thinking skills 03 Elective +

    The course focuses on facts, principles, laws, basic skills and concepts, and some thinking skills terminology, in addition to explaining the importance of developing thinking skills for the individual and society, and how to train in thinking methods and programmes.

    00709 Comparative educational systems 03 Elective +

    The course dealt with the nature of comparative education and its historical development, and presented models of education systems in the world and the factors affecting them, through comparison between education systems in the world, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Arab educational systems.

    532 ت. ن. ع Building and developing curricula 03 Compulsory +

    This course includes basic concepts and the application of theories and schools of thought in developing curricula.