Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Agricultural Engineering



Teaching engineering theories and their applications in agricultural fields, taking into account environmental standards and community needs, while employing engineering foundations to carry out research studies in the fields of agricultural engineering.


1. The use of engineering theories and their various applications with agricultural sciences in the fields of agricultural engineering.

2. Applying engineering theories in agricultural constructions, taking into account environmental standards and community needs.

3. Employ knowledge, engineering foundations and scientific skills to carry out research studies in the fields of agricultural engineering.

4. Work and compete in research centers to contribute to finding solutions to applied issues in the agricultural and environmental fields.

5. Keeping pace with the scientific and technical development in the fields of agricultural engineering.


A. Knowledge and understanding

A.1 Recognize the foundations of engineering sciences and agricultural sciences, and the close relationship between them and agricultural engineering.

A.2. Determines the properties and types of materials used in agricultural facilities according to environmental needs, as well as the capacity required to carry out agricultural production operations.

A.3. Recognize scientific research methods and techniques related to the fields of agricultural engineering.

A.4. Explains the results of research and scientific studies in presentations, technical reports, and scientific papers.

A.5 Comparing the available energy sources according to the requirements of agricultural production.

B. mental skills

1 Connects the foundations of theories, geometry and logos sciences in the field of agricultural engineering.

B.2 proposes design plans for agricultural establishments according to their environmental needs

B.3 Apply the methods of scientific research and its variants.

B.4 Analyzes the results and measurements of laboratory equipment, and presents them in the form of scientific reports.

Global Ecological Agriculture Standards.

c. Practical and professional skills

C.1 Applies the methods and foundations of engineering sciences and agricultural sciences in the fields of agricultural production.

C.2 Design various agricultural constructions according to environmental needs.

C.3 Diagnose research issues and deal with them within an integrated research team.

C.4 Employ knowledge, devices, equipment, and techniques in carrying out studies and scientific research within the fields of agricultural engineering.

C.5 Applies promising technologies in all fields of agricultural production machinery. General and transferable skills

D.1 Communicates and communicates with others.

D.2 Uses research methods, devices and modern technology.

D.3 Works effectively within a research, technical or advisory team that demonstrates his ability in his field.

D.4 Writes scientific reports and articles, and makes oral presentations.

 D.5 is committed to time and effort.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Engineering

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 146 units, which include 41 units of general subjects, and 54 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ZO1014 ZOOLOGY 04 University requirement +

AE 1004 04 General +

PH 1123 03 General +

MA 1113 03 General +

CH 1014 04 General +

BO 1014 04 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
1012 AR 02 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW1014 Principles of Soil Science 04 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW2014 Soil Physics 04 Compulsory SW1014 +

AEN1103 Principals of Surveying 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to identify the basics and works of surveying science used in architectural and civil constructions, identifying its various types such as land surveying and geodetic surveying, understanding cadastral calculation, survey methods, cadastral drawing, and geographic information systems, as well as studying the types of budgets and their calculation methods to find the necessary excavation and backfill cubes

AEN2004 Thermodynamic 04 Compulsory +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
3635AEN Strength of Materials 03 Compulsory +

The course deals with shear, tension and torsional forces and their effects on engineering parts such and rods, columns, beams, and gears. Knowing stresses resulted from different forces and their response as strain. Also the use of stress and strain calculation in selection of engineering parts and their design.

SW2153 Irrigation Science 03 Compulsory SW2014 +

The Irrigation Science course describes the importance and the role of water in the plant, also explains the movement of water in the soil, and describes the movement of water in the plant towards the atmosphere. During the study of this course, students learn to calculate the water requirements of crops, as well as the depth of irrigation water, irrigation time and irrigation frequency.

AEN2103 Farm Tractors 1 03 Compulsory +

The course deals with the principals and theory of internal combustion engines, the role of tractor as a source of power in agricultural operations, engine parts, important timing of engine operations, types of power and their transmission, also deals with tractors systems such as cooling, lubrication, fuel and exhaust, transmission, in addition to hydraulic and electrical systems.

AEN1603 Farm Machines 03 Compulsory +

The course explains the relationship between soil mechanics and tillage machinery. It explains the concept of plowing and its importance, and differentiates between the types of plows and their effects on the soil. It distinguishes between tillage machines in terms of their components and their two, and determines the types of agricultural machines according to the prevailing field conditions

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AEN3603 Workshop and Safety 03 Compulsory +

AEN2753 Farm Machinery (2) 03 Compulsory +

Explains the role of agricultural machinery and its impact on productivity and economic aspects. It explains the foundations of the various agricultural machines such as sowing machines, rulers, crop cultivation, operating systems and calibration. It explains the foundations of crop service machines such as fertilization machines and pest control machines. It explains the foundations of harvesting machines for fodder and grain crops and hay baling machines

AEN2703 Farm Tractors 2 03 Compulsory +

The course explains the importance of the agricultural tractor as a basic source of power in the agricultural process. Determines the power and its discharge to meet the different resistances, applies the laws and calculations to evaluate the performance of the engine and the tractor. The chart determines the forces, resistances, and balance of the tractor according to security and safety requirements. It clarifies the requirements for the completion of agricultural operations. Engine performance, a review of graphical and braking power calculations, engine efficiency and power losses calculation through the transmission system - Tractor tests - Characteristics and relationships of soil preparation equipment - The relationship between tractor and soil preparation equipment - Forces, resistances and tractor stability - Mathematical applications - Power-based discharge. Traction force required to face different resistances - Computational applications on power discharge - Safety rules

AEN2603 Rural Electrification 03 Compulsory +

The course clarifies basic electrical concepts and introduces devices for measuring electrical quantities. It applies the initial principles of methods and theories for analysing electrical circuits of direct current. It identifies alternative and renewable energy sources (solar energy) to generate electric power. It applies the basic principles of alternating current circuits, methods of analysis and calculations, forms and types of power, and explains The theory of electric motors and their applications in agricultural pumps and mechanization of barns. Measurement systems - electrical circuit elements, current types - electrical circuit components - voltage - resistors - power and energy - measuring devices. Sources of voltage and direct current - Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws for voltage and current, methods of theories and circuit analysis. Alternative and renewable energy sources (solar energy) to generate electric power - single-phase alternating current, Elements of alternating current circuits: capacitors - capacitive impedance - coils - inductive impedance - sinusoidal response of coils, capacitors and alternating current circuits - electrical circuit impedance - apparent power - compound power and three-phase alternating current: source connections - source connections to triple loads - theoretical power. Elements of alternating current circuits: capacitors - capacitive impedance - coils - inductive impedance - sinusoidal response of coils, capacitors and alternating current circuits - electrical circuit impedance - apparent power - compound power and three-phase alternating current: source connections - source connections to triple loads - theoretical power.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AEN3971 Seminar 01 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AEN3703 Machine Design 03 Compulsory +

AEN 3203 Farm Pumps 03 Compulsory +

Course: Explains the importance of hydraulic pumps, identifies losses in pumping operations, calculates the required lift, and identifies the types and capacities of pumps suitable for use in agricultural applications.The course studies the types of pumps used in hydraulic circuits, their components and applications, and the hydraulics of pumps (pump lift - water losses from pump parts. And (pump performance laws - pump selection), pump installation (in series - parallel) and operation, testing pumps according to the design specifications of power stations. Pumping, the phenomenon of cavitation in pumps - (common problems in pumps - types of maintenance required), and computer applications (applications on pumps using CNC machines

AEN 3104 Farm Buildings 04 Compulsory +

This course aims to identify the basics and techniques of architectural constructions such as calculating and counting architectural quantities, drawing and reading architectural plans, analyzing the materials used in construction, calculating the cubes of columns, beams, ceilings and concrete bases, and how to conduct an assessment for the purpose of estimating the cost of buildings. In addition to identifying the types of barns in terms of components, use and installation Learn about the types of contracts.

3902 AEN Advanced Topics 02 Compulsory +

The course deals with new and promising applications in mechanization, computer application, digital applications, renewable resources, environment, and food preservation and processing. The focus is on the basics of these technologies and their suitability to the local conditions, in additions to the modifications to such technologies to suit local conditions.